Hey guys, if a lot of people show up I may be able to have the smashfest (non-BCG part) at my mom's house. This means more room for everyone. It's in Springfield and thoguht I'd see everyone's opinions on it.
My apartment = awesome (downtown Eugene), but small
My mom's house = bigger living room, but in Springfield.
Oh yeah, as some of you may notice, I hate doing money matches. I sort of want to get over that since I quit "non-competitive" Smash. So, $1 money matches (My Kirby vs. your anything). Best of either 1 or 3, your choice. I'm hoping this will help me get over my distaste for taking people's money.
The catch is I'm going to record them, so if you get pwn'd by Kirby prepared to be embarassed.
Comment on the above two topics. kthnkzbai.