The pain is the thing that less matter
First they gave 2 doses of anestesia in form of eye drops while I waited my turn (because the procedure is really fast)
When my turn arrived, laid down in a reclinable chair, my eyelids got taped to keep my eyes open.
The doc told me to not focus on the sensation and look to the laser machine, then he placed a circular device that cut open the membrane of my eyes, you can feel it cutting, but the sensation of something doing pressure on the eyeball feels is worse than the pain (the pain is indeed light), then he moved the peeled parts of my eye membranes aside and shot the laser to my corneas (it smelled like burned chicken lol)
After that he placed back the membranes and gave me some relief eye drops.
I had to use some special drops for a week to prevent an infection and some relaxing drops that give a feeling of comfort to the eyeballs for a month.
I couldn't use a computer for 3 days and I used googles to shower for 2 weeks.
I would recommend the surgery? yes, because despite the time it takes to recover is fast and the results are great.