You missed my point completely. The government isn't making me smoke, in fact, no one is. I chose to take a cigarette, a hamburger, whatever, and consume it on my own. The government isn't our parents, and they aren't there to slap us and say "that's bad for you."
Those are some crude (and scary) beliefs. However, wouldn't you say it could be quite the opposite? We all deserve to live, even if we screw up our lives beyond the point of any hope. I would like to hope there is optimism left in the world.
I never said we didn't deserve to live under any circumstance. I said if we kill ourselves over our choices, then we deserve to die from that. It's like driving a car, ever decision you are responsible for. If I speed or drive drunk, then I am responsible for what happens if there is a wreck.
So now you also say all budget spending should be cut from trying to stop the criminals selling drugs. Then, what is the point of the government (and institutions like the police departments) that are made to protect the citizens?
You have a skewed sense of how the police system works. The police are not here to stop crimes. They are here to solve crimes, or do detective work. Most of the time, when police make an arrest it's either because they have witnessed something or come in time, or because the person will fit a description for the someone they need to arrest.
The budget I slashed stops wasting money. Instead of spending nearly $10 billion on stopping "criminals," which is doing nothing anyway, I propose we help the people that want help. Also, once you legalize a few drugs, you will end the career of a drug dealer. Why would I go to the corner in a dangerous street to get weed, when I could go to the store and get some? Price, maybe, but after a while even the price wouldn't be worth the risk. Also, the more drug dealers you arrest, the higher crime is. A study was done one this. The reasoning? When you arrest 4 out of 10 drug dealers in town, you eliminate competition. The remaining drug dealers no longer need to keep their prices low to meet the demand. If you arrest 9 out of 10, then you may have drugs going for really high prices. For addictive drugs, this means people will steal for money to get their fix, which raises crime.
You know how much crime there is related to drugs and their sale, I can assume that much. If you don't want the government to protect it's citizens you might as well have anarchy, since that is the biggest role the government does for us that a cluster of people could not do on their own.
That is what you are missing. How does arresting people for carrying pot equate to safer streets? It doesn't. Drug dealers will always exist. The streets aren't safe now when drugs are illegal. You need to get over the notion that if something is illegal, nobody legitimate will do it. The fact is the government's sole role is to protect us from outside forces, such as war and violence among citizens. If I am buying drugs and using them only at home, that affects no one but me. Why does the government have the right to stop that.
Also, it comes down to why does the government even have the right to try to save you? If you are drinking and it evolves into binge drinking, that is just as bad for you as smoking a lot of cigarettes, eating a ton of food, speeding, not sleeping and driving, watching too much TV, etc. All these bad habits can evolve into dangerous habits in excess. The point is the government has no right to stop you since you own your own life.