I just did it and....
guys, ssd are gods of the overthere or soemthing.
I setup automatic login, removed the delay on the update manager startup (they actually did that to not hang up hard drive by default) and put firefox, skype and hezxchat as startup.
Let me describe you how insane it is.
I selected to boot to linux mint and as sso as I did that, it started like usual in seconds.
Then I was greetied by not loging in becasue automatic login and here's what happened. when my desktop manager starts, I hear an sfx. Same for skype, it;s the same ont he widnows version, but I heard the skype sfx BEFORE the desktop manager sfx was heard, a second later, it was heard. i then only saw my wallpapaper for a split second because I realised quickly that firefox and hexchat was already opened and ready to do stuff on them,. ABSOLUTELY NO LAG!!!!
This is just unbelievable guys. Look, it might look not much to you, but just imagine how much use it is in practice.
You could shut down the pc every night, and you could be in college semester period so you wake up earlier than in the summer. so you are a bit tired and you press power on the pc, and 30 seconds later you are greeted with a fully booted pc with everythign to do right away.
To me (and I really don;t like cofee, but you would get the idea), it is like the difference between waking up and realising that you didn;t setup the cofee maker properly so you have to waste time to set it up and having it ready right away as you wake up. it's not only pleasent, it's just you not even caring of even be mad of booting the pc and wait.
Even Windows woudl benefit because windows 10 already improved booting up, if you do 5 drivers installation in which you just reboot everytime, you won't even care and do it because you know that the time it takes to click restart and having your desktop ready is so little that you won;t even have time to realise it is a wait.
What about diagnoses? it did happened that I had to reboot several time becasue I was trying to fix an issue on starting up (one of them was an audio recording issue), Before, i would desperatly try to find any way to NOT restart becasue it pissed me off so much to do it. Now, i wouldn't bother, it;s easy the reset button is very close to my hands anyway......
So, do i still bother of windows taking a slight giggle to require a reboot now? I still do because it is poor design tbh, but I will say this, at least I wouldn't be pissed. I would at least just do it and just not be that worried of interupting my stuff. And let's be honest, SSD are still expensive so a lot of people would still have that issue to deal with. The main thign with windows is you really don;t need and shouldn;t defragment an ssd. To me, this kinda means that over time, a windows install would not be that neccessary to reinstall after months as much as an hdd would.
I still don;t like windows for its philosophy anyway, but at least I wouldn;t be pissed to experience it. Also do remember that this is assuming that I would put my vm on the SSD......frankly, i could, but I want to put it on my 7200 rpm hdd becasue I have more than a tb of storage for sake, i can change if I want to.
So in conclusion, getting an ssd big enough to hold OS and basic programs is just night and day, You pay less with you being worried of rebooting or you pay more and you will never be concerned about it. You will also never be concerned of starting programs that normally takes a lot of time becasue your pc is clutered or soemthing since it woudn;t matter anyway. it becomes to a point when you would wonder why splash screens even exists because you wouldn;t have time to see them. So, you don;t always need an ssd as boot drive if you are ok with this speed, but if you are like me and think that a pc should not waste your time when you need it, you will likely think that the ssd is jsut better with a couple of hdd for more capacity.