Ok people here is the game plan.
Friday. CGC weekly meeting - 1 Melee, 1 Brawl. 2 Xbox360's with Halo. This is the usual set up we have every friday. Opens 3 - 9. This is strictly casual play. Have fun!
Saturday - SFSU Bi weekly.
Time: 9 - 4
Where: Burk Hall 408
( Burk Hall is the buliding behind the student center. NESJake is incharge, and he is familar with the area. He'll be there early at 9, and he'll help you guys find it. Also, if you can't find any one, ask the info desk they know we are there and they will direct you. If any one of you has questions, you can call me ( even though I wont be there ) and I'll help you out as best as I can.
CGCGrayfox ( Chris Solis ) PH# 650 922 1884
I will not be there this saturday. I want to, but I have something more important at my hands. Sorry smashers. I'll make efforts to have my stuff there of course. I'll make sure my Cube + Melee and my wii are there.
Brawl Set up:
Brawl should be on the projector with all four players rotating. We are doing this because:
1.) everyone wants to see and play brawl. Its fair everyone gets to play evenly. We will play this game competitively, but not today.
2.) even though projectors aren't idle for tournament play, again, this is casual brawl. We want more players to see the game.
HowaitoKumaSan is a buddy of mine, Im sure he'll keep an eye on the place. HE can help anyone reach me if they need too.