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Social Smash 4 Social Thread 5.0: ITT - ANYTHING CAN CHANGE! Including the page we end at.

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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
lol for some reason i feel like i need to ask if this image is safe to use as an avi/profile image @ FalKoopa FalKoopa
even though i feel like its safe i just feel like i should clarify first.
I don't see anything wrong with it. :confused:

And really, you don't have to be that afraid. We don't bite unless you're unruly.

Last edited:


Embwace Twanquility
May 5, 2015
I don't see anything wrong with it. :confused:

And really, you don't have to be that afraid. We don't bite infract unless you're unruly.

oh yeah, i know.
i just figured cause he kinda was only covered on the bottom half that i should ask lol.
thanks though :4pacman:

Deleted member

Yeah i will pass that soon probably. But hey, at least i am still with the great nation of Yellowarnia, right?

By the way, should I keep the current art style for my next icon, or use something else?

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC

By the way, should I keep the current art style for my next icon, or use something else?
I don't known, what art style you will use? I really like your current art style frankly.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC


Prince Bowser was the son of a criminal on the run (no,seriously), who was being raised by the magikoopa Kamek. Suddenly, a green dinosaur named Yoshi emerged. Kamek woke Baby Bowser up from his nap to find that green dinosaur. He wanted to ride onto the beast, but instead of letting him, that guy beat the living **** out of him. He soon despised not Yoshi, but the baby that was on his back as he pummeled Bowser: Mario.

Yoshi, c'mon. Don't just start iconic rivalries like that, it's child and animal abuse. :4yoshi:

Age : ?
Weight : Said to be around 600 lbs (272 kg)
Height : Varies / Changes
Race : Koopa
Bowser is a powerhouse. He is able to punch through stone pillars and blocks with ease. A single charged punch could send the heaviest enemy back a good distance. His claws and horns can be used for offensive measures. He also uses his shell for an offensive tool when needed. Just by simply jumping or slamming his tail down, he can send shockwaves around him.
Not only is he a good powerhouse, but he is also an astounding tank. Bowser has taken many hits before, and has survived them all. His shell is also a good defensive tool, deflecting projectiles coming directly above him. He can punch back projectiles for a defensive measure. Over the years, he has learned to become immune to fire projectiles.
Bowser isn't the fastest. At a normal speed, he's usually slow or sluggish. However, he has been able to make short stampedes and has amazing jumping skills like Mario, but they come out much stronger. Bowser is actually an impressive swimmer, but hates swimming as a whole. In his shell, Bowser can become slightly faster than before, but cannot do too much while in it.
Bowser has three ways of using his breath along with other facts:
Bowser will create a stream of fire using his mouth. Bowser is able to angle or move the stream by moving. It does slowly run out of range after a while. He can charge this breath, but too much can make it a dud.
Bowser's most likely preferred form of fire; used for range. Bowser can shoot multiple shots at once or one giant shot at a time. He can manipulate his shots to create a fiery rain, but it is slow. It will disappear after a while of not hitting.
Thanks to a mushroom, Bowser is able to inhale anything in his path, whether it's to heal himself or give the enemy a disadvantage. It seems Bowser can cough out what he has inhaled, or enemies can escape his body.
  • His fire can be shot out even underwater
  • Blue fire (naturally hotter) can also be shot among the red/orange ones; can home in.

Bowser is a wizard, and a damn good one.
  • Imposters - Bowser is able to transform simple enemies into himself with the same abilities as him and everything. Their true face will be revealed once they are defeated.
  • Curses - Bowser can curse anything to be transformed into bricks, bushes, plants. etc. The only thing that can rival his curse is an opposing force that can lift it (ex. Peach)
  • Manipulation - Bowser can manipulate his size by using Dark Magic. He can also teleport short distances as seen in Super Mario 64.
NOTE : I may use the Smash Bros. names for these moves, but that does not mean I am talking about that version
Bowser has many attacks, including:
  • Poison Bite - A poisonous bite, of course. It also poisons the enemy. What else is there?
  • Claw Swipes - He just swipes his claws. Nothing special
  • Punch (Charge/Slide) - A punch that can be charged for extra damage. He can also slide while punching, giving him some speed along the process. Charging too much will make him trip.
  • Whirling Fortress - Bowser begins to get into his shell and spin around; can make small hops.
  • (Tail) Slam - Bowser slams into the ground. Usually used for breaking through floors or switches, he can alternatively slam his tail down. Both versions can create shockwaves, stunning the opponent.
  • Spike Roll - Intended for maneuvering, this can be used offensively if thrown at an enemy. If on fire, he can make a fiery rain by bouncing onto the walls.
  • Bowser Bomb - Bowser slams onto the ground using his bottom. This ground pound was used since he was a baby. It can create shockwaves and break portions of solid brick.
  • Terrorize - Bowser summons a Big Boo to scare his opponent, inflicting Fear (Attack and Defense cut in half)
  • Poison Gas - A Mokura (basically a poison cloud) spews toxins onto enemies, poisoning them.
  • Crusher - Bowser summons a pillar of earth to deal major damage onto an enemy.
  • Bowser Crush - A large Mechakoopa stomps into the enemies, which are in it's path. It will leave after stomping by the enemies.
  • Goomba Storm - Bowser takes out a horde of Goombas and makes them charge at the enemy. Bowser can shoot them with fire to send them up and fall on their enemy for extra damage.
  • Shy Guy Squad - A horde of 6 Shy Guys push Bowser into a rope with 3 Shy Guys on each side holding it down. The farther Bowser is pushed back determines the damage when he is flung at the enemy.
  • Koopa Corps - Two Koopas in their shells hit the enemy, but return into the opposite direction. Bowser must hit them with his own shell to deal damage Pong-styled.
  • Bob-Omb Blitz - Bowser must use his horde of bombs to blow up into the enemy by lining them up single-file into them. The more Bob-Ombs in line determine damage.
  • Magikoopa Mob - Bowser must trace a line to connect the Magikoopa's wands for a magic attack. Fire can be shot at a wand to amp up the power.
  • Broggy Bonker - Broggy, the pet of Broque Moniseur, must be cleaned to attack the enemy. If fully clean, he will attack while bringing his Blitties as well to attack.
  • Flails - Bowser holds many flails, including a female Chain Chomp to swing at an enemy.
  • Hurly Gloves - Gloves designed to throw Mario as a weapon. He will come back when thrown
  • Drill Claws - They're claws with drills, nothing else. They drill. End of Story.
  • Hammer/Bone - Bowser throws hammers. Multiple can be thrown at once; if he has become Dry Bowser, he throws bones instead.
  • Robot Suit - Bowser has a robot suit equipped with two blasters. The only way to beat it is by shooting into the blasters themselves.
The star rod is an ancient rod that lets any wish come true. Bowser heard this and easily kidnapped it because plot.
Once Bowser stole the rod, he imprisoned the seven Star Spirits into sick trading cards. The rod can do things such as:
  • Magic - Bowser can summon lightning and shoot a wave of magic from his rod as well as recover his own health and double his power.
  • Wish - Like I said, any wish comes true. Bowser wished for invincibility, so he got invincibility.

The only things that can counter the Star Rod's power is the Star and Peach Beam, which uses the power of the seven Star Spirits. If it's the Peach Beam, a wish is added. Riveting stuff here.
Bowser's most iconic vehicle, this baby is packed with weapons.
  • Big Steelies - Giant balls made of steel. They roll in a specific direction.
  • Mechakoopa - Toys that look like Bowser, they blow up after walking for a while. If not, they will simply wind back up and start walking again. They also have the ability to breathe fire. It can be the Clown Car's downfall.
  • Eyes - If the eyes create a flash, anyone in it's view temporarily turns into stone.
  • Bullet Bills - With Blasters on it's sides, they shoot homing Bullet Bills at the opponent.
  • Laser Gun - Finally, it has a laser gun inside it's mouth that shoots...you know, lasers.

The car also has an autopilot and can be driven by anyone. Even Mario can drive it.
Bowser's most recent vehicle, this car has some tricks up it's sleeves. This brand of car is reccomended by pimps.
The only real weapon this car contains are Kick Bombs, which are Soccer-Ball like bombs. It can be kicked back at the car, which can be it's downfall. As it gets damaged more, it moves faster. It can also jump without a driver controlling it. Bowser is able to shoot fire from the back because of this.
  • Power-Ups - Bowser can use power-ups the same way as Mario, but the only ones that have been used by Bowser were the Super Leaf, Double Cherry, and the Super Bell, which transforms him into Meowser.
  • Shells - Bowser can use Koopa shells as a projectile by kicking them. Nothing else here, really.
Bowser has a few transformations and/or other forms with him:
  • Dry Bowser - Spoopy Skeleton Bowser. Nothing really changes here, but he can use his bones as a projectile.
  • Meowser - Cat Bowser basically. It holds the same abilities as the Super Bell.
  • Big Bowser - By using dark magic or an adrenaline rush, Bowser will increase in size. In this size, he gets the bigger buffs you expect when someone grows. He does gain the ability to just walk through lava.
Bowser can be arrogant and aggresive when it comes to a fight. He can be easily aggrovated and tricked. When he's mad, he does not usually think through, but rather letting his fists do the talking. His plans aren't always the best, but he does not give up when it comes to his plans. If someone is intervening or "outdoing" him in his plans, his objective changes to rid of that person or object so nothing can stop him in his path later. Loyalty is something he also very fond of, and won't take abandonment very well unless the deserters can to something in return to come back to his army.
Bowser has survived:
  • Being blown up, crushed, and electrocuted
  • Falling from a far height
  • Diving in lava so many times
  • Being frozen, then shattering

However, he has pulled through some other things besides being a master Bear Grylls turtle.
  • Pulled himself out of and created a black hole
  • Pulled an entire small island and lifted a giant fortess
  • Created his own galaxy
  • Tanked and fought through Dark Bowser's "dark hurricane".
  • Large arsenal / Several approach options
  • Can be Offensive and Defensive
  • Durability and Strength
  • Fire is a strong tool, working even underwater
  • Dark Magic helps, I guess.
  • Focused on his goals and won't stop until he is down for good.
  • Apparently really good at kidnapping/stealing stuff (like the Star Rod)
  • Not as agile or fast in a neutral state
  • Not too smart, but not completely dumb
  • Easily aggrovated and/or tricked
  • Vehicles' own weapons can be used against them
  • Several attacks uses minions, who aren't too reliable
  • Constantly defeated by the Mario Bros., Toads, and one time Peach and Waluigi

Ganondorf Dragmire (nice name) was born as a male Gerudo, said to be born once every 100 years. He was taken care by Koume and Kotake, aka Twinrova. Being as the male, it was Ganondorf's destiny to be the King of Gerudo. As the King of Thieves, he learnt about how his desert life isn't as cool as everyone elses, so he decided to raid that **** and get the Triforce with the help of his gifted magical powers. He eventually succeeds, but since he's such a meanie he only gets a part of it: The Triforce of Power. He tries to take over the world, doesn't then is sealed away into another realm as more plot ensues as he becomes a pigman. We get it, it's a long story. He just keeps coming back and going back, nothing else to it, really.

Oh yeah, he's also the reincarnation of Demise.

Age - ?
Weight - ?
Height - 7"6 (230 cm)
Race - Gerudo, Demon
Ganondorf, wielding the Triforce of Power, would obviously be very strong. Even without it, he has proven to be powerful. He can nearly destroy his throne room floor in a single punch. He does not usually use his fists in battle aside from Smash Bros., but rather swords. He is very talented with swords, and chips in good damage when using them. As for Ganondorf's magic abilities, he is also proficient at that. He can summon lighting, lightning balls, and fire. His most recognized magical move of all is the Dead Man's Volley.
Holding the Triforce of Power, Ganondorf can take fatal wounds like it was just a scratch and keep fighting. Unless the Triforce of Power is gone, Ganondorf cannot really "die". He has survived a full on attack from Midna after she fused with the Fushed Shadow and his own execution. He still can be stunned by certain weapons/attacks though.
Ganondorf is somewhat fast. He doesn't even need to really focus on speed when he traps his enemy in a barrier around him. He has shown to use his speed to the best he can in Wind Waker, making huge leaps while using his two swords.
Ganon is more magical oriented, using ranged attacks rather than physical ones. He can use his trident or dual swords, but he usually prefers to use magical attacks in this form more.
Ganon basically has the same defense as Ganondorf. End of Story.
Ganon isn't fast either, but he has the ability to teleport, which is very useful for evasion or suprise attacks.
Most of Ganon(dorf)'s abilities are magic related and already discussed, except for the Twilight powers.
In Twilight Princess, Ganondorf is able to take in Twili power and hatred to give himself extra power. He can also generate Twilight portals and barriers than need the Fused Shadow to destroy completely.
  • Dead Man's Volley - Ganondorf's most recognized attacks. Ganondorf brings up a ball of light and shoots it at his opponent. To counter it, it must be hit and sent back to Ganondorf. As it keeps getting hit, it gets faster until someone takes the hit.
  • Darkness Wave - Using the Triforce of Power, Ganondorf shoots a wave of darkness at his opponent. This leaves the opponent unable to move or sends them back
  • Quake Punch - When he punches the ground, it emits shockwaves and can also destroy parts of a room he's in
  • Lightning Balls - Ganondorf brings up another ball of light, but instead of throwing it, it separatges into several smaller orbs that are thrown at the opponent from all directions; is vulnerable during the charge.
  • Fire Bats - Ganon can summon bats made of fire and throw them at his enemy. They are formed and thrown in a circular pattern.
  • Energy Ball - Like Ganondorf, Ganon can shoot an energy ball from his weapon.
  • Fireballs - Along with bats, he can shoot a single fireball at his enemy as well. Once he shoots a large fireball, it can be split into three smaller fireballs.
  • Trident Throw - Ganon can throw his trident in a boomerang fashion. However, he remains still during this and is vulnerable to attacks.
  • Jump - Ganon jumps and causes the enemy to be temporarily paralyzed
  • Broadsword - As seen in the Ocarina of Time manga, Ganondorf holds a sword that has the ability to have his dark energy channeled through it.
  • Twin Scimitars - As seen in Wind Waker, Ganondorf can attack multiple times with these swords along with a jump attack that is superior to Link's by both damage and jump distance.
  • Sword of the Sages - Ganondorf's most canon recent sword, it can be weld by Ganondorf both one and two-handed. This was attempted to be the sword that killed Ganondorf, but it obviously didn't.
  • Trident - Ganon's most used weapon, the trident can be used at a long-reached weapon and a projectile.
  • Dual Swords - Ganon also holds two giant swords that he can use. However, he is slightly vulnerable right before swinging his swords.
Besides Ganon, Ganondorf has other transformations he could use.
Beast Ganon is a...more beastial form of Ganon. In this form, Ganon goes wild, wrecking everything in his path. It is implied by Ganondorf himself that he has some, but not a lot. It is also implied that he can change in and out of this form at will. His weak spot is the same as Ganondorf's (which I will reveal later)
This is Ganon's alter-ego. This form is a powerful wizard which can do the following:
  • Dead Man's Volley
  • Fireball Attack (if hit, fireballs will fling out)
  • Lightning Attack
  • Copy himself into duplicates

Like Ganondorf, the Dead Man's Volley can stun him. After being defeated, Ganon will emerge as a bat and fly away. Or he could just transform right there, I don't know.
Ganondorf has an ego, let's get that out. He is consumed by greed, evil, and obviously power. He holds an insane lust for power. His goal is to take over the world with the Triforce, and he does not stop. He believes he is invincible thanks to the Triforce of Power, which leaves him to underestimate opponents. But he also has a temper than when triggered, he can go onto a murderous rampage.

He is very manipulative and calculating. He is a very skilled strategist, making Link open the Door of Time for him. He only fights who he deems worthy. He has lived through centuries, becoming more mature over the years. It is stated that the reason he took over Hyrule was for the green landscapre over the desert the Gerudos previously inhabited.
Ganondorf has survived many things, such as:
  • Being attacked by Midna when fused with the Fused Shadow
  • Crushed underneath his own castle
  • Numerous fatal wounds
  • His own execution, then to later kill the Sage of Water

He has also created portals to other dimensions and has corrupted lands so many times.
  • Very powerful magician/swordsman
  • Can change into other forms, each with their own advantages
  • Triforce of Power gives immunity to fatal wounds
  • Good strategist
  • Literally centuries of experience and ruling something
  • Can underestimate his foes
  • Able to be distracted by things such as fishing rods or nets
  • Physical body can be destroyed despite the Triforce of Power
  • Weak to holy/light weapons as well as his own attack (Dead Man's Volley)
  • Most importantly, has a giant gaping hole in his chest

Here's your winrar of the day

...lost. :4ganondorf: lost.
The real winner here is :4bowser:
Please don't kill me. :4pacman: I'll explain it, I promise!

"But what about the Triforce of Power?"
"Only the Master Sword of Holy Weapons could kill him. When did Bowser have that?"

Okay, here's the deal. It's long, but I'll keep it in a tab for those who want more than that.
If we're going by the Triforce of Power argument here, then are you saying that if Ganondorf was ripped limb by limb, charred up into flames, ripped some more, burnt into ashes, then put into a vase and thrown into the sun, he would be just peachy? No. No, you would be dead beyond dead.

But that's just Ganondorf's physical body. If you actually read the whole thing instead of just assuming by what you knew from a fact, Ganondorf has been rid of his physical body before, but his soul was intact. Think of M.Bison.

We can take this fact from Malladus, a reincarnation of Ganondorf. When Malladus is in soul form, he/she/i don't remember holds the ability to possess others. "Then why didn't Ganondorf possess Bowser?". Long story short, Star Rod. "But what about without the Star Rod? Is the Star Rod the only thing that makes Bowser win?" No. If we're going without it, then reasoning is that he has fought with spirits before: the Boos. "Oh, I totally forgot about them." It's okay fake person, we all make mistakes sometimes.

However, people do say that the Boos are solid when they aren't being invisible and still since you can punch them, therefore not being true ghosts. Okay then, let's just go off for a second and go to Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. In Linguini's Manshoe: Dork Moonshine, the Boos are seen being invisible and mobile, so they can do more than just sit there. Then in Super Mario World they can pass through solids while being "solid". "But that's a 2D Game!" Fine, New Super Mario Bros then. Don't be picky, man. Finally, as seen in Mario Party DS, Boos can slightly possess others, making them dizzy similar to Poes in Wind Waker. It's King Boo who does the full on possessing and has possessed while fighting with Bowser. So they are true ghosts that Bowser has fought before, so he should have not much of a problem dealing with Ganondorf's spirit before his body comes back centuries later.

When talking about pure physical strength, :4bowser: is the man.
A single punch can send the heaviest enemy flying. Then there's the whole island pulling and castle lifting.
Yes, Ganon(dorf) has his swords, Bowser has non-magical projectiles and power-ups to keep distance. Speaking of power-ups, Bowser can use the Double Cherry. Talk about an unfair situation when one of your weaknesses is your tail.

Now magic goes to :4ganondorf: for obvious reasons.
Bowser has no real magic attacks, only curses and shenanigans. Ganondorf has curses he can pull off too, and actual magic attacks alongside Agahnimns or Bowser's ability to create black holes. Well, I guess you can just make a portal to escape the black hole, so points to him.

Ranged attacks go to :4bowser:
This could also go along with magic, but Bowser has so many ranged attacks, whether it's his fire, shells, his robot suit, or even the weapons of his vehicles. He has so many of them to choose from while Ganon(dorf) has only a select few.

Durability goes to :4bowser:
Now yes, Ganondorf has been fatally stabbed and survived, I know that. And what you would expect was the Supernova feat...if I listed it. The Lumas have stated they protected everyone, even Bowser, when resetting the universe. Because if Bowser did survive that Supernova, then by logic the ****ing Bee Queen would've been tougher than Ganondorf as well.

But what I mean by durability is just defensive capabilities, not survival feats. Bowser's shell is capable of taking hits pretty well from above. He can also deflect or reflect projectiles by punching them. He has many options to defend himself. Ganondorf kind of just sits/floats there, waiting to attack and defend. When using his swords is where he becomes more defensive, though. He is able to defend right after he attacks, but a crippling downfall is that he can be easily distracted by objects such as fishing rods, letting his guard down. As for magic attacks, Bowser is immune to small fire attacks, so RIP Fire Bats. Also, Ganondorf's Wave of Darkness has no effect considering Bowser tanked and went through a dark hurricane. Finally, the Dead Man's Volley can be countered either if Bowser punches it or reflects it with the Tanooki tail from the Super Leaf.

Speed goes to :4bowser:
Bowser has been seen going fast in SM64, outrunning Mario. He has also been seen jumping far horizontally and vertically while also causing shockwaves that can stun you in time for him to potentially run at you again. Yes, Ganondorf is fast in the Wind Waker, but doesn't jump as high or long as Bowser. Ganondorf does attack and defend almost instantly after, but you know I already said he gets distracted. Also, Bowser can teleport as well alongside Ganon as seen in SM64.

Even if Beast Ganon is faster, Ganondorf has only little control over the beast, and the beast can be knocked down.

Now pure agility (how fast you attack) goes to :4ganondorf: solely based on how fast he is when he attacks in swordplay. He can even do a swift combo in seconds. Bowser has fast swipes, but everything else aren't as fast or needs to be charged or has a delay before the actual attack.

Experience goes to :4ganondorf:
Sure, Bowser may have been ruling a kingdom and training for decades since he was a baby, but Ganondorf has been doing that as well for centuries. At least Ganondorf is actually successful when he invades a place.

So have I ranted enough yet or am I still going to get negative responses? Just remember this is my take on it. Believe who you think would win. My part just says Bowser, and pretty much everyone else's here says Ganondorf. :4pacman:

I worked hard on this and I hope you guys like it! :4dk:
i am going to be crucified for this

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
For every person that like FNAF here. I have found something big.

The event in FNAF 4 pass in 1983, so this can't be the Bite of '87. More like the Bite of '83. Scott fool us again.
Mao Emote 2.png

Are we going to known who did the Bite of '87 one day? In the futur DLC? Who known at this point frankly?

Mr Snakey

Odango bazooka!
Jul 6, 2014
Liar Mountain


Prince Bowser was the son of a criminal on the run (no,seriously), who was being raised by the magikoopa Kamek. Suddenly, a green dinosaur named Yoshi emerged. Kamek woke Baby Bowser up from his nap to find that green dinosaur. He wanted to ride onto the beast, but instead of letting him, that guy beat the living **** out of him. He soon despised not Yoshi, but the baby that was on his back as he pummeled Bowser: Mario.

Yoshi, c'mon. Don't just start iconic rivalries like that, it's child and animal abuse. :4yoshi:

Age : ?
Weight : Said to be around 600 lbs (272 kg)
Height : Varies / Changes
Race : Koopa
Bowser is a powerhouse. He is able to punch through stone pillars and blocks with ease. A single charged punch could send the heaviest enemy back a good distance. His claws and horns can be used for offensive measures. He also uses his shell for an offensive tool when needed. Just by simply jumping or slamming his tail down, he can send shockwaves around him.
Not only is he a good powerhouse, but he is also an astounding tank. Bowser has taken many hits before, and has survived them all. His shell is also a good defensive tool, deflecting projectiles coming directly above him. He can punch back projectiles for a defensive measure. Over the years, he has learned to become immune to fire projectiles.
Bowser isn't the fastest. At a normal speed, he's usually slow or sluggish. However, he has been able to make short stampedes and has amazing jumping skills like Mario, but they come out much stronger. Bowser is actually an impressive swimmer, but hates swimming as a whole. In his shell, Bowser can become slightly faster than before, but cannot do too much while in it.
Bowser has three ways of using his breath along with other facts:
Bowser will create a stream of fire using his mouth. Bowser is able to angle or move the stream by moving. It does slowly run out of range after a while. He can charge this breath, but too much can make it a dud.
Bowser's most likely preferred form of fire; used for range. Bowser can shoot multiple shots at once or one giant shot at a time. He can manipulate his shots to create a fiery rain, but it is slow. It will disappear after a while of not hitting.
Thanks to a mushroom, Bowser is able to inhale anything in his path, whether it's to heal himself or give the enemy a disadvantage. It seems Bowser can cough out what he has inhaled, or enemies can escape his body.
  • His fire can be shot out even underwater
  • Blue fire (naturally hotter) can also be shot among the red/orange ones; can home in.

Bowser is a wizard, and a damn good one.
  • Imposters - Bowser is able to transform simple enemies into himself with the same abilities as him and everything. Their true face will be revealed once they are defeated.
  • Curses - Bowser can curse anything to be transformed into bricks, bushes, plants. etc. The only thing that can rival his curse is an opposing force that can lift it (ex. Peach)
  • Manipulation - Bowser can manipulate his size by using Dark Magic. He can also teleport short distances as seen in Super Mario 64.
NOTE : I may use the Smash Bros. names for these moves, but that does not mean I am talking about that version
Bowser has many attacks, including:
  • Poison Bite - A poisonous bite, of course. It also poisons the enemy. What else is there?
  • Claw Swipes - He just swipes his claws. Nothing special
  • Punch (Charge/Slide) - A punch that can be charged for extra damage. He can also slide while punching, giving him some speed along the process. Charging too much will make him trip.
  • Whirling Fortress - Bowser begins to get into his shell and spin around; can make small hops.
  • (Tail) Slam - Bowser slams into the ground. Usually used for breaking through floors or switches, he can alternatively slam his tail down. Both versions can create shockwaves, stunning the opponent.
  • Spike Roll - Intended for maneuvering, this can be used offensively if thrown at an enemy. If on fire, he can make a fiery rain by bouncing onto the walls.
  • Bowser Bomb - Bowser slams onto the ground using his bottom. This ground pound was used since he was a baby. It can create shockwaves and break portions of solid brick.
  • Terrorize - Bowser summons a Big Boo to scare his opponent, inflicting Fear (Attack and Defense cut in half)
  • Poison Gas - A Mokura (basically a poison cloud) spews toxins onto enemies, poisoning them.
  • Crusher - Bowser summons a pillar of earth to deal major damage onto an enemy.
  • Bowser Crush - A large Mechakoopa stomps into the enemies, which are in it's path. It will leave after stomping by the enemies.
  • Goomba Storm - Bowser takes out a horde of Goombas and makes them charge at the enemy. Bowser can shoot them with fire to send them up and fall on their enemy for extra damage.
  • Shy Guy Squad - A horde of 6 Shy Guys push Bowser into a rope with 3 Shy Guys on each side holding it down. The farther Bowser is pushed back determines the damage when he is flung at the enemy.
  • Koopa Corps - Two Koopas in their shells hit the enemy, but return into the opposite direction. Bowser must hit them with his own shell to deal damage Pong-styled.
  • Bob-Omb Blitz - Bowser must use his horde of bombs to blow up into the enemy by lining them up single-file into them. The more Bob-Ombs in line determine damage.
  • Magikoopa Mob - Bowser must trace a line to connect the Magikoopa's wands for a magic attack. Fire can be shot at a wand to amp up the power.
  • Broggy Bonker - Broggy, the pet of Broque Moniseur, must be cleaned to attack the enemy. If fully clean, he will attack while bringing his Blitties as well to attack.
  • Flails - Bowser holds many flails, including a female Chain Chomp to swing at an enemy.
  • Hurly Gloves - Gloves designed to throw Mario as a weapon. He will come back when thrown
  • Drill Claws - They're claws with drills, nothing else. They drill. End of Story.
  • Hammer/Bone - Bowser throws hammers. Multiple can be thrown at once; if he has become Dry Bowser, he throws bones instead.
  • Robot Suit - Bowser has a robot suit equipped with two blasters. The only way to beat it is by shooting into the blasters themselves.
The star rod is an ancient rod that lets any wish come true. Bowser heard this and easily kidnapped it because plot.
Once Bowser stole the rod, he imprisoned the seven Star Spirits into sick trading cards. The rod can do things such as:
  • Magic - Bowser can summon lightning and shoot a wave of magic from his rod as well as recover his own health and double his power.
  • Wish - Like I said, any wish comes true. Bowser wished for invincibility, so he got invincibility.

The only things that can counter the Star Rod's power is the Star and Peach Beam, which uses the power of the seven Star Spirits. If it's the Peach Beam, a wish is added. Riveting stuff here.
Bowser's most iconic vehicle, this baby is packed with weapons.
  • Big Steelies - Giant balls made of steel. They roll in a specific direction.
  • Mechakoopa - Toys that look like Bowser, they blow up after walking for a while. If not, they will simply wind back up and start walking again. They also have the ability to breathe fire. It can be the Clown Car's downfall.
  • Eyes - If the eyes create a flash, anyone in it's view temporarily turns into stone.
  • Bullet Bills - With Blasters on it's sides, they shoot homing Bullet Bills at the opponent.
  • Laser Gun - Finally, it has a laser gun inside it's mouth that shoots...you know, lasers.

The car also has an autopilot and can be driven by anyone. Even Mario can drive it.
Bowser's most recent vehicle, this car has some tricks up it's sleeves. This brand of car is reccomended by pimps.
The only real weapon this car contains are Kick Bombs, which are Soccer-Ball like bombs. It can be kicked back at the car, which can be it's downfall. As it gets damaged more, it moves faster. It can also jump without a driver controlling it. Bowser is able to shoot fire from the back because of this.
  • Power-Ups - Bowser can use power-ups the same way as Mario, but the only ones that have been used by Bowser were the Super Leaf, Double Cherry, and the Super Bell, which transforms him into Meowser.
  • Shells - Bowser can use Koopa shells as a projectile by kicking them. Nothing else here, really.
Bowser has a few transformations and/or other forms with him:
  • Dry Bowser - Spoopy Skeleton Bowser. Nothing really changes here, but he can use his bones as a projectile.
  • Meowser - Cat Bowser basically. It holds the same abilities as the Super Bell.
  • Big Bowser - By using dark magic or an adrenaline rush, Bowser will increase in size. In this size, he gets the bigger buffs you expect when someone grows. He does gain the ability to just walk through lava.
Bowser can be arrogant and aggresive when it comes to a fight. He can be easily aggrovated and tricked. When he's mad, he does not usually think through, but rather letting his fists do the talking. His plans aren't always the best, but he does not give up when it comes to his plans. If someone is intervening or "outdoing" him in his plans, his objective changes to rid of that person or object so nothing can stop him in his path later. Loyalty is something he also very fond of, and won't take abandonment very well unless the deserters can to something in return to come back to his army.
Bowser has survived:
  • Being blown up, crushed, and electrocuted
  • Falling from a far height
  • Diving in lava so many times
  • Being frozen, then shattering

However, he has pulled through some other things besides being a master Bear Grylls turtle.
  • Pulled himself out of and created a black hole
  • Pulled an entire small island and lifted a giant fortess
  • Created his own galaxy
  • Tanked and fought through Dark Bowser's "dark hurricane".
  • Large arsenal / Several approach options
  • Can be Offensive and Defensive
  • Durability and Strength
  • Fire is a strong tool, working even underwater
  • Dark Magic helps, I guess.
  • Focused on his goals and won't stop until he is down for good.
  • Apparently really good at kidnapping/stealing stuff (like the Star Rod)
  • Not as agile or fast in a neutral state
  • Not too smart, but not completely dumb
  • Easily aggrovated and/or tricked
  • Vehicles' own weapons can be used against them
  • Several attacks uses minions, who aren't too reliable
  • Constantly defeated by the Mario Bros., Toads, and one time Peach and Waluigi

Ganondorf Dragmire (nice name) was born as a male Gerudo, said to be born once every 100 years. He was taken care by Koume and Kotake, aka Twinrova. Being as the male, it was Ganondorf's destiny to be the King of Gerudo. As the King of Thieves, he learnt about how his desert life isn't as cool as everyone elses, so he decided to raid that **** and get the Triforce with the help of his gifted magical powers. He eventually succeeds, but since he's such a meanie he only gets a part of it: The Triforce of Power. He tries to take over the world, doesn't then is sealed away into another realm as more plot ensues as he becomes a pigman. We get it, it's a long story. He just keeps coming back and going back, nothing else to it, really.

Oh yeah, he's also the reincarnation of Demise.

Age - ?
Weight - ?
Height - 7"6 (230 cm)
Race - Gerudo, Demon
Ganondorf, wielding the Triforce of Power, would obviously be very strong. Even without it, he has proven to be powerful. He can nearly destroy his throne room floor in a single punch. He does not usually use his fists in battle aside from Smash Bros., but rather swords. He is very talented with swords, and chips in good damage when using them. As for Ganondorf's magic abilities, he is also proficient at that. He can summon lighting, lightning balls, and fire. His most recognized magical move of all is the Dead Man's Volley.
Holding the Triforce of Power, Ganondorf can take fatal wounds like it was just a scratch and keep fighting. Unless the Triforce of Power is gone, Ganondorf cannot really "die". He has survived a full on attack from Midna after she fused with the Fushed Shadow and his own execution. He still can be stunned by certain weapons/attacks though.
Ganondorf is somewhat fast. He doesn't even need to really focus on speed when he traps his enemy in a barrier around him. He has shown to use his speed to the best he can in Wind Waker, making huge leaps while using his two swords.
Ganon is more magical oriented, using ranged attacks rather than physical ones. He can use his trident or dual swords, but he usually prefers to use magical attacks in this form more.
Ganon basically has the same defense as Ganondorf. End of Story.
Ganon isn't fast either, but he has the ability to teleport, which is very useful for evasion or suprise attacks.
Most of Ganon(dorf)'s abilities are magic related and already discussed, except for the Twilight powers.
In Twilight Princess, Ganondorf is able to take in Twili power and hatred to give himself extra power. He can also generate Twilight portals and barriers than need the Fused Shadow to destroy completely.
  • Dead Man's Volley - Ganondorf's most recognized attacks. Ganondorf brings up a ball of light and shoots it at his opponent. To counter it, it must be hit and sent back to Ganondorf. As it keeps getting hit, it gets faster until someone takes the hit.
  • Darkness Wave - Using the Triforce of Power, Ganondorf shoots a wave of darkness at his opponent. This leaves the opponent unable to move or sends them back
  • Quake Punch - When he punches the ground, it emits shockwaves and can also destroy parts of a room he's in
  • Lightning Balls - Ganondorf brings up another ball of light, but instead of throwing it, it separatges into several smaller orbs that are thrown at the opponent from all directions; is vulnerable during the charge.
  • Fire Bats - Ganon can summon bats made of fire and throw them at his enemy. They are formed and thrown in a circular pattern.
  • Energy Ball - Like Ganondorf, Ganon can shoot an energy ball from his weapon.
  • Fireballs - Along with bats, he can shoot a single fireball at his enemy as well. Once he shoots a large fireball, it can be split into three smaller fireballs.
  • Trident Throw - Ganon can throw his trident in a boomerang fashion. However, he remains still during this and is vulnerable to attacks.
  • Jump - Ganon jumps and causes the enemy to be temporarily paralyzed
  • Broadsword - As seen in the Ocarina of Time manga, Ganondorf holds a sword that has the ability to have his dark energy channeled through it.
  • Twin Scimitars - As seen in Wind Waker, Ganondorf can attack multiple times with these swords along with a jump attack that is superior to Link's by both damage and jump distance.
  • Sword of the Sages - Ganondorf's most canon recent sword, it can be weld by Ganondorf both one and two-handed. This was attempted to be the sword that killed Ganondorf, but it obviously didn't.
  • Trident - Ganon's most used weapon, the trident can be used at a long-reached weapon and a projectile.
  • Dual Swords - Ganon also holds two giant swords that he can use. However, he is slightly vulnerable right before swinging his swords.
Besides Ganon, Ganondorf has other transformations he could use.
Beast Ganon is a...more beastial form of Ganon. In this form, Ganon goes wild, wrecking everything in his path. It is implied by Ganondorf himself that he has some, but not a lot. It is also implied that he can change in and out of this form at will. His weak spot is the same as Ganondorf's (which I will reveal later)
This is Ganon's alter-ego. This form is a powerful wizard which can do the following:
  • Dead Man's Volley
  • Fireball Attack (if hit, fireballs will fling out)
  • Lightning Attack
  • Copy himself into duplicates

Like Ganondorf, the Dead Man's Volley can stun him. After being defeated, Ganon will emerge as a bat and fly away. Or he could just transform right there, I don't know.
Ganondorf has an ego, let's get that out. He is consumed by greed, evil, and obviously power. He holds an insane lust for power. His goal is to take over the world with the Triforce, and he does not stop. He believes he is invincible thanks to the Triforce of Power, which leaves him to underestimate opponents. But he also has a temper than when triggered, he can go onto a murderous rampage.

He is very manipulative and calculating. He is a very skilled strategist, making Link open the Door of Time for him. He only fights who he deems worthy. He has lived through centuries, becoming more mature over the years. It is stated that the reason he took over Hyrule was for the green landscapre over the desert the Gerudos previously inhabited.
Ganondorf has survived many things, such as:
  • Being attacked by Midna when fused with the Fused Shadow
  • Crushed underneath his own castle
  • Numerous fatal wounds
  • His own execution, then to later kill the Sage of Water

He has also created portals to other dimensions and has corrupted lands so many times.
  • Very powerful magician/swordsman
  • Can change into other forms, each with their own advantages
  • Triforce of Power gives immunity to fatal wounds
  • Good strategist
  • Literally centuries of experience and ruling something
  • Can underestimate his foes
  • Able to be distracted by things such as fishing rods or nets
  • Physical body can be destroyed despite the Triforce of Power
  • Weak to holy/light weapons as well as his own attack (Dead Man's Volley)
  • Most importantly, has a giant gaping hole in his chest

Here's your winrar of the day

...lost. :4ganondorf: lost.
The real winner here is :4bowser:
Please don't kill me. :4pacman: I'll explain it, I promise!

"But what about the Triforce of Power?"
"Only the Master Sword of Holy Weapons could kill him. When did Bowser have that?"

Okay, here's the deal. It's long, but I'll keep it in a tab for those who want more than that.
If we're going by the Triforce of Power argument here, then are you saying that if Ganondorf was ripped limb by limb, charred up into flames, ripped some more, burnt into ashes, then put into a vase and thrown into the sun, he would be just peachy? No. No, you would be dead beyond dead.

But that's just Ganondorf's physical body. If you actually read the whole thing instead of just assuming by what you knew from a fact, Ganondorf has been rid of his physical body before, but his soul was intact. Think of M.Bison.

We can take this fact from Malladus, a reincarnation of Ganondorf. When Malladus is in soul form, he/she/i don't remember holds the ability to possess others. "Then why didn't Ganondorf possess Bowser?". Long story short, Star Rod. "But what about without the Star Rod? Is the Star Rod the only thing that makes Bowser win?" No. If we're going without it, then reasoning is that he has fought with spirits before: the Boos. "Oh, I totally forgot about them." It's okay fake person, we all make mistakes sometimes.

However, people do say that the Boos are solid when they aren't being invisible and still since you can punch them, therefore not being true ghosts. Okay then, let's just go off for a second and go to Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. In Linguini's Manshoe: Dork Moonshine, the Boos are seen being invisible and mobile, so they can do more than just sit there. Then in Super Mario World they can pass through solids while being "solid". "But that's a 2D Game!" Fine, New Super Mario Bros then. Don't be picky, man. Finally, as seen in Mario Party DS, Boos can slightly possess others, making them dizzy similar to Poes in Wind Waker. It's King Boo who does the full on possessing and has possessed while fighting with Bowser. So they are true ghosts that Bowser has fought before, so he should have not much of a problem dealing with Ganondorf's spirit before his body comes back centuries later.

When talking about pure physical strength, :4bowser: is the man.
A single punch can send the heaviest enemy flying. Then there's the whole island pulling and castle lifting.
Yes, Ganon(dorf) has his swords, Bowser has non-magical projectiles and power-ups to keep distance. Speaking of power-ups, Bowser can use the Double Cherry. Talk about an unfair situation when one of your weaknesses is your tail.

Now magic goes to :4ganondorf: for obvious reasons.
Bowser has no real magic attacks, only curses and shenanigans. Ganondorf has curses he can pull off too, and actual magic attacks alongside Agahnimns or Bowser's ability to create black holes. Well, I guess you can just make a portal to escape the black hole, so points to him.

Ranged attacks go to :4bowser:
This could also go along with magic, but Bowser has so many ranged attacks, whether it's his fire, shells, his robot suit, or even the weapons of his vehicles. He has so many of them to choose from while Ganon(dorf) has only a select few.

Durability goes to :4bowser:
Now yes, Ganondorf has been fatally stabbed and survived, I know that. And what you would expect was the Supernova feat...if I listed it. The Lumas have stated they protected everyone, even Bowser, when resetting the universe. Because if Bowser did survive that Supernova, then by logic the ****ing Bee Queen would've been tougher than Ganondorf as well.

But what I mean by durability is just defensive capabilities, not survival feats. Bowser's shell is capable of taking hits pretty well from above. He can also deflect or reflect projectiles by punching them. He has many options to defend himself. Ganondorf kind of just sits/floats there, waiting to attack and defend. When using his swords is where he becomes more defensive, though. He is able to defend right after he attacks, but a crippling downfall is that he can be easily distracted by objects such as fishing rods, letting his guard down. As for magic attacks, Bowser is immune to small fire attacks, so RIP Fire Bats. Also, Ganondorf's Wave of Darkness has no effect considering Bowser tanked and went through a dark hurricane. Finally, the Dead Man's Volley can be countered either if Bowser punches it or reflects it with the Tanooki tail from the Super Leaf.

Speed goes to :4bowser:
Bowser has been seen going fast in SM64, outrunning Mario. He has also been seen jumping far horizontally and vertically while also causing shockwaves that can stun you in time for him to potentially run at you again. Yes, Ganondorf is fast in the Wind Waker, but doesn't jump as high or long as Bowser. Ganondorf does attack and defend almost instantly after, but you know I already said he gets distracted. Also, Bowser can teleport as well alongside Ganon as seen in SM64.

Even if Beast Ganon is faster, Ganondorf has only little control over the beast, and the beast can be knocked down.

Now pure agility (how fast you attack) goes to :4ganondorf: solely based on how fast he is when he attacks in swordplay. He can even do a swift combo in seconds. Bowser has fast swipes, but everything else aren't as fast or needs to be charged or has a delay before the actual attack.

Experience goes to :4ganondorf:
Sure, Bowser may have been ruling a kingdom and training for decades since he was a baby, but Ganondorf has been doing that as well for centuries. At least Ganondorf is actually successful when he invades a place.

So have I ranted enough yet or am I still going to get negative responses? Just remember this is my take on it. Believe who you think would win. My part just says Bowser, and pretty much everyone else's here says Ganondorf. :4pacman:

I worked hard on this and I hope you guys like it! :4dk:
i am going to be crucified for this
Woah man! Everything was very well explained and such. 10/10! :bowser:


Embwace Twanquility
May 5, 2015


Prince Bowser was the son of a criminal on the run (no,seriously), who was being raised by the magikoopa Kamek. Suddenly, a green dinosaur named Yoshi emerged. Kamek woke Baby Bowser up from his nap to find that green dinosaur. He wanted to ride onto the beast, but instead of letting him, that guy beat the living **** out of him. He soon despised not Yoshi, but the baby that was on his back as he pummeled Bowser: Mario.

Yoshi, c'mon. Don't just start iconic rivalries like that, it's child and animal abuse. :4yoshi:

Age : ?
Weight : Said to be around 600 lbs (272 kg)
Height : Varies / Changes
Race : Koopa
Bowser is a powerhouse. He is able to punch through stone pillars and blocks with ease. A single charged punch could send the heaviest enemy back a good distance. His claws and horns can be used for offensive measures. He also uses his shell for an offensive tool when needed. Just by simply jumping or slamming his tail down, he can send shockwaves around him.
Not only is he a good powerhouse, but he is also an astounding tank. Bowser has taken many hits before, and has survived them all. His shell is also a good defensive tool, deflecting projectiles coming directly above him. He can punch back projectiles for a defensive measure. Over the years, he has learned to become immune to fire projectiles.
Bowser isn't the fastest. At a normal speed, he's usually slow or sluggish. However, he has been able to make short stampedes and has amazing jumping skills like Mario, but they come out much stronger. Bowser is actually an impressive swimmer, but hates swimming as a whole. In his shell, Bowser can become slightly faster than before, but cannot do too much while in it.
Bowser has three ways of using his breath along with other facts:
Bowser will create a stream of fire using his mouth. Bowser is able to angle or move the stream by moving. It does slowly run out of range after a while. He can charge this breath, but too much can make it a dud.
Bowser's most likely preferred form of fire; used for range. Bowser can shoot multiple shots at once or one giant shot at a time. He can manipulate his shots to create a fiery rain, but it is slow. It will disappear after a while of not hitting.
Thanks to a mushroom, Bowser is able to inhale anything in his path, whether it's to heal himself or give the enemy a disadvantage. It seems Bowser can cough out what he has inhaled, or enemies can escape his body.
  • His fire can be shot out even underwater
  • Blue fire (naturally hotter) can also be shot among the red/orange ones; can home in.

Bowser is a wizard, and a damn good one.
  • Imposters - Bowser is able to transform simple enemies into himself with the same abilities as him and everything. Their true face will be revealed once they are defeated.
  • Curses - Bowser can curse anything to be transformed into bricks, bushes, plants. etc. The only thing that can rival his curse is an opposing force that can lift it (ex. Peach)
  • Manipulation - Bowser can manipulate his size by using Dark Magic. He can also teleport short distances as seen in Super Mario 64.
NOTE : I may use the Smash Bros. names for these moves, but that does not mean I am talking about that version
Bowser has many attacks, including:
  • Poison Bite - A poisonous bite, of course. It also poisons the enemy. What else is there?
  • Claw Swipes - He just swipes his claws. Nothing special
  • Punch (Charge/Slide) - A punch that can be charged for extra damage. He can also slide while punching, giving him some speed along the process. Charging too much will make him trip.
  • Whirling Fortress - Bowser begins to get into his shell and spin around; can make small hops.
  • (Tail) Slam - Bowser slams into the ground. Usually used for breaking through floors or switches, he can alternatively slam his tail down. Both versions can create shockwaves, stunning the opponent.
  • Spike Roll - Intended for maneuvering, this can be used offensively if thrown at an enemy. If on fire, he can make a fiery rain by bouncing onto the walls.
  • Bowser Bomb - Bowser slams onto the ground using his bottom. This ground pound was used since he was a baby. It can create shockwaves and break portions of solid brick.
  • Terrorize - Bowser summons a Big Boo to scare his opponent, inflicting Fear (Attack and Defense cut in half)
  • Poison Gas - A Mokura (basically a poison cloud) spews toxins onto enemies, poisoning them.
  • Crusher - Bowser summons a pillar of earth to deal major damage onto an enemy.
  • Bowser Crush - A large Mechakoopa stomps into the enemies, which are in it's path. It will leave after stomping by the enemies.
  • Goomba Storm - Bowser takes out a horde of Goombas and makes them charge at the enemy. Bowser can shoot them with fire to send them up and fall on their enemy for extra damage.
  • Shy Guy Squad - A horde of 6 Shy Guys push Bowser into a rope with 3 Shy Guys on each side holding it down. The farther Bowser is pushed back determines the damage when he is flung at the enemy.
  • Koopa Corps - Two Koopas in their shells hit the enemy, but return into the opposite direction. Bowser must hit them with his own shell to deal damage Pong-styled.
  • Bob-Omb Blitz - Bowser must use his horde of bombs to blow up into the enemy by lining them up single-file into them. The more Bob-Ombs in line determine damage.
  • Magikoopa Mob - Bowser must trace a line to connect the Magikoopa's wands for a magic attack. Fire can be shot at a wand to amp up the power.
  • Broggy Bonker - Broggy, the pet of Broque Moniseur, must be cleaned to attack the enemy. If fully clean, he will attack while bringing his Blitties as well to attack.
  • Flails - Bowser holds many flails, including a female Chain Chomp to swing at an enemy.
  • Hurly Gloves - Gloves designed to throw Mario as a weapon. He will come back when thrown
  • Drill Claws - They're claws with drills, nothing else. They drill. End of Story.
  • Hammer/Bone - Bowser throws hammers. Multiple can be thrown at once; if he has become Dry Bowser, he throws bones instead.
  • Robot Suit - Bowser has a robot suit equipped with two blasters. The only way to beat it is by shooting into the blasters themselves.
The star rod is an ancient rod that lets any wish come true. Bowser heard this and easily kidnapped it because plot.
Once Bowser stole the rod, he imprisoned the seven Star Spirits into sick trading cards. The rod can do things such as:
  • Magic - Bowser can summon lightning and shoot a wave of magic from his rod as well as recover his own health and double his power.
  • Wish - Like I said, any wish comes true. Bowser wished for invincibility, so he got invincibility.

The only things that can counter the Star Rod's power is the Star and Peach Beam, which uses the power of the seven Star Spirits. If it's the Peach Beam, a wish is added. Riveting stuff here.
Bowser's most iconic vehicle, this baby is packed with weapons.
  • Big Steelies - Giant balls made of steel. They roll in a specific direction.
  • Mechakoopa - Toys that look like Bowser, they blow up after walking for a while. If not, they will simply wind back up and start walking again. They also have the ability to breathe fire. It can be the Clown Car's downfall.
  • Eyes - If the eyes create a flash, anyone in it's view temporarily turns into stone.
  • Bullet Bills - With Blasters on it's sides, they shoot homing Bullet Bills at the opponent.
  • Laser Gun - Finally, it has a laser gun inside it's mouth that shoots...you know, lasers.

The car also has an autopilot and can be driven by anyone. Even Mario can drive it.
Bowser's most recent vehicle, this car has some tricks up it's sleeves. This brand of car is reccomended by pimps.
The only real weapon this car contains are Kick Bombs, which are Soccer-Ball like bombs. It can be kicked back at the car, which can be it's downfall. As it gets damaged more, it moves faster. It can also jump without a driver controlling it. Bowser is able to shoot fire from the back because of this.
  • Power-Ups - Bowser can use power-ups the same way as Mario, but the only ones that have been used by Bowser were the Super Leaf, Double Cherry, and the Super Bell, which transforms him into Meowser.
  • Shells - Bowser can use Koopa shells as a projectile by kicking them. Nothing else here, really.
Bowser has a few transformations and/or other forms with him:
  • Dry Bowser - Spoopy Skeleton Bowser. Nothing really changes here, but he can use his bones as a projectile.
  • Meowser - Cat Bowser basically. It holds the same abilities as the Super Bell.
  • Big Bowser - By using dark magic or an adrenaline rush, Bowser will increase in size. In this size, he gets the bigger buffs you expect when someone grows. He does gain the ability to just walk through lava.
Bowser can be arrogant and aggresive when it comes to a fight. He can be easily aggrovated and tricked. When he's mad, he does not usually think through, but rather letting his fists do the talking. His plans aren't always the best, but he does not give up when it comes to his plans. If someone is intervening or "outdoing" him in his plans, his objective changes to rid of that person or object so nothing can stop him in his path later. Loyalty is something he also very fond of, and won't take abandonment very well unless the deserters can to something in return to come back to his army.
Bowser has survived:
  • Being blown up, crushed, and electrocuted
  • Falling from a far height
  • Diving in lava so many times
  • Being frozen, then shattering

However, he has pulled through some other things besides being a master Bear Grylls turtle.
  • Pulled himself out of and created a black hole
  • Pulled an entire small island and lifted a giant fortess
  • Created his own galaxy
  • Tanked and fought through Dark Bowser's "dark hurricane".
  • Large arsenal / Several approach options
  • Can be Offensive and Defensive
  • Durability and Strength
  • Fire is a strong tool, working even underwater
  • Dark Magic helps, I guess.
  • Focused on his goals and won't stop until he is down for good.
  • Apparently really good at kidnapping/stealing stuff (like the Star Rod)
  • Not as agile or fast in a neutral state
  • Not too smart, but not completely dumb
  • Easily aggrovated and/or tricked
  • Vehicles' own weapons can be used against them
  • Several attacks uses minions, who aren't too reliable
  • Constantly defeated by the Mario Bros., Toads, and one time Peach and Waluigi

Ganondorf Dragmire (nice name) was born as a male Gerudo, said to be born once every 100 years. He was taken care by Koume and Kotake, aka Twinrova. Being as the male, it was Ganondorf's destiny to be the King of Gerudo. As the King of Thieves, he learnt about how his desert life isn't as cool as everyone elses, so he decided to raid that **** and get the Triforce with the help of his gifted magical powers. He eventually succeeds, but since he's such a meanie he only gets a part of it: The Triforce of Power. He tries to take over the world, doesn't then is sealed away into another realm as more plot ensues as he becomes a pigman. We get it, it's a long story. He just keeps coming back and going back, nothing else to it, really.

Oh yeah, he's also the reincarnation of Demise.

Age - ?
Weight - ?
Height - 7"6 (230 cm)
Race - Gerudo, Demon
Ganondorf, wielding the Triforce of Power, would obviously be very strong. Even without it, he has proven to be powerful. He can nearly destroy his throne room floor in a single punch. He does not usually use his fists in battle aside from Smash Bros., but rather swords. He is very talented with swords, and chips in good damage when using them. As for Ganondorf's magic abilities, he is also proficient at that. He can summon lighting, lightning balls, and fire. His most recognized magical move of all is the Dead Man's Volley.
Holding the Triforce of Power, Ganondorf can take fatal wounds like it was just a scratch and keep fighting. Unless the Triforce of Power is gone, Ganondorf cannot really "die". He has survived a full on attack from Midna after she fused with the Fushed Shadow and his own execution. He still can be stunned by certain weapons/attacks though.
Ganondorf is somewhat fast. He doesn't even need to really focus on speed when he traps his enemy in a barrier around him. He has shown to use his speed to the best he can in Wind Waker, making huge leaps while using his two swords.
Ganon is more magical oriented, using ranged attacks rather than physical ones. He can use his trident or dual swords, but he usually prefers to use magical attacks in this form more.
Ganon basically has the same defense as Ganondorf. End of Story.
Ganon isn't fast either, but he has the ability to teleport, which is very useful for evasion or suprise attacks.
Most of Ganon(dorf)'s abilities are magic related and already discussed, except for the Twilight powers.
In Twilight Princess, Ganondorf is able to take in Twili power and hatred to give himself extra power. He can also generate Twilight portals and barriers than need the Fused Shadow to destroy completely.
  • Dead Man's Volley - Ganondorf's most recognized attacks. Ganondorf brings up a ball of light and shoots it at his opponent. To counter it, it must be hit and sent back to Ganondorf. As it keeps getting hit, it gets faster until someone takes the hit.
  • Darkness Wave - Using the Triforce of Power, Ganondorf shoots a wave of darkness at his opponent. This leaves the opponent unable to move or sends them back
  • Quake Punch - When he punches the ground, it emits shockwaves and can also destroy parts of a room he's in
  • Lightning Balls - Ganondorf brings up another ball of light, but instead of throwing it, it separatges into several smaller orbs that are thrown at the opponent from all directions; is vulnerable during the charge.
  • Fire Bats - Ganon can summon bats made of fire and throw them at his enemy. They are formed and thrown in a circular pattern.
  • Energy Ball - Like Ganondorf, Ganon can shoot an energy ball from his weapon.
  • Fireballs - Along with bats, he can shoot a single fireball at his enemy as well. Once he shoots a large fireball, it can be split into three smaller fireballs.
  • Trident Throw - Ganon can throw his trident in a boomerang fashion. However, he remains still during this and is vulnerable to attacks.
  • Jump - Ganon jumps and causes the enemy to be temporarily paralyzed
  • Broadsword - As seen in the Ocarina of Time manga, Ganondorf holds a sword that has the ability to have his dark energy channeled through it.
  • Twin Scimitars - As seen in Wind Waker, Ganondorf can attack multiple times with these swords along with a jump attack that is superior to Link's by both damage and jump distance.
  • Sword of the Sages - Ganondorf's most canon recent sword, it can be weld by Ganondorf both one and two-handed. This was attempted to be the sword that killed Ganondorf, but it obviously didn't.
  • Trident - Ganon's most used weapon, the trident can be used at a long-reached weapon and a projectile.
  • Dual Swords - Ganon also holds two giant swords that he can use. However, he is slightly vulnerable right before swinging his swords.
Besides Ganon, Ganondorf has other transformations he could use.
Beast Ganon is a...more beastial form of Ganon. In this form, Ganon goes wild, wrecking everything in his path. It is implied by Ganondorf himself that he has some, but not a lot. It is also implied that he can change in and out of this form at will. His weak spot is the same as Ganondorf's (which I will reveal later)
This is Ganon's alter-ego. This form is a powerful wizard which can do the following:
  • Dead Man's Volley
  • Fireball Attack (if hit, fireballs will fling out)
  • Lightning Attack
  • Copy himself into duplicates

Like Ganondorf, the Dead Man's Volley can stun him. After being defeated, Ganon will emerge as a bat and fly away. Or he could just transform right there, I don't know.
Ganondorf has an ego, let's get that out. He is consumed by greed, evil, and obviously power. He holds an insane lust for power. His goal is to take over the world with the Triforce, and he does not stop. He believes he is invincible thanks to the Triforce of Power, which leaves him to underestimate opponents. But he also has a temper than when triggered, he can go onto a murderous rampage.

He is very manipulative and calculating. He is a very skilled strategist, making Link open the Door of Time for him. He only fights who he deems worthy. He has lived through centuries, becoming more mature over the years. It is stated that the reason he took over Hyrule was for the green landscapre over the desert the Gerudos previously inhabited.
Ganondorf has survived many things, such as:
  • Being attacked by Midna when fused with the Fused Shadow
  • Crushed underneath his own castle
  • Numerous fatal wounds
  • His own execution, then to later kill the Sage of Water

He has also created portals to other dimensions and has corrupted lands so many times.
  • Very powerful magician/swordsman
  • Can change into other forms, each with their own advantages
  • Triforce of Power gives immunity to fatal wounds
  • Good strategist
  • Literally centuries of experience and ruling something
  • Can underestimate his foes
  • Able to be distracted by things such as fishing rods or nets
  • Physical body can be destroyed despite the Triforce of Power
  • Weak to holy/light weapons as well as his own attack (Dead Man's Volley)
  • Most importantly, has a giant gaping hole in his chest

Here's your winrar of the day

...lost. :4ganondorf: lost.
The real winner here is :4bowser:
Please don't kill me. :4pacman: I'll explain it, I promise!

"But what about the Triforce of Power?"
"Only the Master Sword of Holy Weapons could kill him. When did Bowser have that?"

Okay, here's the deal. It's long, but I'll keep it in a tab for those who want more than that.
If we're going by the Triforce of Power argument here, then are you saying that if Ganondorf was ripped limb by limb, charred up into flames, ripped some more, burnt into ashes, then put into a vase and thrown into the sun, he would be just peachy? No. No, you would be dead beyond dead.

But that's just Ganondorf's physical body. If you actually read the whole thing instead of just assuming by what you knew from a fact, Ganondorf has been rid of his physical body before, but his soul was intact. Think of M.Bison.

We can take this fact from Malladus, a reincarnation of Ganondorf. When Malladus is in soul form, he/she/i don't remember holds the ability to possess others. "Then why didn't Ganondorf possess Bowser?". Long story short, Star Rod. "But what about without the Star Rod? Is the Star Rod the only thing that makes Bowser win?" No. If we're going without it, then reasoning is that he has fought with spirits before: the Boos. "Oh, I totally forgot about them." It's okay fake person, we all make mistakes sometimes.

However, people do say that the Boos are solid when they aren't being invisible and still since you can punch them, therefore not being true ghosts. Okay then, let's just go off for a second and go to Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. In Linguini's Manshoe: Dork Moonshine, the Boos are seen being invisible and mobile, so they can do more than just sit there. Then in Super Mario World they can pass through solids while being "solid". "But that's a 2D Game!" Fine, New Super Mario Bros then. Don't be picky, man. Finally, as seen in Mario Party DS, Boos can slightly possess others, making them dizzy similar to Poes in Wind Waker. It's King Boo who does the full on possessing and has possessed while fighting with Bowser. So they are true ghosts that Bowser has fought before, so he should have not much of a problem dealing with Ganondorf's spirit before his body comes back centuries later.

When talking about pure physical strength, :4bowser: is the man.
A single punch can send the heaviest enemy flying. Then there's the whole island pulling and castle lifting.
Yes, Ganon(dorf) has his swords, Bowser has non-magical projectiles and power-ups to keep distance. Speaking of power-ups, Bowser can use the Double Cherry. Talk about an unfair situation when one of your weaknesses is your tail.

Now magic goes to :4ganondorf: for obvious reasons.
Bowser has no real magic attacks, only curses and shenanigans. Ganondorf has curses he can pull off too, and actual magic attacks alongside Agahnimns or Bowser's ability to create black holes. Well, I guess you can just make a portal to escape the black hole, so points to him.

Ranged attacks go to :4bowser:
This could also go along with magic, but Bowser has so many ranged attacks, whether it's his fire, shells, his robot suit, or even the weapons of his vehicles. He has so many of them to choose from while Ganon(dorf) has only a select few.

Durability goes to :4bowser:
Now yes, Ganondorf has been fatally stabbed and survived, I know that. And what you would expect was the Supernova feat...if I listed it. The Lumas have stated they protected everyone, even Bowser, when resetting the universe. Because if Bowser did survive that Supernova, then by logic the ****ing Bee Queen would've been tougher than Ganondorf as well.

But what I mean by durability is just defensive capabilities, not survival feats. Bowser's shell is capable of taking hits pretty well from above. He can also deflect or reflect projectiles by punching them. He has many options to defend himself. Ganondorf kind of just sits/floats there, waiting to attack and defend. When using his swords is where he becomes more defensive, though. He is able to defend right after he attacks, but a crippling downfall is that he can be easily distracted by objects such as fishing rods, letting his guard down. As for magic attacks, Bowser is immune to small fire attacks, so RIP Fire Bats. Also, Ganondorf's Wave of Darkness has no effect considering Bowser tanked and went through a dark hurricane. Finally, the Dead Man's Volley can be countered either if Bowser punches it or reflects it with the Tanooki tail from the Super Leaf.

Speed goes to :4bowser:
Bowser has been seen going fast in SM64, outrunning Mario. He has also been seen jumping far horizontally and vertically while also causing shockwaves that can stun you in time for him to potentially run at you again. Yes, Ganondorf is fast in the Wind Waker, but doesn't jump as high or long as Bowser. Ganondorf does attack and defend almost instantly after, but you know I already said he gets distracted. Also, Bowser can teleport as well alongside Ganon as seen in SM64.

Even if Beast Ganon is faster, Ganondorf has only little control over the beast, and the beast can be knocked down.

Now pure agility (how fast you attack) goes to :4ganondorf: solely based on how fast he is when he attacks in swordplay. He can even do a swift combo in seconds. Bowser has fast swipes, but everything else aren't as fast or needs to be charged or has a delay before the actual attack.

Experience goes to :4ganondorf:
Sure, Bowser may have been ruling a kingdom and training for decades since he was a baby, but Ganondorf has been doing that as well for centuries. At least Ganondorf is actually successful when he invades a place.

So have I ranted enough yet or am I still going to get negative responses? Just remember this is my take on it. Believe who you think would win. My part just says Bowser, and pretty much everyone else's here says Ganondorf. :4pacman:

I worked hard on this and I hope you guys like it! :4dk:
i am going to be crucified for this
lol dang dude. you did good on this for a silly thing.
i applaud ya
Pikachu sprite.gif


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Woah man! Everything was very well explained and such. 10/10! :bowser:
lol dang dude. you did good on this for a silly thing.
i applaud ya View attachment 63469
Thanks guys, I worked on this for 2 months, hence why everything is detailed.
My only regret is not being able to explain everything such as how this counters that or how this can work around this. I guess I can when I defend my argument from other's who will scream "WRONG!" from the rooftops.

Do I get my Waluigi sprite now?
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
I've been thinking about something flat. Dunno how I'd do it but yeah.
Well do what you will like it. At least contrary to me you can do a art style that you want. Which is something that i want so much but i can't because of my mediocre skill in draw. So do what you want.
Goodnight doodles
Good night.
Freddy Fazbear
Is that you
What happened man
Why are you wearing purple
Why do you have no mouth
What ever happened to those little nub teeth
You've changed.
This isn't Freddy Fazbear, this is Fredbear. The original mascot of Fredbear Diner's. (Also this is just a nightmarish version of him, it's not real.)
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Every since school ended, I haven't been able to find the time to work on more projects so I can make a portfolio to show off

I don't know why, I had both school and work then. I only have work now

I guess it's because I worked on the project at school.


Oct 13, 2014
I should really find a project to do for myself. I've mostly wasted this summer, so might as well find SOMETHING.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
I guess I better tag the others who wanted to see the full thing because they might skip over the pages.

@Equestrian Flyer
Uh, did @MainJPW want to see it? I don't remember
I forgot the fourth guy. :4pacman:

EDIT : It's up there, if I tagged you.
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Mr Snakey

Odango bazooka!
Jul 6, 2014
Liar Mountain
I should really find a project to do for myself. I've mostly wasted this summer, so might as well find SOMETHING.
Mehh me too. I lounge around too much. I still have summer homework and I have to mail this scholarship thingy before july 30th. Lazyness 2 op 4 me. Plz nerf


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Good morning, mortals.

I imagine nothing special is going on in this thread right now.

The riff-raff ought to be asleep or something, after all... >:)


Oct 13, 2014
Mehh me too. I lounge around too much. I still have summer homework and I have to mail this scholarship thingy before july 30th. Lazyness 2 op 4 me. Plz nerf
I'm going on vacation for a week on saturday, so I really dunno what I'm gonna do.
Maybe I'll do something in the like 2 weeks I have before school starts after.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Every since school ended, I haven't been able to find the time to work on more projects so I can make a portfolio to show off

I don't know why, I had both school and work then. I only have work now

I guess it's because I worked on the project at school.
I should really find a project to do for myself. I've mostly wasted this summer, so might as well find SOMETHING.
Mehh me too. I lounge around too much. I still have summer homework and I have to mail this scholarship thingy before july 30th. Lazyness 2 op 4 me. Plz nerf
Just find something you want to do. For me it's fictional battles. They interest me. I do it every summer.
Anyone have any suggestions for what I should do next year? :4pacman: inb4 Superman vs Goku


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I DO have something I want to do

I just...haven't done it...

I have a hard time doing stuff unless I'm kind of forced into it


Oct 13, 2014
Just find something you want to do. For me it's fictional battles. They interest me. I do it every summer.
Anyone have any suggestions for what I should do next year? :4pacman: inb4 Superman vs Goku
Easier said then done for me. I know what I want to do but don't know what to do. (As in I need something to actually WORK on.)


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2015
For every person that like FNAF here. I have found something big.

The event in FNAF 4 pass in 1983, so this can't be the Bite of '87. More like the Bite of '83. Scott fool us again.View attachment 63463
Are we going to known who did the Bite of '87 one day? In the futur DLC? Who known at this point frankly?View attachment 63464
The Bite of '87 has always been a small event really. I mean, it's only mentioned in FnaF 1. I don't think it really matters about the details of the event, like which animatronic bit who or whatnot. So it'll probably remain to speculation.

Deleted member

Just find something you want to do. For me it's fictional battles. They interest me. I do it every summer.
Anyone have any suggestions for what I should do next year? :4pacman: inb4 Superman vs Goku
Mewtwo vs. Lucario?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Cherish your last few weeks of summer vacation guys. I have to wait until Christmas for my summer vacation. :substitute:
Cherish your days of school

I wish that's all I had

Work kills me

I actually really like school
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
I have like 2 big project with one that i avanced a little with the profil of some character. But the other one, my FNAF-parodie, even tough it's shorter and the plot is more easier. (Even the character are more easy to draw.) I haven't advence since i while. That's kinda bad for me.
The Bite of '87 has always been a small event really. I mean, it's only mentioned in FnaF 1. I don't think it really matters about the details of the event, like which animatronic bit who or whatnot. So it'll probably remain to speculation.
Yeah but since alot of people are going to cry about it because they to known absoluty who did the bite. I tough this game will give the answer. But is isn't. (And now there is like two bite, even tough it's technally more a head crush in that case and it's more a accident, a accident that caused the closure of Fredbear Diner's.) Still, i'm demanding what the free DLC is going to place.
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