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Social Smash 4 Social Thread 5.0: ITT - ANYTHING CAN CHANGE! Including the page we end at.

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Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
I had one of the worst nights of my life, that SPAM can ruined me

What I missed?

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
@ Knight Dude Knight Dude , why did you left ? Do you have some problems with your connection ?
@ Luggy Luggy , my 3DS keeps shutting the online off for some reason. This tends to happen often. Sorry, I'm trying to actully get some practice in. It's really annoying.

This is the 2nd time today I got kicked out of a match.
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May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??

I felt like it was finally time to give this game a whirl, now that I have sound/a good computer.
Let's see how it holds up with the original YI. :4pacman:

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
View attachment 58006
I felt like it was finally time to give this game a whirl, now that I have sound/a good computer.
Let's see how it holds up with the original YI. :4pacman:
Bought that game awhile but haven't touched it yet. Kinda because I want to beat the original Yoshi's Island (GBA version) first (which is also on hiatus). No idea if I'll ever get to Yoshi's New Island though.


Mr. Blue Sky
Nov 29, 2006
The Netherlands


Ace Adventurer and Truth Seeker
Jan 14, 2013
I'm pretty i missed a lot of stuff, but whatever. Any1 here gonna be up 7-8 hours from now to do some smash 3ds matches?

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
@ Luggy Luggy , did your connection mess up this time? Because my system still says I'm online. So I'm not entirely sure if I was the one that messed up.

Either way, GGs. I still need practice, but I'm making a little progress(a few of those matches were closer than the last time I'm pretty sure). And reflectors are the bane of my existence.
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Drawing like a tramp
Oct 20, 2014
@ Luggy Luggy , did your connection mess up this time? Because my system still says I'm online. So I'm not entirely sure if I was the one that messed up.

Either way, GGs. I still need practice, but I'm making a little progress.
It was neither of us, just the game that kicks out people with too much lag. I'm not joking, the game does that to anyone who has too much lag, and it's annoying because it's pretty random. So yeah, it was a bug.

Anyway, ggs. You did progressed a lot with your Megaman, I almost lost but made a big comeback afterwards. Keep training, you're progressing pretty fast.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
It was neither of us, just the game that kicks out people with too much lag. I'm not joking, the game does that to anyone who has too much lag, and it's annoying because it's pretty random. So yeah, it was a bug.

Anyway, ggs. You did progressed a lot with your Megaman, I almost lost but made a big comeback afterwards. Keep training, you're progressing pretty fast.
Thanks. Need to work on some throws more. I know that I can throw into a quick Up-Smash on heavy fallers now. And again, my hate for reflectors will never cease :p. Anyway, I'm going to try out some more Mario in For Glory.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Well ****ing done Goodsmile Company :glare:

☐ Not Rekt

☐ Rekt

☑ Tyrannosaurus-Rekt
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Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
So I was searching for a 3DS game to take a small break from Smash and my eyes went on to the only 3rd party game I posses for the system:

Yep, I remember when I was still a :4sonic: fan and wanted to play Generations. I was a moron who didn't knew how to download anything at the time so I didn't download the PC version, but when I found this one, I immediately bought it. And now I'll write my opinion on it, why? Because I'm bored as ****.

We know portable versions almost never live up to their home versions, while I haven't played the PC/PS3/XB360 version, I watched gameplays of it and this is definetely one of those many examples.

The controls:
  • Classic Sonic definitely feels like his Genesis counterpart... that is until he learns the Homing Attack. While it definitely makes some things easier, the point of Classic Sonic is bringing the genesis playstyle as much as they can. I'm pretty much nitpicking, but I think it should've been better if it was optional.
  • Modern Sonic instead of having the 3D to 2.5D gameplay, is exclusively in 2.5D Rush/portable Colors gameplay, which is fine, but the 3DS can make more than that.
The stages:
  • Green Hill: Classic Sonic's version is a recreation of the 1st act in the 1st Sonic game. It's very short, but a nice nod. Modern Sonic is pretty much "boost, Boost, BOOST!", but I think it's not bad to get adjusted to the controls.
  • Casino Night: Likewise with Classic Sonic this is a recreation of Casino Night Act 1 from Sonic 2. Again, a nice nod, but sometimes I can be annoyed by the pinball and coin machines, still a decent level of exploration. Modern Sonic has many boost sections and the gimmicks are actually taken more advantage of with him.
  • Mushroom Hill: Recreation of the original with Classic Sonic again. Nice nod again, this one is where I enjoy the graphical upgrade the most. Modern Sonic has various loops, but the environment at times can be rather bland. Still the rail section at the end was pretty awesome.
  • Emerald Coast: ... why was this stage picked again? Don't get me wrong, I like the original version and the killer whale sequence in Adventure is iconic, but I don't see it as "anniversary game" material. Oh well, Classic Sonic has more exploration but sometimes the scenery can be rather bland. With Modern Sonic there's much more straight paths, so not much to do besides the whale sequence at the end.
  • Radical Highway: BORING AND ANNOYING. Both for Classic and Modern It's the most platform heavy stage, so it's not easy to go fast without either going into something or falling into the various large pits. There are straight paths, but they are long and bland. The most worthwhile thing here is the NiGHTS cameo in the background. Also minor nitpick, but Sonic wasn't ever here besides Adventure 2 opening cutscene, it was Shadow stage, so I don't see why it's here.
  • Water Palace: One of my fav stages, Classic Sonic requires to do some puzzles here while this is the stage that forces Modern Sonic to boost much less. The water sections aren't really annoying to me, I rarely take myself that much time to get out before the drown counter starts.
  • Tropical Resort: In both versions of this stage the Wisps make a comeback, Classic Sonic gets to use the Red Burst Wisps while Modern Sonic gets the Cyan Laser Wisps. Compared to the original, this stage is much longer for Classic relying a lot in exploration and avoiding death traps, while with Modern there's also deadly traps and is one of the stages where boost is required the most.
So yeah, I think Classic Sonic stages have a better structure than Modern Sonic.

The special stages:
  • Special Stages here are unlocked a stage is cleared with both Classic and Modern Sonic. Think of Sonic Heroes special stages, only much more easier and with a better control. After completing each a Chaos Emerald is collected, which are required to get to the Time Eater.
The rival battles:
  • Metal Sonic: A race to the finish. I like it, Metal can pull some tricks, but I don't get why they reused Casino Night instead of of remaking Stardust Speedway.
  • Shadow: Another race... on Radical Highway. This one's boring, Shadow is faster than and can perform Chaos Control, but it's not a challenge.
  • Silver: And another race... on Tropical Resort. Silver can teleport to near you and occasionally use PSI to throw boxes at you. This is my favorite of those battles, Silver can prove more difficult than Shadow and while the stage is reused and (I can't believe I'm gonna say this) I think a Soleanna recreation would have made more sense, it's the less bland out of the others.
So yeah, the rivals have been reduced to races only. I can understand Metal, his first appearance has his boss fight as a race, but truly while I do enjoy Silver's race, they could've done better.

The bosses:
  • Big Arm: Easiest Eggman boss fight ever. Being downgraded to a first boss for this machine in no excuse to be so easy to defeat. However, the theme is definetely badass.
  • Biolizard: Long and tedious. At least that "floating to reach it's core while avoiding poisonous bubbles" is less annoying compared to the original.
  • Egg Emperor: Just avoid the missiles and boost as much as you can. It could've been better. By the way, can someone explain me how is it that this is the boss of the Modern Era here but Seaside Hill is part of the Dreamcast Era in the home console version?
  • Time Eater: This battle is actually pretty good. It's not hard, but it's satisfying. Besides, from I've seen in the home console version Sonic's friends annoy him to no end pointing the obvious repeatdly.
In simple words, they could've done better with the bosses.

The music:
  • It's Sonic the Hedgehog. Every game in the series has good music... well, almost every game *glares at Sonic Chronicles*. This is no exception, the remixes are very good, specially Modern's Emerald Coast.
Time Attack:
  • It's just that, a Time Attack. Not much to say.
The missions:
  • There are a total of 96 missions, most of them are the typical "collect this, get to the goal before this time, defeat this number of enemies, etc." kind of thing. It adds some replay value, but they aren't the big deal.
The collectibles:
  • After completing a mission one is rewarded with a collectible:
  • Events: Those are the cutscenes of the game, they're unlocked by the story mode rather than missions.
  • Sound: Those are various songs from previous games, ranging from main themes to stages music.
  • Art: Various illustrations and official arts.
  • Models: Pretty much trophies of various Sonic characters.
Despite that they could have been get in a better way, the collectibles are fun and I enjoy looking at them.

  • There's both local and online multiplayer. They're pretty much the same thing: Race to the finish. It's very basic, but I actually have no problem with it.
  • This game... it's not a bad game. There are more positive things than negative, it can be enjoyed, it doesn't has a pretentious story like early 2000s Sonic games, but considering it's an anniversary title, much more could've been done taking in mind the capabilities of the system. If you ask me, I'll give it a 7/10. An average game, pretty much only recommended to fans of the franchise (and even so taking in mind this fanbase it's arguable).
*Huff* ... God, I pretty much did an entire review... I have too much free time. Oh well, now if you excuse me, I'll download the PC version. I'm not a Sonic fan anymore, but truly this game just woke my curiosity to play the home console version again.
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
So I was searching for a 3DS game to take a small break from Smash and my eyes went on to the only 3rd party game I posses for the system:

Yep, I remember when I was still a :4sonic: fan and wanted to play Generations. I was a moron who didn't knew how to download anything at the time so I didn't download the PC version, but when I found this one, I immediately bought it. And now I'll write my opinion on it, why? Because I'm bored as ****.

We know portable versions almost never live up to their home versions, while I haven't played the PC/PS3/XB360 version, I watched gameplays of it and this is definetely one of those many examples.

The controls:
  • Classic Sonic definetely feels like his Genesis counterpart... that is until he learns the Homing Attack. While it definitely makes some things easier, the point of Classic Sonic is bringing the genesis playstyle as much as they can. I'm pretty much nitpicking, but I think it should've been better if it was optional.
  • Modern Sonic instead of having the 3D to 2.5D gameplay, is exclusively in 2.5D Rush/portable Colors gameplay, which is fine, but the 3DS can make more than that.
The stages:
  • Green Hill: Classic Sonic's version is a recreation of the 1st act in the 1st Sonic game. It's very short, but a nice nod. Modern Sonic is pretty much "boost, Boost, BOOST!", but I think it's not bad to get adjusted to the controls.
  • Casino Night: Likewise with Classic Sonic this is a recreation of Casino Night Act 1 from Sonic 2. Again, a nice nod, but sometimes I can be annoyed by the pinball and coin machines, still a decent level of exploration. Modern Sonic has many boost sections and the gimmicks are actually taken more advantage of with him.
  • Mushroom Hill: Recreation of the original with Classic Sonic again. Nice nod again, this one is where I enjoy the graphical upgrade the most. Modern Sonic has various loops, but the environment at times can be rather bland. Still the rail section at the end was pretty awesome.
  • Emerald Coast: ... why was this stage picked again? Don't get me wrong, I like the original version and the killer wave sequence in Adventure is iconic, but I don't see it as "anniversary game" material. Oh well, Classic Sonic has more exploration but sometimes the scenery can be rather bland. With Modern Sonic there's much more straight paths, so not much to do besides the whale sequence at the end.
  • Radical Highway: BORING AND ANNOYING. Both for Classic and Modern It's the most platform heavy stage, so it's not easy to go fast without either going into something or falling into the various large pits. There are straight paths, but they are long and bland. The most worthwhile thing here is the NiGHTS cameo in the background. Also minor nitpick, but Sonic wasn't ever here besides Adventure 2 opening cutscene, it was Shadow stage, so I don't see why it's here.
  • Water Palace: One of my fav stages, Classic Sonic requires to do some puzzles here while this is the stage that forces Modern Sonic to boost much less. The water sections aren't really annoying to me, I rarely take myself that much time to get out before the drown counter starts.
  • Tropical Resort: In both versions of this stage the Wisps make a comeback, Classic Sonic gets to use the Red Burst Wisps while Modern Sonic gets the Cyan Laser Wisps. Compared to the original, this stage is much longer for Classic relying a lot in exploration and avoiding death traps, while with Modern there's also deadly traps and is one of the stages where boost is required the most.
So yeah, I think Classic Sonic stages have a better structure than Modern Sonic.

The special stages:
  • Special Stages here are unlocked a stage is cleared with both Classic and Modern Sonic. Think of Sonic Heroes special stages, only much more easier and with a better control. After completing each a Chaos Emerald is collected, which are required to get to the Time Eater.
The rival battles:
  • Metal Sonic: A race to the finish. I like it, Metal can pull some tricks, but I don't get why they reused Casino Night instead of of remaking Stardust Speedway.
  • Shadow: Another race... on Radical Highway. This one's boring, Shadow is faster than and can perform Chaos Control, but it's not a challenge.
  • Silver: And another race... on Tropical Resort. Silver can teleport to near you and occasionally use PSI to throw boxes at you. This is my favorite of those battles, Silver can prove more difficult than Shadow and while the stage is reused and (I can't believe I'm gonna say this) I think a Soleanna recreation would have made more sense, it's the less bland out of the others.
So yeah, the rivals have been reduced to races only. I can understand Metal, his first appearance has his boss fight as a race, but truly while I do enjoy Silver's race, they could've done better.

The bosses:
  • Big Arm: Easiest Eggman boss fight ever. Being downgraded to a first boss for this machine to be so easy to defeat. However, hte theme is definetely badass.
  • Biolizard: Long and tedious. At least that "floating to reach it's core while avoiding poisonous bubbles" is less annoying compared to the original.
  • Egg Emperor: Just avoid the missiles and boost as much as you can. t could've been better. By the way, can someone explain me how is it that this is the boss of the Modern Era here but Seaside Hill is part of the Dreamcast Era in the home console version?
  • Time Eater: This battle is actually pretty good. It's not hard, but it's satisfying. Besides, from I've seen in the home console version Sonic's friends annoy him to no end pointing the bovious repeatdly.
In simple words, they could've done better with the bosses.

The music:
  • It's Sonic the Hedgehog. Every game in the series has good music... well, almost every game *glares at Sonic Chronicles*. This is no exception, the remixes are very good, specially Modern's Emerald Coast.
Time Attack:
  • It's just that, a Time Attack. Not much to say.
The missions:
  • There are a total of 96 missions, most of them are the typical "collect this, get to the goal before this time, defeat this number of enemies, etc." kind of thing. It adds some replay value, but they aren't the big deal.
The collectibles:
  • After completing a mission one is rewarded with a collectible:
  • Events: Those are the cutscenes of the game, they're unlocked by the story mode rather than missions.
  • Sound: Those are various songs from previous games, ranging from main themes to stages music.
  • Art: Various illustrations and official arts.
  • Models: Pretty much trophies of various Sonic characters.
Despite that they could have been get in a better way, the collectibles are fun and I enjoy looking at them.

  • There's both local and online multiplayer. They're pretty much the same thing: Race to the finish. It's very basic, but I actually have no problem with it.
  • This game... it's not a bad game. There are more positive things than negative, it can be enjoyed, it doesn't has a pretentious story like early 2000s Sonic games, but considering it's an anniversary title, much more could've been done taking in mind the capabilities of the system. If you ask me, I'll give it a 7/10. An average game, pretty much only recommended to fans of the franchise (and even so taking in mind this fanbase it's arguable).
*Huff* ... God, I pretty much did an entire review... I have too much free time. Oh well, now if you excuse me, I'll download the PC version. I'm not a Sonic fan anymore, but truly this game just woke my curiosity to play the home console version again.
I was actually thinking about getting that game
People are really pissed because this is the second delay for a figure that got announced 2 years ago
This figma is getting nicknamed "The Duke Nukem Forver of figures"
2 years ago?!
I would of given up by now. If the Armin figure was delayed 2 times after 2 years I would curl up and cry
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The Good Dinosaur
Jul 30, 2012
I finally learned how to draw Luigi moderately well, so I made a few drawings of him with Yoshi.
Put it in spoilers for those not interested in seeing it.
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Drawing like a tramp
Oct 20, 2014

Even Speedwagon is badass !

Well, I gotta progress my storyboards a bit.
I'll see you all later. Maybe. I don't know. 'Kay thanks bye !


May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??
Whoever thought that the Pyro should be in the Car and not the Scout
Is both a genius and an idiot at the same time

This goes for the Engi and the Plane too
Heavy is OK tho, he can boat.

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
I dont understand what are the mercs doing there.... TF is M18+...
SEGA made many deals for this game, that's why Danica Patrcik and Wreck-It Ralph are in.

So they made the TF2 exclusive to the Steam version.
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