GGs @
SmashRiver64 . You left super fast and quiet suddenly. But anyway, I won all the matches with the Mii

Your playstyle could I say this : annoyingly defensive. Especially with your Villager. Some matches were close, but that's mostly due to my experience with the character, wich is small. You tried to make cheap tricks, like Kirbyciding (@
WolfieXVII ❂
would be proud) or stalling time with the Villager near the end.
By the way, you maybe don't know this rule, but if the time runs out, the character who has the smallest percentages wins. So the sudden death was useless.
You also never stay with one character. It's a bit annoying too, since it shows that you don't have a define character. At first you took the Mii Brawler, then Roy, afterwards Kirby, then the Villager, to finally end on the Mii Gunner. That's 5 characters. 5 characters you played, for 5 matches. You need to stick with one or two characters, not choosing the whole roster to defeat someone.
Overall, the matches were okay. I didn't like your playstyle, but that's just my personal opinion. What you should do is focusing on one character. I couldn't analyze your characters since you played one character for each match. So, the only thing I can tell you is to adapt your playstyle and stop doing cheap tricks that doesn't work. Other than that, it was fun.
Good games.