Are you talking about the Japanese perception one or the Smash Poll that I held?it's not good because....look, I would have to tell how I can react in presence of not continuous logic and I'm not going there, let's just say that I can be _particularily_ mad if I can't process something I find not making any sense....
I was supposed to add the link, hence why the the thread tittle.....they are @PushDustIn one....he's actually supposed to have some results soon which explains why I didn;t link them. I however knew preliminairy result enough to actually be ok to claim what I claim in the thread, I just wait for the result which I know will come soon.
As for why they are reliable....this user is just known to be trusted here. Before, I could actually link an old shorts poll, but that one was more rudimentary, showed similar results as the one I would have linked. Most importantly, I always never believed he was popular in Japan because I had until a month ago, no evidence. The japan poll showed that he was way hgiher than i expected (I honestly though he would have been int he middle while he's leaning to the top).
Anyway, I asked you to read both counterarguments...these are not under construction and you read the one about the chnaces as well as the why does he deserve....these ARE under construction.
Japanese Perception here.
The DLC Data was released before the direct. You can organize by language.
Viewable data (Still reorganizing it) Excuse the mess.
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