I'm not trying to instigate a flame war, I'm just trying to get some insight as to why there was so much hullaballo about MWC events in west, and then when we hold an event, you guys have better things to do, like local tournaments and crime fighting and time traveling and dino wrangling.
LOL, I live in St. Louis and I went to both the KC tournament and SGAB. Maybe I shouldn't be responding for the people you're actually addressing, but I'll john on their behalf just for the fun of it.
Traveling two weeks in a row can be a big deal. You have to ask for two consecutive Fridays off work. Maybe the person who drove the first week, cannot or doesn't want to drive the second week. Maybe you just get tired of being on the road (huge johnz, I know).
Assuming we all love Smash and love money, we want to attend as many tournaments while doing as little traveling as possible. If the western people had chosen to attend SGAB instead of their local tournaments, they'd have to blow off the KC tournament.
So why would anyone forgo two closer tournaments to attend one that's far away? Of course, the chance to play top Midwest smashers. But once people like Tink and Drephen started dropping out, who knows, maybe the incentive just isn't there anymore.
That's all just speculation. If there are people who actually clamored for a western MWC event and then didn't show up, I'd like to hear from them as much as you do.