Rant alert!
I'm definitely late in this, but I just read that Magearna is Steel/Fairy type. I am disappointed. Why did they do it? It is NOT! a good idea. And it is THIRD! Pokemon with that type combination.
Yes, I am mad. How, and why would anyone come up with so obnoxious idea as "Lets take a type with only 2 weaknesses, and mix it with other type so it won't be weak against any of them, and also this removes one of the other type's few weaknesses!"
I know no one is actually going to use Magearna, but I'm just mad about this type thing, because I think this kind of things just remove some fun of the game. Yes, I also know that I am not forced to play any of the Pokemon games, and I know this type combination is not too frequent in the games (still too frequent, considering it is a new type and one of the rarest types), and I also know that I could just deal with it, but it does not make the Steel/Fairy type any less bad idea.