Not something I would pick, but it's still neat looking!
I might upgrade my computer soon... maybe transfer all the guts out into a new case and upgrade the board and CPU.
I have a GTX980 so that doesn't need upgrading anytime soon. Neither does the CPU, it was top of the line... in 2013. Still good today, I just want to update it eventually.
it;s litterally the only green case and it just happens to be an matx case (my mobo is matx and it;s perfect for me).
btw, goodbye paper mario avi, we will miss you
That green looks like puke green
....honestly, blame the pic quality because it is far from that. I saw other videos that makes it look much better and it is advertised as "vivid green", it;s really far from vomit I can tell you.
See for youreself here:
(note, this LOOKS the same but is not the same case in the inside, same outside looking however so feel free to judge the other case with that video on the outside).
but I agree that the pic quality doesn;t do justice, it is clearly a bright green, my favorite
Ok then, its baby **** green then
I have taken care of a baby once so I konw that grossness looks like
.....that however sounds like you exagerrated a little bit though
That perfectly aligns with the fact you use Mint as your main OS.
Mint is just lovely without the green anyway. To me, it;s like Ubuntu wiuthout the weird stuff about it. The fact that it just happened to be green based is honestly coincidence.
Speaking of coincidence, guess what, I do need a new psu (mine is a tfx, the case accept atx one). I was searching for a semi modular and cheap one (I don;t use a dedicated gpu) and that was because I wanted to fix this....
urgh, @
Professor Pumpkaboo
I would vomit on that first before the color tbh, look at this mess, it;s ugly and do remind you that I HAD to work into this from time to's honestly dangerous....
Anyway I just happens to find a good one and guess what:
it just happened to have green writing. I literally found the cheapest one and it was pure coincidence.
As for why a window, I always loved this idea. I know I sound like crazy, but I feel I would enjoy to see my actual pc while it;s on. Let's be honest, it's purely aesthetic.
But the case is not just aesthetic and this.....urgh cable mess (it actually gives less airflow and adds tensions to the connectors). It is also to fit all my 3 drives at once.
I might wait for my birthday, but the thing is, I might just buy them asap. I start college soon so I want to waste the least time as possible on college because changing a case is long tedious and requires hours.