Smash Ace
Using the slide from Y to B is hands down the best way to SHDL, and there is absolutely NO reason you should start out doing it with the control stick. Goodness gravy, it's harder to use the control stick, AND it's pretty much impossible to do a reverse SHDL with it (whereas using Y, reverse is pretty much just as easy). Using the slide input doesn't require fast hands at all. You just need to learn the timing and get it down, which takes just a few minutes or so, and soon you'll be doing it consistently without thinking, just casually sliding your thumb down and pressing B again. Very very easy.
Same for reverse SHDL, it's really easy to get to the point where you can do it easily without thinking. Just run one way, press the opposite direction and do a SHDL right after just like you normally would. I'm not very good, just an average Fox probably, and I have this completely down. It is NOT hard to master.
Edit: Mythos and Empc7, reverse SHDL seems like it would be really hard to do, but if you can SHDL consistently, then if you know the trick, it's no more difficult. You know how if you run one way then slam the opposite direction, you do that sluggish animation where he slowly turns around? Just as soon as that animation stars, but before you can really see that it's starting, do a SHDL like you normally would. Hope this helps.
Same for reverse SHDL, it's really easy to get to the point where you can do it easily without thinking. Just run one way, press the opposite direction and do a SHDL right after just like you normally would. I'm not very good, just an average Fox probably, and I have this completely down. It is NOT hard to master.
Edit: Mythos and Empc7, reverse SHDL seems like it would be really hard to do, but if you can SHDL consistently, then if you know the trick, it's no more difficult. You know how if you run one way then slam the opposite direction, you do that sluggish animation where he slowly turns around? Just as soon as that animation stars, but before you can really see that it's starting, do a SHDL like you normally would. Hope this helps.