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*Should Pikachu be BANNED from Tournament Play?

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Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Ok, I think I'm brave enough to start up this topic.

So recently, I've been discussing this with my fellow smashers and many of them have agreed that Pikachu is by far the most broken character of this game.

Now, before you guys start flaming, let me state the facts

-Best recovery
*hard to edge guard
-Best Aerials
-Best usmash (debatable)
-One of the best throws
-One of the best combo ability

Now, I don't agree completely with this idea of Pikachu being banned from tournament play, because I believe that regardless of all these, (some of which may be inaccurate accusations), pikachu is still *beatable.*

Not to mention, he has cons too, like dying at a really low percentage.

But I'm not a pikachu user so I don't know the all the things that can screw over a pika. I'm a falcon/fox player so all I know is that pikachu screws both of them over over the edge. but vice versa? theres no such incident.

I quote:

m3gav01t: "there's no reason to ban or even soft ban pikachu; captain falcon is much cheaper" <---- This also coming from a falcon player

while this may be true, I am thinking that if pikachu WERE banned from tourney play, everyone would probably go falcon, the next character in line of the tier list.

But I am also thinking, well it's weird that everyone in tournaments use pikachu...I remember the last smashtality, top 3 places were

1. Pikachu
2. Pikachu
3. Pikachu

odd? I didn't think so, but now that I think about it, in those top three players was sensei, a well respected fox player, who, at the tournament, went pika instead. While this was a disapointment for me, I thought it wise of him to go pika. Why? perhaps everyone knows pika is just >>> than all characters? or did he simply do it because he had been practicing pikachu lately? Who knows...

Now I am sitting on the fence here, and I would just like to know what the community as a whole thinks of this topic. Please don't direct any flaming towards me, I am just starting a topic. Like I said, I'm sitting on the fence for this issue.


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
thats just plain dumb


not all pika players can exploit his broken-ness to the max , so he's not banworthy


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2007
I think the game is fair in either case. Pikachu is not that broken. If he was no one would play anyone else but pika.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
Lol kso i hate pika's to. Its the noob ones that are cheap. I like playing the good ones tho :D

Why? perhaps everyone knows pika is just >>> than all characters? or did he simply do it because he had been practicing pikachu lately? Who knows...
Sensei knows


Feb 10, 2005
Salisbury, England
Errr...I don't think he should be banned, no. If someone plays Pikachu, you can be Jiggly and counter it.

"while this may be true, I am thinking that if pikachu WERE banned from tourney play, everyone would probably go falcon, the next character in line of the tier list."


Since when was CF second in the tier list?


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
Olympia, WA
Pika is only good if the player is good anyway, there is no reason to ban him. Falcon makes up the skill gap far more then pika does. "Upsmash uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair jump uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair UP B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES I'M SO PRO!!!!"


Smash Master
Oct 27, 2005
Edmonton, Alberta
he's one of pikas combos...utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt upsmash uhhh downb? holy ****...

but its DI'able my bad =)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2006
dont hate on the char and learn to fight against it or just dont do it


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
Psh, Jigglypuff's combos beats all of them.
Drill utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt REST!

What about Fox?
Pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew jab USMASH!


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2007
: D
yea, this topic is pretty bad, its like saying we should ban sheik or marth from a tournament in melee. You really can't ban a character.


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
Psh, Jigglypuff's combos beats all of them.
Drill utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt utilt REST!
I am totally offended by that. We do more than just the up tilt.

U throw, U air, drill, u tilt, rest

B throw, N air, Drill, Up Smash

U throw, u tilt, u tilt, u throw, b air, drill, u tilt, b air, drill, U smash

U throw, B air, b air, recover

U throw, Rest

U throw, u tilt, u tilt, u throw, u air, drill, u smash.

Not one of those combos had what you said. Jigglys combos take skill.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2005
Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico
They meant that combos like utilting several times with jiggly, kirby and pikachu are just to easy to perform by any player that it doesn't take too much skill so "even a n00b could 0 to death combo you with jiggly", making them "cheap" characters. It doesn't have anything to do with your playing style or did anyone said: "OMG Jigglypuf is too cheap because Jigglymaster does the Utilt, utilt, utilt, rest all the time"? (BEEF!Man! does use it alot, because he's too n00b but when he wins is because the other players killed themselves :dizzy:)

All characters are cheap in some way xP.

Seriously guys, a real cheap move is Samus' Down-B, that mine/bomb whatever is called is the real deal in cheapness!

you can't reflect it, absorb it or hit it with any attack, because it is immunerable!

Being edgeguarding with that thing is really annoying, it does not have a great power but at high % it will be your nightmare, ask Darth Fox xP...

well whatever, no character should be banned, you'll end up banning players then xP.

I know of some guy who got banned from a melee tournament here, because people complained about that "he was too good" for the rest of the players :laugh:, not such a big event though but that was funny :psycho:.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2007
: D
Please don't get him started on jiggilypuff, i'll never here the end of it :p


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2005
U throw, Rest
U throw, Rest
U throw, Rest
U throw, Rest
U throw, Rest
U throw, Rest
Jigglys combos take skill.
Jigglys combos take skill.
Jigglys combos take skill.
Jigglys combos take skill.
Jigglys combos take skill.
Jigglys combos take skill.


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
Pika is only good if the player is good anyway, there is no reason to ban him. Falcon makes up the skill gap far more then pika does. "Upsmash uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair jump uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair uair UP B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES I'M SO PRO!!!!"
you forgot some uairs


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2006
there's no point in saying Jiggly combos take skills to do. Isn't that required for all combos?
Jiggly is one of those type that's very repetitious; maybe not as repetitious as Falcon could be, but still on that line.
The most basic is probably grab, up throw, then either wait for a few more up tilts on a heavy character, or small jump up and drill down then again, up tilts.
Jiggly's up tilt is effective, so therefore it's used a lot; why would you take offense at a seemingly joke comment like that?
Blunt mode: Your Jiggly isn't even all that and a chicken wing, so maybe you should stop going around saying OMG IM SUPER PRO WITH JIGGLY and stuff. Frankly, Im starting to dislike you for acting so arrogant and gloatful. But that's just my opinion. Continuing on [...]

Nah, I dont think Pikachu should be banned; I dont think any character should be banned. I feel that the character isn't as important as the person holding the controller. Characters do matter in match up, but I think the person holds more ground in the fight.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
I am totally offended by that. We do more than just the up tilt.

U throw, U air, drill, u tilt (and you can probably add some more), rest

B throw, N air, Drill, Up Smash

U throw, u tilt, u tilt, u throw, b air, drill, u tilt, b air, drill, U smash

U throw, B air, b air, recover

U throw, Rest

U throw, u tilt, u tilt, u throw, u air, drill, u smash.

Not one of those combos had what you said. Jigglys combos take skill.
Anyway, it was a joke comment. But I do think that Jigglypuff's combos are relatively easy. And that includes almost all of the combos that you listed.
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