Embwace Twanquility
Yeah, I agree with this a lot.This, so much this.
A lot of people bash things that are popular just because there is this embedded belief that hating something that everyone else likes is the cool thing to do, and makes you different or stand out so much. Just because something is popular and mainstream does not make it bad, and you (directed at anyone who thinks thks way) don't have "superior" tastes just because you don't 'conform' or because you like the lesser know, unpopular stuff. This applies to music, anime, movies, video games, anything really. You are not better than someone by liking the underground stuff, or bashing the popular stuff.
Now, if you genuinely don't like whatever the certaib thing, that is fine. Then this isn't targetted toward you. It is for the people who think they are better for not being with the crowd.
Mainstream stuff is usually popular for a decent reason, anyways. It usually appeals to a large group, is legitimately good, or is simply bad enough to be really funny lol.