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Social Smash 4 Social 6.0 - 『ONE YEAR OF SOCIAL 6.0!』

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Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2014
Gonna start streaming in a few minutes. :o I'm pretty excited now that I got everything situated.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Politics? In the Smash 4 Social? That's a rare sight.

Environmental issues are definitely one of the biggest things for me as far as who to vote for. For me:
- Environmental issues
- Educational issues
- Social issues

My three biggest concerns, and the ones I feel would benefit the US as a country the most. Anything else is just icing, really. Invest in the future, not wars, that kinda thing.

It also figures that my preferred candidate who aligns with my beliefs on all three of these is currently third in the running for a two-person election. :/
I do like him the most among the candidates. A lot of his ideas align very well my mine too, and a lot of his donations are small donations by people rather than large companies... A shame he's trailing behind Clinton. :ohwell:

I was surprised that he's a self proclaimed socialist and by using the Nordic countries as an example, he knows what he's talking about.


Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
I think I'm listening to too much SiIvaGunner.

I was playing one game and I was keep on expecting the Flintstones theme to pop-up somewhere in the game's songs.

Should I quit? Nah. :upsidedown:


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I think I'm listening to too much SiIvaGunner.

I was playing one game and I was keep on expecting the Flintstones theme to pop-up somewhere in the game's songs.

Should I quit? Nah. :upsidedown:
It's worse when the Flinststone remix starts displacing the original song from your mind, and you get surprised when you hear the original one in the game rather than the Flintstone one.



Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2014
If anyone wants to watch me play Undertale Genocide and cry, I'll be streaming that, first Genocide run I've done, on my Twitch channel till 11 or so.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
And with that, my semester met its end.

These two months of holidays will be well deserved.


Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
After seeing the following video, I still find it very awkward how Wolf never returned for Smash 3DS / Wii U. It definitely was a missed opportunity to reuse his Lylat Cruise conversations.



Mr. Blue Sky
Nov 29, 2006
The Netherlands
Am I correct in thinking Nintendo will only show Zelda this year as a Treehouse Event and not have a Digital Event at E3? I mean, their E3 page doesn't mention anything about a Digital Event or anything. If so, looks like I'll be skipping their E3 this year. Zelda doesn't really interest me.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Am I correct in thinking Nintendo will only show Zelda this year as a Treehouse Event and not have a Digital Event at E3? I mean, their E3 page doesn't mention anything about a Digital Event or anything. If so, looks like I'll be skipping their E3 this year. Zelda doesn't really interest me.
I thought Zelda was the only game that was PLAYABLE at E3. I figured that means they will show some other stuff off too. Like Pokemon Sun and Moon, And maybe that Paper Mario game that has everyone disappointed. Probably one or two other games to show off that we don't know about.


Mr. Blue Sky
Nov 29, 2006
The Netherlands
I thought Zelda was the only game that was PLAYABLE at E3. I figured that means they will show some other stuff off too. Like Pokemon Sun and Moon, And maybe that Paper Mario game that has everyone disappointed. Probably one or two other games to show off that we don't know about.
Yes, Zelda will be the only game that's playable at E3. But it just seems odd to me to not mention anything about a Direct at your E3 page. And I'm going into pattern territory now but last two years they had a trailer in which they revealed their E3 plans, shortly before their E3 page went live.
However, it might be me who's just me misinterpreting things or even if it's not, that they broadcast a Direct outside of E3, like EA does. Pretty sure EA isn't at E3 but they have a show a couple of hours before the Bethesda conference.

Knuckles the Knuckles

Here's a taste of the remedy
Apr 12, 2014
Shaq City USA
...I mean, Zelda is the thing I care the most about from Nintendo, so I should be happy with E3, but cmon Ninty you gotta have something more than that.

Deleted member

Am I correct in thinking Nintendo will only show Zelda this year as a Treehouse Event and not have a Digital Event at E3? I mean, their E3 page doesn't mention anything about a Digital Event or anything. If so, looks like I'll be skipping their E3 this year. Zelda doesn't really interest me.
You're correct. There won't be a Digital Event this year. It's just going to be the Treehouse playing Zelda.

Though other games not being announced via a hypothetical Digital Event or the Treehouse streams doesn't mean they won't be there... they might showcase them in some form. Given that's all what they're going to show this year, E3 may not be as big of a priority to me as it was before. I'll probably just treat the whole E3 week as just yet another normal week.

We're still getting NX news later in the year, so that's something to look forward to.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
The new Power Ranger costumes got shown off. They look a little weird. The Helmets are aight though.



Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
After the recent news about Nintendo's E3 plans I had to modifiy my planned bingo card for the event.
Hopefully this one will be accurate.

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Deleted member


So I created this yesterday while doing random stuff in SAI. This may not be the one Bayonetta avatar I've been brainstorming about for months now, but it's something. This was originally planned to be a simple test image to quickly master the art style in some form (though I probably didn't master it). I'm not sure when I'll get to create the real deal, or even my next Aspyr avatar for that matter.

I'm very well aware that I've let three Smashboards users down as I've never managed to create their requested avatars in time, no matter if they were paid commissions or not. While I'm not very sure what I'm going to do in response to that, I can say I apologize for this inconvenience.

Anyways, you can read the spoiler quote below for more information about this image. Mind you that this is just a digitally remastered version of an image and said image is not my own work.

The Bayonetta avatar has been resurrected... well, sort of. I was bored as usual, and thought of drawing a couple things in SAI, so I went and plugged in my Bamboo Capture and did some stuff. Then I came across a particular drawing made by Bayonetta 2's director, and since I was aiming to capture his drawing style anyway, I went on to practice it. What was once a simple test to match the intended art style eventually managed to become a full-fledged avatar in no time... though I may still go ahead and create the one avatar I've been talking about for months now. Who knows?

As you can clearly see, it's just a digitally remastered version of this-- a Valentine's Day image posted by Platinum. This obviously means I'm not the original author of the picture. It's essentially the same as the original, though I did remove the Fox bit. She's on her Star Mercenary costume, so Fox lives on in one way or another.

Mission accomplished.

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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC

So I created this yesterday while doing random stuff in SAI. This may not be the one Bayonetta avatar I've been brainstorming about for months now, but it's something. This was originally planned to be a simple test image to quickly master the art style in some form (though I probably didn't master it). I'm not sure when I'll get to create the real deal, or even my next Aspyr avatar for that matter.

I'm very well aware that I've let three Smashboards users down as I've never managed to create their requested avatars in time, no matter if they were paid commissions or not. While I'm not very sure what I'm going to do in response to that, I can say I apologize for this inconvenience.

Anyways, you can read the spoiler quote below for more information about this image. Mind you that this is just a digitally remastered version of an image and said image is not my own work.

Don't worry man, i know how it is hard to find time for drawning. Especially for request like mine, and frankly, i am more happy to see your art than anything else. :)
So yeah, keep those doodle fresh. ;)


The Good Dinosaur
Jul 30, 2012
Jesus Christ, Danganronpa 2 second trial...
A ****ing SWIMSUIT. REALLY? That's all I'll say.


Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2014
Streaming tonight~! Undertale Genocide from 8-9 EST, Touhou between 9-10 or so, and a request from a friend for the last hour! Monday's stream will be less cluttered with different stuff lol.

EDIT: I'm having problems with OBS because of audio not initializing, so this is gonna need to be fixed.

EDIT2: I appear to have fixed it.
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The Good Dinosaur
Jul 30, 2012
Doesn't it take place on an island though? Doesn't seem too out of place.

That's not what I'm talking about. Like I said, it has to do with the second case.
Basically Monokuma cooks up a video game as one of the motives of murder and the first section of the class trial requires you to solve the mystery behind it, one of those mysteries being the "unconventional" murder weapon the killer used in the game.
There's several bullets you can use and several weak spots you can shoot.
You're supposed to figure out the killer used a swimsuit filled with gravel as a blunt weapon to kill the victim. Without anything pointing to it beforehand.
Like, this is something that would be right at place in Phoenix Wright. It's just such a jump in logic it's ridiculous.
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Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
Am I correct in thinking Nintendo will only show Zelda this year as a Treehouse Event and not have a Digital Event at E3? I mean, their E3 page doesn't mention anything about a Digital Event or anything. If so, looks like I'll be skipping their E3 this year. Zelda doesn't really interest me.
I don't think they'll just do nothing for E3. Surely they've learned from last year?


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Just saw the Jungle Book. Twice (Once in English and once in Hindi)

Liked everything about it. The animation, story, voices, the fighting scenes, everything. :b:

So, a question. Does the English version have, like, blatantly different accents for Bagheera, Baloo, Shere Khan and King Louie? That's what they did in the Hindi dub, so I'm curious (and I can't really tell English accents apart).



Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
I see Nintendo distancing themselves from E3 because it rarely works out for them, and for another few reasons I'll get into later. They've maybe had 2, 3 good showings recently over the past several years, but most of the time people just kinda ***** a lot. One big thing is that E3's audience is very impatient and sets unrealistic standards- in a blue moon, Nintendo has a spectacular performance (see 2014), but it's not like they can do that year after year. I actually personally thought that 2015's was fine, but I think the reason most people didn't is because they were still riding that 2014 high. Nintendo's been pretty stretched thin lately and having only a year to set up big presentation after another isn't really feasible, considering how much time it takes to develop high quality games. And Nintendo's not the only one who's disgruntled with this- there are other devs/pubs who are tired of E3 as well. A lot of consumers are, to be quite frank, immature. If it isn't done just right, it's the end of the world to them. I'm not saying you can't be disappointed by a showing. But a lot of people don't know how to express that without being a jerk, and eventually it's just not worth dealing with that anymore.

Another thing is that E3 is losing relevance. With the internet being an absolutely massive thing that most people use (particularly target audiences), it's much easier to just let social media and headlines spread word of what's going on. Twitter and Facebook have amazingly huge userbases, and not to mention the plethora of sites that report on gaming news. E3 had its time in the limelight, but it's getting more and more overshadowed now by something more immediate. I think it's still a relatively exciting time of year but it's still going downhill from here.

Anyway, lastly, Nintendo doing their own presentation in September/October (this is my guess of time frame) is pretty damn smart. It's likely that they could have shown off the NX at E3, but having those extra few months to prepare might make it all the better, having more software to show (what with their plans to avoid what made the Wii U a failure) and improving the presentation. But here's the real kicker- they won't have to compete with Sony or Microsoft at their own reveal. That in itself is much better for them. We're used to directs being just about games, but now we're getting one about a new console, and it's all that'll be talked about, and they have complete control. Don't have to worry about the PS4.5/K/Neo/Dumb-Thing or whatever Microsoft has up their sleeve. Whatever they had will be from a few months ago and this is what'll be fresh in people's minds.

Also hi I disappeared for a while because full-time job + trying to move out + social obligations. For my own personal thoughts on it all, I am really sad that Nintendo won't have a bigger presentation, because I always really enjoy what they do, and it's a big tradition for me and my girlfriend to watch them. Of course the year that we moved in together is when they decided to start getting away from it. At the very least, Zelda U is what I've been explicitly wanting to know about. Of course, I may have said some nasty things about Nintendo after the 2017 delay was revealed...


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Hi, just popping here because I wanted to spread the hype of linux mint 18 :)

FalKoopa FalKoopa
(I am not sure at all if this tag will work) well the linux miont blog made a new monthly news post about mint 18 and it's awesome!


I guess I will tag @Flight (thank god he didn't changed his nick) because as the screens shows, the flat theme they are going for is a lot better than windows 10.

So, finalyl new base, ubuntu 16.04 thus, updating the 2 years old repos. This is alone a big deal, even their blog post basically says they had to do workaround before that 16.04 natively fixed because the repos are jsut updated and had fixes. So, not only this will fix MANY problems I had with repos, but it will also make everything work more hardware wise.

New cinnamon, I heard some good things about it, but it;s not by much. There's cool features like being able to rename battery powered devices so they have accurate name.

And the other big thing is Mint-Y, their new flat theme. I said before that I found flat themes boring (and they really are seriously), but this one......it doesn;t look boring. In fact, it probably looks more attracting than anything because I can at least breath in the flatness. There's shadows and the corners are ALMOST straight, it's just a slight curve that makes them look flat, but they aren't really. Tbh, the check boxes are an improvement for example, they feel more......there. The fact that you can have black borders even is YES! MY EYES WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

And the last thing I have to say is just how reliable linux mint became to me. Because that theme is OPTIONAL, they won't be putting by default and both Mint-X (the current main non flat theme that i like) is the one they will put by default so for 18, you will have to choose to use the flat theme. They explained why they do this and they are already smarter than microsoft which is.....actually bothering me lol.

Microsoft did imo the biggest UI mistake by IMPOSING that theme. Like no matter what you think of it, I find it very divisive, it's different to the point of it';s hard to be in the middle, you hate or love it (I hate it). The worst is that the integration is worse too, like you have 2 control panel window doing different things, ew.

The Mint team did that a lot better, first, they freaking listened to people I mean they knew about the concerns of people when they said about a new look like.....months prior to this blog post and they already said that Mint-X will still be there. Next, they actually realised that it could be annoying to switch to flat like this so they decided to NOT make the flat theme the default, but actually the non flat one and you would have to choose in the theme settings if you want to use the flat one. This is only done to get feedbacks on it which again, microsoft never did. Like instead of just imposing it and not change it, they actually want to improve it with these feedbacks.

Result: no one will yell at Clement (the linux mint project funder), everyone can see if they like mint-y to then let them know what people think of it and possibly improve it, worst case people hate it and they don;t support it anymore.

Like, it;s insane how reliable linux mint is. Seriously, I always look forward to their next release because of this, I never saw an OS dev team that was this reliable to trust. It started when I was using Olvia which I think was 15 and originally, I didn;t know really how linux work so I was quite lost a lot and had to install and uninstall several time. Then came petra whcih is 16 and at that time, I think this is where I started to realise how much the linux mint os is just good. I think I actually started to use petra and hold to it a bit longer before getting 17 and after I got 17, this is where I shrank my windows partition, sign that I won;t be using windows as main os ever again.

And every update so far (17.1, 17.2 and 17.3) they are ALL good. Like normally, they even clearly tell you that you don';t need to update if everything already works, it;s designed that way, btu the thing is, their releases are so good I can;t bring myself to not update. 17.3 for example bring a lot of very cool animation and a much better settings page and I think it's the one that bring the most satisfying windows snapping ever (it was clearly optimised at the milisecond because it feels long enough so you feel it and short enough to not bother you). It has been so reliable that I even EXPECT that it;s good and......it is!

No other os gives me that feel. Microsoft is probably the worst for me because they could ditch everything good in a day with how they are going (especially with these telemetry story, I heard they freakign track mouse movement WHY THE HECK????). So of course, I stopped to trust the ms reliability since windows 8, 10 got worse and again, 7 was only good as it is to me, but it wasn;t good FOR me.

For OSX, they are improving, it;s jsut it;s forced, you have to get a mac which is already NOPE and then even if you get one, you are stuck to use the OS the way Apple wants you (which is btw worse than ms because if you hate it, you hate the entire hardware and not just the OS) At least if you lvoe the OS AND the hardware.....then you will likely be good for a long time if you have money.

Even ubuntu. Even them I don;t trust them this much because of several.....weird stuff. First, unity by defautl, LET ME DITCH THIS PLEASE! I hate that UI so much. Then, there's this sort of.....asking too much for money on their page that I don't like and the worst of all, I think they push the friendlyness a bit too far. Like, it's a linux so it's already better than widnows in my book, but.....there is some windows philosophy there. Like making critical maintenance task......less obvious to do and some stuff that I don't like. Tbh however, unity alone makes me not like ubuntu, there is other stuff I heard that has to do with third party collaboration that just makes ubuntu, not bad.....but a bit doubtfull to me. Still better than windows and osx at any day.

Mint however is where I don;t think I can find better tbh. I like Ubuntu's ideas, I love the ideas they took from debian, I love the ideas they added on top, I just don't like how they deal with them. Mint is basically pick all these ideas and implement it so that it just makes more sense. Their own gnome fork cinnamon is just awesome, best UI I ever used, their update solutions are just the best, giving synaptic WITH a qucik search by default, much mroe intelligent settings screen and all of this making green the main color. The best that mint does however it;s that it;s a really friendly os, but almost every maintenances task is easy to do. The ONLY problems I ever had so far had to do with outdated repos which only started to become a problem a ywear after the fact and this will be solved in like 2 months. However, EVEN then, I realised that thanks to using ubuntu base, you can find all workaround for them.

Mint is basically the ideas I love the most in an OS implemented in the most logical way possible.

Let me give you an exemple, on ubuntu, to have a gui file manager opened as root, you have to type sudo then the name of the file manager, fine, I am used to the terminal, but for this many times? it's a bit annyoing.

mint, they jsut have a right click option in the file manager named "Open as root" which is basically a shortcut to open the file manager in the current folder with gksu......wow.

They of course took works of others to make this happen and fork it, but the idea here is that they know it';s for the best and I can at least see WHY they did it.

So yeah, while my trust with ms is decreasing every month, linux mint team is increasing rapidly. I jsut love that OS.


Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2014
Today is a day to relax, so I'm gonna IV reset for a good Darkrai. Gonna play some Pokemon, Touhou, and then probably fiddle with RPG Maker later.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
And I just watched Zootopia too. I think I've had my fix of talking animals for a while. :laugh:

Hi, just popping here because I wanted to spread the hype of linux mint 18 :)

FalKoopa FalKoopa
(I am not sure at all if this tag will work) well the linux miont blog made a new monthly news post about mint 18 and it's awesome!


I guess I will tag @Flight (thank god he didn't changed his nick) because as the screens shows, the flat theme they are going for is a lot better than windows 10.

So, finalyl new base, ubuntu 16.04 thus, updating the 2 years old repos. This is alone a big deal, even their blog post basically says they had to do workaround before that 16.04 natively fixed because the repos are jsut updated and had fixes. So, not only this will fix MANY problems I had with repos, but it will also make everything work more hardware wise.

New cinnamon, I heard some good things about it, but it;s not by much. There's cool features like being able to rename battery powered devices so they have accurate name.

And the other big thing is Mint-Y, their new flat theme. I said before that I found flat themes boring (and they really are seriously), but this one......it doesn;t look boring. In fact, it probably looks more attracting than anything because I can at least breath in the flatness. There's shadows and the corners are ALMOST straight, it's just a slight curve that makes them look flat, but they aren't really. Tbh, the check boxes are an improvement for example, they feel more......there. The fact that you can have black borders even is YES! MY EYES WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

And the last thing I have to say is just how reliable linux mint became to me. Because that theme is OPTIONAL, they won't be putting by default and both Mint-X (the current main non flat theme that i like) is the one they will put by default so for 18, you will have to choose to use the flat theme. They explained why they do this and they are already smarter than microsoft which is.....actually bothering me lol.

Microsoft did imo the biggest UI mistake by IMPOSING that theme. Like no matter what you think of it, I find it very divisive, it's different to the point of it';s hard to be in the middle, you hate or love it (I hate it). The worst is that the integration is worse too, like you have 2 control panel window doing different things, ew.

The Mint team did that a lot better, first, they freaking listened to people I mean they knew about the concerns of people when they said about a new look like.....months prior to this blog post and they already said that Mint-X will still be there. Next, they actually realised that it could be annoying to switch to flat like this so they decided to NOT make the flat theme the default, but actually the non flat one and you would have to choose in the theme settings if you want to use the flat one. This is only done to get feedbacks on it which again, microsoft never did. Like instead of just imposing it and not change it, they actually want to improve it with these feedbacks.

Result: no one will yell at Clement (the linux mint project funder), everyone can see if they like mint-y to then let them know what people think of it and possibly improve it, worst case people hate it and they don;t support it anymore.

Like, it;s insane how reliable linux mint is. Seriously, I always look forward to their next release because of this, I never saw an OS dev team that was this reliable to trust. It started when I was using Olvia which I think was 15 and originally, I didn;t know really how linux work so I was quite lost a lot and had to install and uninstall several time. Then came petra whcih is 16 and at that time, I think this is where I started to realise how much the linux mint os is just good. I think I actually started to use petra and hold to it a bit longer before getting 17 and after I got 17, this is where I shrank my windows partition, sign that I won;t be using windows as main os ever again.

And every update so far (17.1, 17.2 and 17.3) they are ALL good. Like normally, they even clearly tell you that you don';t need to update if everything already works, it;s designed that way, btu the thing is, their releases are so good I can;t bring myself to not update. 17.3 for example bring a lot of very cool animation and a much better settings page and I think it's the one that bring the most satisfying windows snapping ever (it was clearly optimised at the milisecond because it feels long enough so you feel it and short enough to not bother you). It has been so reliable that I even EXPECT that it;s good and......it is!

No other os gives me that feel. Microsoft is probably the worst for me because they could ditch everything good in a day with how they are going (especially with these telemetry story, I heard they freakign track mouse movement WHY THE HECK????). So of course, I stopped to trust the ms reliability since windows 8, 10 got worse and again, 7 was only good as it is to me, but it wasn;t good FOR me.

For OSX, they are improving, it;s jsut it;s forced, you have to get a mac which is already NOPE and then even if you get one, you are stuck to use the OS the way Apple wants you (which is btw worse than ms because if you hate it, you hate the entire hardware and not just the OS) At least if you lvoe the OS AND the hardware.....then you will likely be good for a long time if you have money.

Even ubuntu. Even them I don;t trust them this much because of several.....weird stuff. First, unity by defautl, LET ME DITCH THIS PLEASE! I hate that UI so much. Then, there's this sort of.....asking too much for money on their page that I don't like and the worst of all, I think they push the friendlyness a bit too far. Like, it's a linux so it's already better than widnows in my book, but.....there is some windows philosophy there. Like making critical maintenance task......less obvious to do and some stuff that I don't like. Tbh however, unity alone makes me not like ubuntu, there is other stuff I heard that has to do with third party collaboration that just makes ubuntu, not bad.....but a bit doubtfull to me. Still better than windows and osx at any day.

Mint however is where I don;t think I can find better tbh. I like Ubuntu's ideas, I love the ideas they took from debian, I love the ideas they added on top, I just don't like how they deal with them. Mint is basically pick all these ideas and implement it so that it just makes more sense. Their own gnome fork cinnamon is just awesome, best UI I ever used, their update solutions are just the best, giving synaptic WITH a qucik search by default, much mroe intelligent settings screen and all of this making green the main color. The best that mint does however it;s that it;s a really friendly os, but almost every maintenances task is easy to do. The ONLY problems I ever had so far had to do with outdated repos which only started to become a problem a ywear after the fact and this will be solved in like 2 months. However, EVEN then, I realised that thanks to using ubuntu base, you can find all workaround for them.

Mint is basically the ideas I love the most in an OS implemented in the most logical way possible.

Let me give you an exemple, on ubuntu, to have a gui file manager opened as root, you have to type sudo then the name of the file manager, fine, I am used to the terminal, but for this many times? it's a bit annyoing.

mint, they jsut have a right click option in the file manager named "Open as root" which is basically a shortcut to open the file manager in the current folder with gksu......wow.

They of course took works of others to make this happen and fork it, but the idea here is that they know it';s for the best and I can at least see WHY they did it.

So yeah, while my trust with ms is decreasing every month, linux mint team is increasing rapidly. I jsut love that OS.
At last. I was waiting for their April update.

Mint 18 is looking beautiful. Personally, I like flat themes (yes, even Windows 10's look, I find it sleek and somewhat futuristic) and Mint Y Dark looks great. I actually played around with Xubuntu 16.04, but I didn't really get much of a sense of newness with it, not sure why, so I reverted bacl to Mint 17.3 after a few days. So the beta will be out in June, huh? That's still a while. I can wait though.

I might opt for Mint Mate, because I definitely enjoyed using it while testing out Ubuntu Mate 15.10. Mate has a few features in it that Cinnamon lacks, most notably panels on the right and left sides of the screen, which I found pretty handy.

I hate Windows's surveillance so I ended up using a particular version that is set to never update and doesn't come with Metro apps - No Windows store, none of those Twitter, Market, News ... all those apps - Basically a bloat-free version of Windows. I'll probably need Windows as long as Japan-only obscure-ish games refuse to work on Linux.



Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
And I just watched Zootopia too. I think I've had my fix of talking animals for a while. :laugh:

At last. I was waiting for their April update.

Mint 18 is looking beautiful. Personally, I like flat themes (yes, even Windows 10's look, I find it sleek and somewhat futuristic) and Mint Y Dark looks great. I actually played around with Xubuntu 16.04, but I didn't really get much of a sense of newness with it, not sure why, so I reverted bacl to Mint 17.3 after a few days. So the beta will be out in June, huh? That's still a while. I can wait though.

I might opt for Mint Mate, because I definitely enjoyed using it while testing out Ubuntu Mate 15.10. Mate has a few features in it that Cinnamon lacks, most notably panels on the right and left sides of the screen, which I found pretty handy.

I hate Windows's surveillance so I ended up using a particular version that is set to never update and doesn't come with Metro apps - No Windows store, none of those Twitter, Market, News ... all those apps - Basically a bloat-free version of Windows. I'll probably need Windows as long as Japan-only obscure-ish games refuse to work on Linux.

solution: use a vm. Seriously, the onyl thing you need as couples of ram so you coudl give like 2-3 gb to the vm and have enough left for your host.

I have been using a vm from a phisical partition on my drive and it can boot within 30 seconds because I use an ssd.

ubuntu repos will be mroe discrete improvements, it just will mean more bugfixes and smarter engineering because open source does progress so things jsut get better. This also means you won't need those freaking ppa to just install dolphin or worse, build it from their github repos which I currently have to do. However, with the number of problems I got so far, trust me, it's a huge improvement.

mate is good, I just like cinnamon better.

I recommend unless you use a vm to NOT get the beta. idk how the things works when you upgrade to the real release, but it;s jsut that imo, beta OS are more for testing and not really using because......it;s an OS......it can go wrong in a lot of ways. Don't even get the RFC release, realyl wait for the release.

Oh btw, if you have 17.3, the max kermel you can have isn't even the latest one and I do upgrade my kermel from time to time because.....it just bring more hardware supports. The thing is. mint 18 will be able to have the latest.

Honestly, given how much you use linux, you should consider to stop dual booting, upgrade your ram if you need and get a vm. It;s so satisfying to boot another os just for compatibility sake without rebooting especially if you are on hdd which......really, god bless you because rebooting is very slow on them. It took a while for me before doing this, but tbh, i think you reached the point where you want this lol :)


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
solution: use a vm. Seriously, the onyl thing you need as couples of ram so you coudl give like 2-3 gb to the vm and have enough left for your host.

I have been using a vm from a phisical partition on my drive and it can boot within 30 seconds because I use an ssd.

ubuntu repos will be mroe discrete improvements, it just will mean more bugfixes and smarter engineering because open source does progress so things jsut get better. This also means you won't need those freaking ppa to just install dolphin or worse, build it from their github repos which I currently have to do. However, with the number of problems I got so far, trust me, it's a huge improvement.

mate is good, I just like cinnamon better.

I recommend unless you use a vm to NOT get the beta. idk how the things works when you upgrade to the real release, but it;s jsut that imo, beta OS are more for testing and not really using because......it;s an OS......it can go wrong in a lot of ways. Don't even get the RFC release, realyl wait for the release.

Oh btw, if you have 17.3, the max kermel you can have isn't even the latest one and I do upgrade my kermel from time to time because.....it just bring more hardware supports. The thing is. mint 18 will be able to have the latest.

Honestly, given how much you use linux, you should consider to stop dual booting, upgrade your ram if you need and get a vm. It;s so satisfying to boot another os just for compatibility sake without rebooting especially if you are on hdd which......really, god bless you because rebooting is very slow on them. It took a while for me before doing this, but tbh, i think you reached the point where you want this lol :)
I'll do that when I get a new laptop in a few years' time. This was the first laptop I bought for my personal use and I didn't really know what I did and didn't need, so I found that it was a bit underpowered compared to what I wanted. I never really imagined that I'd use it more for my android modding and Linux testing rather than just simply playing PC games.

It only has a 500 GB hard disk, 4 GB ram and a 1.8 GHz processor. Enough for most simple games I play like Touhou and older games, but it struggles with Dolphin. And it's AMD, not Nvidia (bad for Linux). I'll pick my next laptop more wisely.

And thanks for the warning. I'l just wait for the full release then.

EDIT: As for dual booting, Windows acts as a backup just in case I break my Linux, which happens rather often given my tendency to mess around with stuff. :p So I don't mind dual booting.

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Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
I'll do that when I get a new laptop in a few years' time. This was the first laptop I bought for my personal use and I didn't really know what I did and didn't need, so I found that it was a bit underpowered compared to what I wanted. I never really imagined that I'd use it more for my android modding and Linux testing rather than just simply playing PC games.

It only has a 500 GB hard disk, 4 GB ram and a 1.8 GHz processor. Enough for most simple games I play like Touhou and older games, but it struggles with Dolphin. And it's AMD, not Nvidia (bad for Linux). I'll pick my next laptop more wisely.

And thanks for the warning. I'l just wait for the full release then.

EDIT: As for dual booting, Windows acts as a backup just in case I break my Linux, which happens rather often given my tendency to mess around with stuff. :p So I don't mind dual booting.

You can make a live cd which is slow granted, btu you can restore your stuff that way and like I said, do the vm with a physical partition if you are into that so you can have both.

The speed of a cpu is not going to tell me if it;s good because it mostly depends on the archtecture and model rather than the clock speed which isn;t really descriptive because it can be slow, but be efficient per cycle.

so if you can give me the model, then i woudl know (check your pc websitre or the specs said by your OS).

4gb is BARELY ok for a vm because you would give 2 gb for the guest and leave 2gb for the hsot.....it';s not much. I have 8gb and I give 3 gb to my guest which is clearly wnough and I get to keep 5gb. Ideally, get 6 or 8gb.

But yeah, for dolphin, give me the model of the cpu. it;s hsould be core isoemthing followed by 4 numbers and mayube a letter at the end.

Graphics, don't use amd.....at all for dolphin. I heard several reports saying amd is quite bad for opengl compatibility which dolphin needs and they even recommend to use nvidia or intel igpu. So, get an nvidia (idk if optimus would work however, had multiple problems) or jsut uise the igpu for dolphin at least becuase dolphin isn't demanding on it.

And tbh, try to at least get a laptop that allows storage expansion so you coudl maybe add an ssd, seriosuly, ssd are magicall :)


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
You can make a live cd which is slow granted, btu you can restore your stuff that way and like I said, do the vm with a physical partition if you are into that so you can have both.

The speed of a cpu is not going to tell me if it;s good because it mostly depends on the archtecture and model rather than the clock speed which isn;t really descriptive because it can be slow, but be efficient per cycle.

so if you can give me the model, then i woudl know (check your pc websitre or the specs said by your OS).

4gb is BARELY ok for a vm because you would give 2 gb for the guest and leave 2gb for the hsot.....it';s not much. I have 8gb and I give 3 gb to my guest which is clearly wnough and I get to keep 5gb. Ideally, get 6 or 8gb.

But yeah, for dolphin, give me the model of the cpu. it;s hsould be core isoemthing followed by 4 numbers and mayube a letter at the end.

Graphics, don't use amd.....at all for dolphin. I heard several reports saying amd is quite bad for opengl compatibility which dolphin needs and they even recommend to use nvidia or intel igpu. So, get an nvidia (idk if optimus would work however, had multiple problems) or jsut uise the igpu for dolphin at least becuase dolphin isn't demanding on it.

And tbh, try to at least get a laptop that allows storage expansion so you coudl maybe add an ssd, seriosuly, ssd are magicall :)
The laptop model is Dell Inspiron 3521. These are the specs

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Smash Champion
Feb 12, 2015
Pepperoni Secret
Switch FC
Just got back from watching Civil War... 10/10.

It honestly felt like a better Avengers film than Avengers 2 did! Everyone had their own role, no one felt underused, writing was great.... Definitely one of my favorite Marvel films to date.

Also, without giving anything away...

Spider-Man was 11/10, arguably the best part of the movie, imo.

Opossum Opossum have you seen it yet?


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Just got back from watching Civil War... 10/10.

It honestly felt like a better Avengers film than Avengers 2 did! Everyone had their own role, no one felt underused, writing was great.... Definitely one of my favorite Marvel films to date.

Also, without giving anything away...

Spider-Man was 11/10, arguably the best part of the movie, imo.

Opossum Opossum have you seen it yet?
You know what the worst thing on earth is?

Having to wait for your friends to get their finals done so we all can see it. Sacrifices, man, I tell you.

I know everything that happens, though, because I'm weak willed when it comes to spoilers, but dammit I just wanna see it myself even more now. :laugh: Sometime this week should be likely, depending on when my friends are free. :p From what I've read I can already tell it'll be my favorite though.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Today is a day to relax, so I'm gonna IV reset for a good Darkrai. Gonna play some Pokemon, Touhou, and then probably fiddle with RPG Maker later.
The main problem with the event Pokemon is that you have absolutely no control over their natures; Synchronize can't help you at all. If you get the right IVs for the right stats, but not the right nature, then you have to reset the game and try again.

In Darkrai's case, Timid would clearly be the nature to go for.
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