I didn't watch the friendlies session but here's what I got from the other two videos. Your movement is good and you always got a ton of percent off of your grabs. You managed to overwhelm your opponents a good bit, and they couldn't seem to get past your fair walls which is great. When the Lucario started to back off and not approach as much I noticed you going for randy wiz kicks and flame chokes which you got punished for here and there. Everyone does it and I'm sure you know it's bad but just pointing it out.
When you did approach you spaced aerials correctly or naired your way in so you could stay safe. I did notice you didn't mix flame chokes or floats into your approaches and mostly left it to your aerials. These guys didn't figure it out but ganon's aerials are easy to work around when they are used to approach. That's where you can use float to stall and bait things out or flame choke to punish shielding. You just seemed a bit linear but what you were doing was working so why stop.
Last thing here is grabs, you dropped a couple finishers to your chain grab trying to fair, I'd recommend bair, its generally guaranteed on everyone at damn near any percent lower than 150% on just about everyone. Also your command grab followups could of been better, because you used grounded side b for the most part you could only tech chase but you only covered one option at a time with dair. On anyone with a decent tech roll dair can only cover tech in place because ganon is slow. Try and cover two options at a time, down b can sometimes cover 2 options but I think wavedash out of flame choke into another flame choke covers tech in place and tech away and leads to more shenanigans. Especially if you use aerial flame choke.
Good **** on absolutely wrecking these guys though, your Ganon played great you demolished these guys.