The Citrus-System
The governing-rules for the 3DS Competitive Smash Scene
Version 1.0
Written By:
Matthew “ElectricCitrus” Barker
Clans and Leagues
· In the Competitive Smash 3Ds scene there exists a hierarchy of leagues and clans, in the simplest of terms the leagues are the organization of the clans and the clans are the teams that compete within each league. How clans are ranked in leagues is based entirely on the performance of said clan. If a clan does exceptionally well during a season, then they will advance in their league’s rankings.
· Upon the completion of a season, the top clan will advance to the next league, while the bottom clan will drop to the league below them.
o How clans are ranked within their league is to be based on the average of the team’s performance at tournaments in the season.
§ The performance in a tournament is given a direct numerical rating based on the number of clans, or members, competing e.g. a placement of 1st in a tournament of seven will give that clan seven points, for being better than the other teams; likewise a placement of 7th will give the clan only one point for competing.
· Individual rankings will follow the same format, meaning a player who places first gets a converted point total of # of competitors he/she bested plus 1.
§ Once all the tournaments have been completed in a given season, the points are totaled up and averaged. Should a tie arise, the two clans who are tied will then have the performance of each member evaluated. The clan that has had the best performance on a member level will be allowed to advance to the next-highest league. In the unlikely event of a tie at the member level, the two clans will duke it out in a single-elimination tournament to establish who will advance.
o The amount of clans in a league will always be even, or as close to even as possible. Meaning that if one league has five clans then all the leagues MUST have at MINIMUM four. Should it arise that no leagues will be able to be even, or within a reasonable amount of evenness, then there will be a new league formed until they return to an even amount.
· In order for a clan to be formed the founder must meet two of the following four requirements:
§ Compete in more than two inner-clan tournaments, and one league tournament.
§ Must be ranked at least in the top 50% of their respective clan.
§ Must be a member of a clan for at least a season.
§ Must be in good standing with the 3DS Association’s Council, and the League they currently are in.
· Good standing is defined as: Having not been leveled more than three infractions during a season, and has not been caught cheating during an event.
o Cheating is defined as bracket-manipulation, misreporting of results, abusing glitches banned by the Association, and anything not mentioned that might draw into question the legitimacy of any tournament results, be they sets or overall.
o Upon the meeting of two of the four requirements, the clan founder will be granted permission by the 3DS Association to engage in one or more of the following:
§ Petition for membership in a league
§ Recruit members for their clan
§ Petition for League Organizer status
o In order for a clan to be granted access into a league, the clan must have at minimum eight members. Once this number is met they may petition for access into a league of their choice, however if the league of their choice is in a top-ranked position the clan must show exceptional skill.
§ Alternatively new clans may opt to be put into the lowest-level league. This is the default outcome if no petitioning is done within five days of clan formation.
o Should a clan drop below eight members, they will no longer be ranked in their league, but they will still be allowed to compete. If, by the end of the season in which the membership drops, the clan has not regained their members, and or has dropped to below six members they will be considered a dead clan.
o Dead clan’s cannot:
§ Compete in league tournaments
§ Be ranked
§ Have their captains nominated to join the League Organizers and 3DS Association Council
o A dead clan may be “revived” if the following conditions are met by the END of the next season.
§ Membership returns to 8 or above
§ Approval is gained through a 2/3 vote of the 3DS Association
§ The clan captain which caused the death of the clan is no longer captain
§ Clan agrees to be in the bottom league for their return season.
o Clan’s are lead by captains who are elected from within the clan through a two-part voting series:
§ Nominations and a vote to confirm three nominations
§ Final vote between the three nominees to select the captain.
o Captains remain in place until they fall out of good standing with the league—as defined by the good standing clause of the clan formation section—or until they retire.
§ Upon retiring, the process will begin but with one change: The retiring captain is given permission to nominate one member of the clan who is instantly placed in the second round of voting.
League Organization and the 3DS Association
· The Leagues are lead by League Organizers, who are selected through a vote by all the clans within the league. In order to be nominated for League Organizer status, a participant must meet the following requirements:
§ Be in outstanding condition with the 3DS Association
· Outstanding condition is defined as having no-infractions leveled during a season, a life-time infraction count of below 5, and has never been found cheating.
§ Have shown dedication to their league by participating in a majority of tournaments
§ Have shown dedication to their clan by participating in a majority of clan tournaments
§ Is not currently the captain of a clan
o Once candidates are found that meet all of the above requirements, a vote will be held and the top two will be submitted to the Association for approval.
o League Organizers have the sole purpose of organizing their respective leagues, fulfilling any obligations that include, but are not limited to:
§ Organizing tournaments
§ Compiling accurate results
o League Organizers are changed every four seasons.
· The 3DS Association is made up of League Organizers who are voted in, an eligible League Organizer is anyone who meets the following categories
§ Outstanding condition
§ Dedication their league
o The purpose of the 3DS Association is to act as the supreme governing body of competitive Smash 3DS, and as such they retain all rights to form and alter rules as they see fit.
o Membership of the association is for life, or until good-service runs out.
Seasons and Required Tournaments
o Seasons are to last for a quarter of the year, or roughly 3 months; there are to be four seasons a year.
o Each season is to feature at minimum four league tournaments, and any number of cross-clan tournaments/inner-clan tournaments
§ In addition to the four required league tournaments, there will be an All-Star tournament held every two seasons. The All-Star tournament will consist of the top three players from each clan, and the top two players from each league. It will be played at the end of the second season, a two weeks prior to the beginning of the third season.
· Should the top two players from a league consist of any of the top three of a clan; adjustments additional players are to be added at the discretion of the League Organizer.
Tournament types
o The 3DS Association recognizes three types of tournaments for the purpose of rankings:
§ Cross-Clan tournaments, featuring clans within a League playing against other clans in the same league
§ Inner-Clan tournaments, tournaments played within a clan featuring only members from said clan
§ League tournaments, tournaments between two or more leagues
o The 3DS Association also recognizes the following events:
§ 1v1, or singles
§ 2v2, or doubles
§ low-tier tournaments e.g. those featuring character considered to be low-tier
o The following types of tournaments are not barred, but will not be counted for the purpose of rankings:
§ Cross-Clan tournaments, featuring clans from different leagues and not organized as a league tournament.
§ Inner-Clan tournaments, featuring players from both within and beyond said clan.
o In order for a tournament to be eligible, and considered for rankings it must not only meet the requirements previously stated but must also adhere to any rules currently accepted by the 3DS Association; this may include but is not limited to rules such as;
§ No-Items
§ Stage Bans
§ Character Bans
§ Glitch Abuses
§ Dave’s Stupid Rule