yeah, im having more trouble with the nair... i guess it must just be making the second hit of the nair hit late so that their shield stun allows u to l cancel and do whatever quickly
edit: i found what i needed
this is from emblem lords approach thread.
8) Auto Cancel Nair
The credit goes to Cactuar for this method. A nair can automatically be cancelled if you land after the second sword slash. To do a short hop auto cancel nair, just short hop then nair ASAP, then fast fall after the second slash comes out. If done correctly it will look like Marth just landed from a normal jump, instead of landing from an attack. The lag from an auto cancelled nair is only 4 frames. This adds more mindgames to the mix, and gives Marth some more tricks. According to Cactuar the shield stun of the nair combined with the reduced lag will give Marth enough time to do an action when he touches the ground before his opponent. Obviously hitting his opponent's shield with the tip of his sword, when doing the nair will produce more shield stun then if he didn't hit with the tip. Cactuar stated that Marth can grab his opponent before they can shield grab him or do an u-tilt to stuff thier shield grab attempt. I personally would do an u-tilt because it comes out faster and I would want to play it safe. Marth has the same options as his shuffled nair if this is shielded.