I gotta say, it's getting pretty tiresome to come here and see every post having some mention to how slow the thread is.
Like, I get it, and it's true, we're not exactly rolling around at the speed of sound like we used to. But, by the same token, I feel like more than half the posts in this thread for the past month have just been "gee whiz guys, this thread sure is slow!". If anything, it's just kinda disheartening, and it feels like beating a dead horse at this point.
I'm not pointing any fingers; Hell, I'm guilty as well. But guys, instead of complaining, just post something you find interesting and worthy of a quick conversation, and maybe we'll see more activity eventually.
Or we could just do more things like HGS, that's always good for a good few pages. I dunno, just spitballing.
Sorry if I'm preaching here, but I just feel like getting rid of the negativity surrounding the thread's slowness will help more in the long run.