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Seibrik's Official Rules to Random MoneyMatching

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
Random money matches, asside from having a luck factor (go gamblers) are a good way of seeing which players are good with the most characters, or which players are best at thinking on their feet to figure things out as they go along. It's a good trait to have, either one of these, and the process to determine this is loads of fun, if done properly.

Here is a rule-set that can be used and considered while attempting to have a Random Tourniment or simply do random money matches. All of these rules are a result of trial and error, and have been agreed upon by all those whom participated (most of SFL).

I FULLY encourage players to experiment and fool around with the rules as they please, and let me know of your findings so we can further discuss the fairest possible rule-set for such cases.

Bare in mind, that this is by no means a source of new competative play, this is for FUN.

Without further ado,

Seibrik's Official Rules to Random Tournies and Money Matches


Players A and B declare their mains as accepted by the rest of the community.

My main would be MK, Ally's, snake, NickRiddle's, ZSS, ect....

Both players cannot get the main for the entire set.

We'll call this the Main Rule.

In the unlikely event that BOTH players get their mains, they may both choose to ignore the Main Rule, provided both players agree.

Next, Players A and B declare one character of the remaining cast that they want to ban FOR THEMSELVES: that is to say, that at any point during the set, this declared character comes up for themselves, they must restart the set.

I ban Sonic, and Ally banned DK. I cannot get Sonic as a character and Ally cannot get DK as a character.

This rule will be known as the Screw'm rule.

The Screw'm rule may be repeated up to three times depending on the length of the set, and to the discretion of the players.
Characters such as Zelda/Sheik, Pokemon Trainer, Samus/ZSS each count as one character. You cannot ban Zelda without banning sheik and so on. If you get one feel free to change into the other, (Good luck if you got samus and want ZSS.)

Every match will be played at random on one of the neutrals set for said tournament. My personal preference is to only use BF, FD, and Sville.

During the set, each player is allowed to have one re-do. That is to say, if you do not like the matchup, the character you got, the character your opponent got, or whatever, you may up to redo that match, where you reset out, and start a new match. When a match starts, both players must pause. The previous winner of the last match must be the first to decide weather or not they want to use their re-do at the start of the match, given both players still have their re-do. This rule will be known as the EFFDAT rule.

The very first match MUST be played out, unless it collides with either the Main Rule or the Screw'm Rule. (no mains, no banned characters). No use of the EFFDAT rule allowed.

A player may NOT be allowed to re-get a character they LAST won with.
This will be known as Seibrik's Stupid Rule, or SSR for short.

Other variations of SSR include TSR(Tommy's Stupid Rule) where no player can get the same character twice, regardless of win or loss. While this adds more variety, it takes away from the Random factor that is the RANDOM money match. This variation of the rule came up as a result of me getting Zelda/Sheik about 20 times under the course of an hour of doing random Money Matches. I kept losing, but toward the end of the night, my Sheik actually started getting legit. lol

That's all for now.
It's your turn.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Lol good read seibrik, never even contemplated random MM rulesets hahaha, but a lot of this makes sense and is awesome ;p

On a sidenote though- would Lee Martin be allowed to play MK, or Lucario? ;)


Smash Hero
May 16, 2009
Lake Worth Florida
Accepting all Random MMs at ZP

I should be mentioned in there some where since It was me who got everyone into this... = <

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
Um, i had these rules designed since like, pound 4 with co18 lol

and to DEKAR

i think if it's at a tourny, leave it to the TO to make those kinds of close decisions.

Otherwise, perhaps allow the opponent to decide? That seem fair? (he's the one who, afterall, benefits most from banning your best character, no?)


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
Whoo , now its official.
I don't really like TSR , probably because I like watching you get screwed with Zelda/Sheik every match.:laugh:


Smash Hero
May 16, 2009
Lake Worth Florida
Um, i had these rules designed since like, pound 4 with co18 lol

and to DEKAR

i think if it's at a tourny, leave it to the TO to make those kinds of close decisions.

Otherwise, perhaps allow the opponent to decide? That seem fair? (he's the one who, afterall, benefits most from banning your best character, no?)
Woe is me... = <

and I don't understand dfear's post.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye

not to put dfear on the spot or anything

but if mods were smart they'd notice that ElChubaNebre is actually dfear's aim contact name under the DFEAR account info

just sayin



Smash Apprentice
Apr 10, 2008
its a teal deer. TLDR TL;DR

anyway yeaaa whos down to random MM? xaltis/snipa/seibrik(aka D!ck) u down?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 10, 2008
too long; didnt read= tl;dr...internetz! do you speak it!?

so yea taylor its a go!


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Lol I'm surprised you made this into a serious thread.

This should be a side event at MLG while doubles is winding down.


Smash Champion
Mar 20, 2008
Miami, FL
TLDR: if you say it out loud in those letters, it sounds like you're saying teal deer.

An alternative to my stupid rule would be if you use a redo and get the same character that you used the redo for, you must reset until you get a different character.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
as i said in esam's tourny thread

the reason that wouldn't work is because the Re-do isn't about your character alone, well not always about it, theres many things one can consider, they don't like the stage for the matchup, they don't like their opponents character at all (i know polts really good with luigi and i'm not confident against it so i'd re-do) or just the matchup of the two characters in general. It's not always as simple as you not liking your character, so the next match should show no reflection of ur character. if that were the case, the next match ur opponent can't get that same character either? or u can't get the same stage? it won't work.

re-do's are just as the rule says, EFFDAT

one time deal


Smash Champion
Mar 20, 2008
Miami, FL
as i said in esam's tourny thread

the reason that wouldn't work is because the Re-do isn't about your character alone, well not always about it, theres many things one can consider, they don't like the stage for the matchup, they don't like their opponents character at all (i know polts really good with luigi and i'm not confident against it so i'd re-do) or just the matchup of the two characters in general. It's not always as simple as you not liking your character, so the next match should show no reflection of ur character. if that were the case, the next match ur opponent can't get that same character either? or u can't get the same stage? it won't work.

re-do's are just as the rule says, EFFDAT

one time deal
The majority of the time people change is because of their character. "I've never played with this character before"....*gets the same character*...."fffffff"

The stage isn't really a big deal since it's the 3 neutrals. It can have an effect, but usually it isn't as significant.

Or have the redo have 1 of 3 conditions chosen by the redo-er, reset until you get a different character (effme), reset until your opponent gets a different character (effthem), reset until you get a different stage(effaround)

-just an idea to make more people want to get involved ;-) The majority of people I know don't want to throw money onto something with a chance to screw them over they can't control.
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