Ok, I got another update on paper jam because I did a lot of optinal stuff and I actually am far from done and I clocked like.....22 hours.
Remove maybe 5 hours if I wouldn't have done optional stuff.
I am telling this because I did heard worries from some people saying that it wouldn;t be long as an m&l game......nearly 20 hours and not being close to done (but quite far) is not really worrisome.
Now, I realised soemthign that i never expected, I once said that when I saw how the paper toad missions worked, I thought they woudl be comparable to the pillow you rescue in DT, I wasn;t wrong, but they aren;t implemented as strongly as DT which is actually a good thing.
See, DT, you really did the rescue a lot int he dream world, they were a lot of phases like that, but because it was a very different mechanic, it was fine.
The paper toads missions if they were implemented like that, it would have NOT be fine because they are very simple and quite separated. However, I was convinced they woudl be like that, and they don't. There's actually only a few that are required and tbh, they are well spaced out. Except the first area which might have too much, the rest of the game is like spent hours NOT doign them then do around 2-4 then spent hours NOT doing them again.
That's fairly reasonable in fact, i now really question msot reviewers that said the game had a pacing issue......WHERE IS IT?
I seriously cannot find any pacing issues, it flows well.
Speaking of reviewer, I learned that the ign review barely talks abotut he battle system which is just a joke seriously, it;s the msot interesting part of the game and it;s ignored, I am not surprised it got a so inaccurate score liek seriously, I am still sticking to my 7.5 ish rating out of 10 so far.
Anyway about the game, this looks fun to 100% tbh so I am doing it