I Think the recent hate for Sonic Adventure is because all the rereleases that came out for the game. Each subsequent rerelease of the game hasn't fixed many of the old issues from the Dreamcast version like collision detection and camera issues, nothing new is added to enhance the game in anyway from it's 1998/99 release. That's my understanding of the situation.
People are spoiled by modern controls, is the thing. They refuse to adapt to how they game is supposed to be played and how it was played back in the day, they see a re-release of Sonic and think theyr 360 controlers will magicaly make the game play like colladooty, which it wont. Older Sonic games have the plus of being fairly simple and easly translatable, and even then you find people complaining because the game requires skill and isnt exactly like Mario. Actually, I saw people starting to hate on Mario 64 too because N64 had no stick camera and the game isnt baby difficulty instant control, you actually have to take momentum into account, which IMO makes it the best playing 3D Mario game still, it feels so good to master the controls and do impressive stunts in the engine. For another example look at REmake and how it plays with Tank controls vs free controls. Its a deliberate design choice that is part of the game's experiance and gameplay, part of the game's rules that you have to understand and master, otherwise might as well just make it a shooter as the survival-horror aspect becomes moot and unbalanced. Making everything as straightforward as possible isnt always the best way to go. People forget how early games had limitations and worked around them to create unique experiances, they refuse to adapt to the game's rules. I am shocked Dark Souls became as big of a thing as it did, with how people percieve game design now a days.
Meh, these people are in denial. They clearly haven't played the games. I like to think S3&K is the best of the original Mega Drive games, but that's more of a personal opinion.
I understand some like '06, but man, is it me or is the Sonic fanbase getting more and more cancerous each day?
I say the Anti-Sonic fabase is getting more cancerous each day. Sonic fanbase was always... way too diverse so to speak. For better and for much, MUCH worse. Its weird how a big and annoying enough fanbase can create an anti-fanbase, like with furries or bronies.