Yae to that box art SUCKING! Honestly, I hate it. Melee's and SMASH 64's OWN IT! XD Serbi.net leakage thing was hilarious how everyone believed him, and he was wrong/is going to be wrong!

Mewtwo being replaced by Lucaio sounds dumb though. Mewtwo is nothing like Lucario, and infintely awsome. Melee tiers don exits in Brawl. And Marth is guarenteed. *points at Fire Emblem 11* Shiek coming back and Marth not too likely...for shame. Marth is infinitely better, and is WAYYY MORE LIKELY!

We have had three similar plumbers after all, so two blue hairded swordsmen (one with a two-handed sword, one with a single-handed sword) isn't a strech. Especially with Marth's popularity. >_<
Downloadable content sounds good to me. Patches will come probably eventually, and Brawl will probably have it to balance the game! XD INFORMATION! WHAT? Spoilers...it's information!

The music we like....ya, it was pretty AWSOME! Everyone loves that song...the underwater theme (from SMB1/3) and the Rainbow Cruise theme are AWSOME!

Simple to get back on the peak...you fall off a waterfall or something! >_<
This is a great remix, definitely!

Rainbow Cruise is my favorite Melee-original stage. >_< It is simply awsome, though a lot needs to change. In other words, it needs a bigger falling platforms, bigger pendilum, bigger ship, and slower fall. Ice Climber is a fun game, and it was made before Super Mario Bros. And the bonus stage is very Mario Bros. like! XD Balloon Fighter is awsome, and would be better, but hey, Ice Climbers are still awsome! XD What....Lizzie McGuire? That one show my sister watched in the 90's! o_O
DIDDY KONG=??? He's a friggen awsome character, and I can't get enough of him. But more of Zelda screenshot and Pokémon Trainer would be nice. Group tourament mode...well...this probably didn't take too long to make. Blackadder is Australian...that would have been TOO GOOD! >_< Cheers...we use that, or at least I use it. Bangers and nash....I'm afraid to know! XD Dark Captain Falcon...WHITE IS AWSOME!
This stage looks awsome. Seriously, this is going to be a very fun stage to play on!

As for Stafy and Waluigi, they are great additions to the Assist Trophy roster. They are welcome additions to the game!

Correction: Kirby is a Megaman copy, and Stafy is a copy of Stafy. Kirby stole the ability steal off Megaman. Megaman had that for 5+ more years before Kirby by KILLING THEM! As for the Action Replay and Game Shark thing, I think it could be likely. IF you hack into it, you *might* be able to play some. But the chances are very, very low. And of course, Bosses will be playable via hacks again. And Waluigi is tight, don't diss the awsomeness of filler characters. *points at Bowser, Luigi, Wario, Daisy, Wart, Birdo, Yoshi, Donkey Kong Jr., Diddy Kong, Toad, and others*
As for the Luigi as a AT...you have to be retarted. OMG! Lucas is deconfirmed! Pichu confirmed! o_O The shoulder dash is awsome=probably will be part of Wario's moveset. Wario-man only moveset, and taunts. o_O Wonder if Ganondorf turning into Beast Ganon would be a awsome! The Vault thing sounds neat, and sounds realistic. Subspace Emissary cutscenes...that'd rock! Showed it as a movie...woah SNAP! That'd be sweet!
Rumble..I played without that for 2 years. Until I met your mother! o_O Seriously, I've only been re-using for like 1 1/2. The wild Pokémon theme is awsome! Snowman from MOTHER 1, and Donkey Kong Country 2 songs=AWSOME! No more jungle stages...anything is better. The smash 64 stages seem better then Melee ones, by far. Don't forget the Halberd. Or Castle Siege. Or Delfino Plaza.
Sonic and Mario teaming...Snake and Sonic teaming...Snake and Mario. Dr. Eggman / Dr. Robotinic vs. like Samus=WIN! We're gonna get 2 Sonic and Metal Gear stages probably. Green Hill Zone, Space Colony Arch, Shadow Moses Island, and the Tanker/Outtter Haven (MGS4 version). *cough Phantom Hourglass, Metroid Prime Hunters, and NEW Super Mario Bros.*
64 stars...I got all 120 stars.

The final boss was okay IMO, actually. And well...I beat Zelda II, so that says a lot! XD I gotta say a 360. And Halo 3. And Gears of War. And Call of Duty 4!

Sports games based off franchises=I hate. Except NHL games, N64 ones, Fight Nights, and old school. NHL 99', Punch-Out!!, Super Punch-Out!!=AWSOME! 67 inch HDTV! o_O I could have it now, and it takes forever to wait for it.
The game has close NO HYPE right now. From Widescreen Support on up until now is the lowest hype point of Brawl since a few weeks before the new Brawl Dojo. The hype is pretty low for a game that WILL sell probably around 8 million units! >_<
If you need help SamuraiPanda doing it, I wouldn't mind helping. Of course, I'm a totally insane person with no mental balance!

Keeping on topic...woaw...I go off topic a lot! XD Special...diffrent...woaw. o_O Youko is omnipresent...SO AM I! People mention me, and a wild Johnknight1 appears!

Season 3 details...maybe a 2 way Brawl Viewpoint type of thing would be nice. Newest news: Johnknight1 is GOD, and he's CRAZY! o_O
Roundtable: 9.4/10
RDK's Brawl Viewpoint:
Ridley on top=YES! Ridley is awsome. Dark Samus isn't in the same league, and neither is anyone else. 2 arms, 2 legs, a tail, a head, and2 wings. Just use all those. He'd be skinny and long, probably a heavy weight, but a mid-heavywieght a bit above Link. He would be a flying-based character=win. Melee wasn't as aerial as smash 64, and Brawl seems to be the most airborne. He got 4 votes on Sakurai's Brawl Poll...tied with Geno for the most of a unconfirmed character. He should be a boss (Meca/Metal Ridley), AND a playable character.
Geno: Agreed. Perfect 3rd party character choice. Geno will be in if Sakurai wants him in, as Square Enix will say a big "yes". He seems likely, and is the underdog type character ("Rocky") for Brawl!
MEGAMANNNNN: Yes, he's awsome.2nd most reconizable 3rd party character, ever. He has appeared on every Nintendo system, minus the Virtual Boy. *cough Star Force sucks, ZX is okay* Megaman is a icon, and has a good shot. Capcom has made many Zelda games, and has had 80% of his games on Nintendo systems. And I agree RDK-Sakurai said that off the top of his head, thinking of Sonic firstly, and Megaman secondly (probably). Then when he saw Geno, he was excited, and loved the idea. It won't go too much farther then 3, indefinitely.
It's not a 3rd party game, it's a Nintendo game, in other words. Pay money...it'd probably wouldn't be too costly, if it even cost money. Mega Buster, Swords...if someone mentions a Samus clone, I'll laugh. Kill and Steal=the way to go. Change the buster and whatnot! Take either powers based off their moves (Kirby suck form shot, gernade launcher from Snake). X would be nice, but Classic is the way to go.
Wolf and Krystal: Krystal will be in. Falco will most likely return. Krystal's originality and being a female makes her likely, and of course Sakurai thinks she is a intresting character. Wolf should at least be in the story at least.
Bomberman: Finally sold his 10th million unit! XD Hudson...well....mhkay. He's a cool character and all...and if there is a 3rd party character after Geno and Megaman, count me in the Bomberman for Brawl. All I can say is he uses diffrent types of bombs. I've only played the old ones and the remix, of course. Bomberman is a fun game-but seems too partish for my tastes compared to Geno and Megaman. dozens of guns and magic and stealing powers plus guns and sliding=win!
Bomberman is a tad bit of a strech, but you never know. You did pretty darn well RDK. Great job.
9.3/10...what...highest score since Sariku.Uchia's final episode of "Who's In" (tied with it for the highest score). o_O
Owch Youko...I had to go to a funeral on Monday for my grandfather...it wasn't exactly exciting.
Poké Floats isn't that good of a stage. Good concept. People who are drunk as hell pulling it! o_O LOL at SamuraiPanda feeling things. *HEADSHOT!* What? Police cars and snowballs. D*** for a child concieved in Detriot, Michigan, I sure as hell have not lived where it snows. o_O
Easter Egg: 9.8/10 ; confusing at times.
Episode Rating: 9.4/10 ; One of the best Brawl viewpoints to date.
BTW, I have a few ideas for me doing a potential Brawl Viewpoint, and I want opinion on which one I should do. Any opinion is valued:
1. On decloning Melee clones: How it should be done, what should change, what should remain the same, and what I love and am sick of.
2. On having Brawl options that are easy to use, have further advanced options, and aren't too complicated. And how much options make the game.
3. What Stages IMO should return/should be remade from Melee or smash 64. And which ones are most likely.
4. What Stages IMO should be new stages to Brawl/be redone from past smashes. From Green Hill Zone to a Super Mario Land stage, to Metal Gear (again) and beyond!
Dude, that's it! Make a thing on characters unconfirmed or confirmed in Brawl, and have it opinion based. Have someone evaluate how they think a certain confirmed character is turning out, or how a newcomer would fit in. If you'd want a new segment, it should be called "In My Opinion". Since I've wanted another segment since "Show Yourself" and Sariku.Uchia's ever awsome "Who's In" segments ended. Maybe extend it to stages, item involvement in Brawl, how onine *should* work, and confirmed or unconfirmed assist trophies.
Plus "In My Opinion" is a awsome name for a segment if you want a new segment in Season 3. Just feel like throwing random crap out there for you (Youko and SamuraiPanda)!
So ya, that's my massive post! XD