Deleted member
I see, thank you.this covers what happened yesterday and up until the beginning of today. if you're caught up then you can read just what's below
after that?
FireEmblemnier claimed to be Barney's rival; Barney was King Boo, a third party cultist who had someone specifically looking to get him out of the game. Fire claimed Cappy and said he was a redirector (makes sense), third party, and that now that he fulfilled his win, he wanted to help the town. A lot of us aren't keen on this because he also said he has to redirect someone each night or die.
Multiple people had failed roles; Nabe, DJ, and Spak. However, only DJ and Spak got told they were roleblocked; Nabe just got told his role failed.
There was a little talk about why the mafia could have targeted Ura.
Stoopid revealed that his role was a Mario Party dice; he gives it to someone, picks a number from one to five and the result is altered based on the number chosen.
soup said he doesn't have his heart in this game as much as he wants so he revealed his role; Bowser and Paranoid Gun Owner, meaning that whoever targets him on nights he goes in his shell instantly dies.
Swamp popped in and said Coricus was a little shady. I agreed and pointed out she ghosted me last night when I offered to help her and she's been posting in other places but not this thread. That's why Cori is the prime lynch target as of now.
I don't think I trust FireEmblemnier. My gut is telling me that he could very well be a scum.
Also, since I don't have my heart in this game as much as I want either, I'm going to reveal my role.
I'm Yoshi, and I can mount someone on my back. Whoever gets on my back gets a boost that doubles their vote and is granted a second night action.