WolfieXVII ❂
stay woke
Oh ah,Ok i will take note of that thanks!
GG. Do you have any more advice?
uthrow is mainly used for mixups (uthrow>uair/vanish)
Mixups for when they start air dodging dthrow>uair/vanish at kill percents haha
Fthrow>bouncing fish works from 0>50ish
dthrow>uair or dthrow>fair as a mixup
dthrow>dair is a flashy mixup that only works a stock ahead after conditioning your opponent to dthrow>fair
idk Sheik has a lot of combos and options :T
GGs btw
oh ripI'm not changing the welcome message to accommodate your name changes anymore.
how've you been
Haha thanksGod bless your poor gentle soul.
Hows you and you gf doin'?
things are going smoothly o/
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