Well, people know about it now.So, this is my 4000th Post.
I'd like to thank some certain people here on SmashBoards.
@ Mega Dunsparce , for being my best friend, and staying off the forums! Seriously, don't go on the forums. I already have an "eh" reputation.
@APC99, for leading Smash Bros. Affinity! It makes me so happy to see an idea I had actually going somewhere! Long Live Affinity!
@Louie G., @SuperBrawler, @TORNADO BUS DRIVER, @Lozjam, @SchAlternate, @MopedOfJustice, and everyone else on the Affinity team that I'm too lazy to tag! Thanks so much for helping with this project!
@ Rocket Raccoon , @dimensionsword64, @Tepig2000, and everyone else in the Exclusive V.I.P. Club of V.I.P.s! Nobody will ever find out about that group.
@lonekonwolf "Konnie", @LumaOkami, @PrincessZelda19, @LinkmasterX9, and @ShadowGanon, for all those fun times in our "Friend" PMs.
And most of all, I'd like to thank the Mod Squad for all those infractions! Those were great!
To another 1,000!
EDIT: I forgot to thank you @ Sehnsucht . Last night was amazing.
I've made @legendofrob1's name come true.