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SEPTEMBER 29th {Waba Games} Atlanta Area SSBM SINGLES+DOUBLES Cash Tourney


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2007
Alpharetta, Georgia
Welcome! This new and improved topic should fit the need of most players.

Waba Game (http://www.wabaclub.com [Give it a second to load the main page]), a game retail store/Console gaming center in the Atlanta Area(Duluth, GA to be specific) is hosting a singles and doubles cash tournament September 29th starting with doubles at 3:00 PM to whenever.

Come and join us!


The door fee will be $10.
Entrance to singles : $5
Entrance to doubles : $5 per person on a team.

First places receives 70% of the pot.
Second receives 20% of the pot.
Third receives 10% of the pot.

This applies for both singles and doubles.

It will be double elimination. You will find the specific rules further down.
We recommend bringing your own controller, but if you can't,
do not worry, there are plenty here.

If you pre-register you will be allowed to come as early as 11:00 AM to practice/play with other smashers/play other games until the tournament begins! This is a gaming center after all, and it's a friendly community. If you cannot pre-register, by all means come by and hang out or pay to play. You may also come in any day to check out the facility. There are always smash players here.

FEATURES H.D Tv's, but we know of the issue of smash and those T.V's, so there will be 7+ normal T.V's for your gaming pleasure. :)

Hey guys, a quick update on some things.

There will be snacks for anybody coming, including Ice Cream, Hot Pockets, and Pizza later in the evening
for anybody who wants some. Competition and relaxation is the goal here.

During the tournament, as you're waiting for the match, they'll be playing movies/anime/Tekken 5 on the big screen T.V, and there will be an assortment of things to do as you mingle around.

Like I said, if ANYBODY needs a ride before the tournament, let me know, I will freaking go out of my way to get you here to have some fun.

And last but not least; Min, the owner, is running this company strictly based on forming a community.
I just got done talking to him, and after this tournament, there will be some changes for future smash tournaments.

A) There will be no conflicting dates. I really apologize, and to Min more than anything, because
I find it my fault that all of this has happened in the first place.

B) We were ignorant on the topic of door fees and pot money. I assure you, while you pay the door fee, they'll do their best to make it up to you. I swear it. In the future, after this tournament, for future smash tourneys, there will be a lower door fee(He was actually talking not making a door fee at all), and just money for the pot.

If any questions at all, please forward them to me here, or PM me about it. Thanks a lot.

We want to make an impression on you, so if you have any concerns or advice, let us know.

**Singles Main Tournament Rules(Sep 29th)**

8:00 Time Limit
4 Stock
No Items


*No stage may be used twice in a Best-of-3 or Best-of-5 games match if the player making the counter pick has already won on that stage in the match.

*Each player is allowed one stage knock-out, thereby disabling that stage from the entire match. Stage knock-outs must be made at the beginning of the match after initial characters have been chosen but before the start of Game 1.

*After each game of a match, the player who lost the previous game may choose the stage for the next game or elect for it to be chosen randomly. After the stage has been selected, the winner of the previous game may change characters. After the winner has chosen their character, the loser of the previous game may change characters.

*Before the start of any game in a match, a player/team may call for a double-blind pick. This means that all participating players must tell a judge the character they will use for that game. Each player is required to use that character in the game.

*In the Championship Match, if the player coming from the Losers Bracket wins the first match, another match must be played to break the tie since both players would only have one match loss.

Other Rules & Special Issues
1. Any unnecessary pausing of the game will result in a forfeit of that single game.
2. Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character or indefinitely freezing them (Mewtwo's Soul Stunner, the Ice Climber freeze glitch), or any glitch or trick that freezes the game or makes it unable to be finished are banned and will result in the immediate forfeit of the entire match.
3. Tactics such as Peach's Wallbombing and Jiggly's Rising Pound are allowed as methods of recovery or to maneuver around the stage: Using them (or any similar tactics) to excessively stall a match, such as dropping below levels intentionally and stalling underneath, is banned. If by using one of these tactics, you have put your character in a place to lose a stock by ending the tactic, a judge may force you to stop and lose a life and continue the match short a stock.
4. Wobbling, also known as the Ice Climbers infinite, is banned. A player caught wobbling will be subject to a penalty: playing the next game down a stock, forfeiture of the next game, or forfeiture of the match.


Slobs on Stages - - - If selected as method of slob

1st match - Must be random stage unless both persons agree to a stage that IS NOT BANNED

2nd match - After characters are selected, loser of 1st match selects a stage from either the random stage list or the slob/allowed stage list... IN NO CASE CAN A BANNED STAGE BE PLAYED

3rd match - same rules apply as in second match


Stages set as random :
- Final Destination
- Fountain of Dreams
- Pokemon Stadium
- Battlefield
- Yoshi's Story (Yoshi's Island)
--Kirby's Dreamland 64

Slob Stages / Available for Agreement :
-Final Destination
-Fountain of Dreams
-Battle Field
-Kirby's Dreamland 64
-Yoshi's Story (Yoshi's Island)
-Pokémon Stadium
-Peach's Castle
-Mute City
-Rainbow Cruise
-Green Greens
-Mushroom Kingdom II
- Mute City
-Kongo Jungle 64
-Jungle Japes

*Banned Stages
-Icicle Mountain
-Great Bay
-Flat Zone
-Mushroom Kingdom I
-Brinstar Depths
-Big Blue
-Yoshi's Island (Pipes)
-Yoshi 64
-Kongo Jungle

DOUBLES Main Tournament Rules(Sep 29th)


All rounds of the Doubles double-elimination bracket will be best-of-3 games match. The Winners Bracket Finals, Losers Bracket Finals, and Championship Match will be best-of-5 games matches

Lives will be set at 4 stock with an 8-minute time limit.
Items will be turned off.
Team Attack is ON.
Life stealing is allowed.

In-game ties will be broken by stock left and then by percentage of health. A sudden death game will be played if both the stock and percentage are tied at the end of the time limit.

The higher seeded team has first choice for their seats, controller ports, and team color.

Teams must sit together on one side. If teams meet for a second time in the Championship Doubles, the winner of the first match will have seat and controller choice.

In the Championship Match, if the team coming from the Losers Bracket wins the first match, another match must be played to break the tie since both teams would only have one match loss.

The map selection process will work in much the same was as the singles tourney.
It includes all of the similar maps, with an exception of Fountain of Dreams and Mute City, which are BANNED.


Phone number :
678-417-WABA (9222)

Address : 3585 Peachtree Industrial Blvd, Suite 128
Duluth, GA 30096

Email Address : wabagames@yahoo.com

Website :

SMASH related questions : thetehdave@gmail.com

Any more questions/concerns/feedback, feel free to post them here.
Will be monitoring the topic frequently until the actual tourney.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2007
Alpharetta, Georgia
Many thanks to Gerbil and Dogy for the much needed help and support.
Post reserved.
If you have any more requests/concerns, please feel free to post them.
All are welcome to join us for the tourney.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
Much better format ^.^ Glad I could help. Hopefully the turn out becomes large, so we can see more frequent tournaments in the future. :D

*first post technically*


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2007
Alpharetta, Georgia
Great to hear so early that people
from the board will be attending.
The turn out should be pretty large, since Waba
already has a good amount of regulars.

Do you really live nearby Anomic? o_O


Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2006
Nothing is stoping me this time!.........oh wait......


If nothing is happening on or around that day(big test on monday,project,concert, etc) I should be able to come, that is, if I'm able to get a ride :urg:.

Someone please give this smash deprived person a ride! :(


Smash Cadet
Jul 25, 2007
hi dave. i might be there.


everyone should come by waba some times. me and dave are always looking for new people to play and are there pretty much every day.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA
Great to hear so early that people
from the board will be attending.
The turn out should be pretty large, since Waba
already has a good amount of regulars.

Do you really live nearby Anomic? o_O
Aye, I live just down Peachtree Industrial from you guys. I stopped by once, so I know where it is/ how the layout is.


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I'll check and see if I could come to this one. If I could make it then I'll stay long enough this time to participate in the actual tournament.


Smash Ace
Aug 18, 2006
Swu, you the swu that goes to Dale's LAN parties?
GTRocksUrSocks if oyu're a GT person we have to play video games cause I'm a GT person.
Also $10 door fee = ouch


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2006
hmmmn- I dunno If I can make it but I'll try. I have orientation for college during that week (23rd-28th) but i will really try to make it.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
Actually, 10$ door fee is pretty different from the norm. Normally we keep it to 5$. In fact, the only other GA tournament known to charge a door fee is mine/CDE's Get 4 Stocked series. We charge 5$ per person, and the owners always profit approximately 300$ from that alone (granted, we average 50 people per tournament so far). The reason for our door fee is so the owners don't take an actual cut from the pot itself, and everyone knows exactly how much money goes to the winners.

However, I do understand why 10$ would be common for you as a door fee (I know Halo tournaments in GA normally charged that much as a door fee back in 2005). No gripes about it from me :)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2007
Alpharetta, Georgia
Actually, 10$ door fee is pretty different from the norm. Normally we keep it to 5$. In fact, the only other GA tournament known to charge a door fee is mine/CDE's Get 4 Stocked series. We charge 5$ per person, and the owners always profit approximately 300$ from that alone (granted, we average 50 people per tournament so far). The reason for our door fee is so the owners don't take an actual cut from the pot itself, and everyone knows exactly how much money goes to the winners.

However, I do understand why 10$ would be common for you as a door fee (I know Halo tournaments in GA normally charged that much as a door fee back in 2005). No gripes about it from me :)
"The reason for our door fee is so the owners don't take an actual cut from the pot itself, and everyone knows exactly how much money goes to the winners."


Plus, unlike most tournaments, this is being held at an actual console community gaming business, which is rare among console gaming.
Smash has been a frequent request among the regulars for a tournament, so we're
excited about it.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
Too true. And actually, we host ours at a LAN center as well. Their business is based around PCs/Xboxes/PS2s. No cubes whatsoever, but those of us bring them in get a cheaper rate ^.^.

Anyways, back on topic.

I totally understand, and I hope everyone else understands too.


Smash Ace
Aug 18, 2006
I'm excited about it, too.
It's me Daniel Tong
Let's play some Starcraft while we're sitting around


Smash Ace
Aug 18, 2006
I maybe
Since it's not summer anymore, I might have already got more people to cram the car with
Maybe I can get a second one.
I will know more as we get closer to Aug25


Smash Cadet
Jul 31, 2007
Also, do you need more copies of Smash? I can bring a GC and Smash if needed.

And if there are any people in the Athens/Watkinsville area, I can fit two more people in my car. Just give me a PM with addresses/phone #s.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2007
hello tong I would like a ride too
i get dibs over laijin because I will be your roommate? :D

in other news: hello internet
let's play smash bros


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2007
Alpharetta, Georgia
Also, do you need more copies of Smash? I can bring a GC and Smash if needed.

And if there are any people in the Athens/Watkinsville area, I can fit two more people in my car. Just give me a PM with addresses/phone #s.
Most definitely, copies and extra cubes would be certainly and thankfully welcomed!
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