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Science Is Fun: Test Subject #1, Chell, for Smash!


Smash Rookie
Jan 22, 2019
Switch FC
Hey all. So, recently, I've been thinking a lot about characters I'd love to see as Smash DLC, or even just Smash characters at some point in the future. In thinking about this, I remembered my two favorite games of all time - Portal 1 & 2. I thought about it for a while, and I came to the conclusion that I would absolutely love the games' main character - Chell - to be a playable fighter in Smash. I did some looking, and apparently no one on this forum has made a thread about the idea, which surprises me quite a lot. Lucky for me, though, that means I get to be the first to make a discussion about it... something I'm happy to do!

First off... who is Chell?
So, I know quite a lot of you are already familiar with the character, but let me summarize briefly for those who have not had the pleasure. (I'll try to avoid spoilers, so this section will be rather brief)

Chell (pictured above) is the protagonist of both games in the Portal series, created by Valve Software. Little is known about her origins, and all we know for sure about her is that she is a young and tenacious woman who has a part-time job as a test subject at a midwestern scientific research facility known as the Aperture Science Computer Aided Enrichment Center. Here, she proves to be the best and most resourceful user of Aperture Science's greatest invention - the Handheld Portal Device. Simply put, this gun-like object can create two portals on two different surfaces that are spatially linked. As in, once both portals have been created, you can enter one and come out the other. This can be used for instantaneous transportation of people and objects, among other things.

One thing to note about Chell is that she never speaks - not at all. She simply doesn't make sounds with her mouth, as silly as that sounds. Whether this is by choice or not is left unclear, but the important thing is she doesn't talk.

That's pretty much all you need to know about Chell, really. If you think she sounds a bit boring, I highly advise you go play the Portal games. They will get that notion out of your head very quickly. In fact, if you haven't already, you really should play the games - they're absolutely fantastic, they're cheap on Steam, and they'll help you understand all the things I'll be talking about in this post. You won't regret it!

Why should Chell be in Smash?

So, every character needs some kind of reason to be in Smash, right? Well, lots of people certainly think so. And, in Chell's case, she has quite a good reason for inclusion.

Both of the Portal games are universally agreed to be some of, if not the best games of all time. The Metacritic scores for both Portal 1 and Portal 2 are remarkably high, with both games earning the Metacritic "Must-Play" award and having many critics and users alike hailing the games as masterpieces. They are frequently placed on Best Games Ever Made lists, with even Wikipedia including both on its List of games considered the best.

Why is this relevant? Well, as we all know, Super Smash Bros. is intended to be a celebration of video games as a medium by combining all the best ones into one huge potluck of a fighting game. Since we already have reps like Mario, Link and Samus (among many others) who are from some of the best games ever made, isn't it only natural we should include Chell? The quality of her games by itself justifies her inclusion - but there's more.

As you undoubtedly know, Portal has become a major pop-culture entity since its inception back in 2007. Who could forget one of the most widespread memes of all time, that being "The cake is a lie"? That came from Portal. Let's not forget that numerous celebrities have cited Portal as an influence on them, such as film directors J.J. Abrams and Guillermo del Toro. In fact, our very own Shigeru Miyamoto said that he thought Portal was "amazing".

This point also ties into why I think Chell should be included before other Valve representatives, like Gordon Freeman from Half-Life or Heavy from Team Fortress 2. Believe me, I LOVE those two characters and their associated games, and I'd be ecstatic if they made it into Smash. But I feel that Chell should come first, simply because of the impact that she and her games have had on the industry. That's not to say Half-Life or Team Fortress 2 haven't had an impact, or even that they haven't had a large one - they certainly have. But Portal's is a bit more tangible, a bit more pronounced, if you get what I'm saying.

Plus, Portal has the most Nintendo association of any Valve franchise. While it is true that neither of the mainline Portal games have appeared on a Nintendo system, a spinoff game, known as Bridge Constructor Portal, released on the Switch a little over a year ago. There's also the inclusion of a considerable amount of Portal content in the game Lego Dimensions, which released on the Wii U in 2015. Considering Persona is getting representation in Smash with only the a spinoff series on 3DS to justify it (minus the probable future Persona 5 port, of course) I'd say Portal has enough Nintendo-related content to get featured in Smash. Plus, who's to say neither of the mainline games could get ported to Switch if Chell got in Smash? That would be great!

Both Half-Life and Team Fortress 2 have no Nintendo presence at all, as far as I am aware, so that would make Portal the most logical pick for a Valve rep in Smash. Like I said, I'd love to see any of the three, but I just think Portal makes the most sense.

So, that's pretty much all my reasoning, put somewhat concisely.

OK, what's Chell's moveset going to be like?

So, in the past, I've heard a few people say that Chell simply couldn't work in Smash due to her lack of moveset potential. Well, I've thought about it, and I think I've made a general moveset concept that would mostly assuage these fears. Allow me to explain:

1. The Smashes
I'm not going to spend a whole lot of time on this, considering most smash attacks are usually pretty straightforward and what you'd probably expect to see from a character. Basically, Chell would attack using the Portal Gun and her legs. Her jab would be "stabbing" with the prongs of the Portal Gun, and some of her attacks, like her dash, would be a firm kick with her Long-Fall Boots. She can pull some nifty acrobatics like Snake and Simon during some of these, as we know she's quite an agile person. Ultimately, her smashes would be simple and to the point, and probably stuff you can fill in the blanks for anyway. Her range would be considerable, since both her legs and the Portal Gun can stretch a bit. That's all I really have to say about this.

2. The Specials

Now we're getting to the good stuff. I've got some ideas.



(Not a great image but it'll do)

These would work in a bit of a funny way. So, for portals to be useful, you obviously have to AIM them, right? Well, it's a bit tricky to do this in Smash, especially since it's 2D, but I think I've devised a workaround. Basically, for the player to fire a portal exactly where they want to, they hold B to enter "aiming" mode. While they are holding B, they cannot move, but rather use the left analog stick to rotate their Portal Gun 360 degrees around themselves. Using this, they can shoot portals onto any surface on a stage.

Of course, the player won't always have time to do this, so if they just need a portal straight ahead of themselves, they can just tap B and a portal will fire in the direction they're facing. Simple!

These portals function like they do in their home games - all players can pass through them and instantly teleport to the other one. Momentum is kept between them, and objects + projectiles can go through them too. I can only imagine all the weird and wonderful stuff that could be accomplished with this in Smash... so many possibilities!


Aerial Faith Plate (Idea 1)

This is Chell's recovery move. It works a lot like Sonic and Megaman's recovery, which is to say, it's pretty much just a spring that appears and propels them upward. There's a bit of a catch here, though, as Chell moves both upward and forward - pretty much in an arc. This arc always faces the center of the stage, so she's never being fired off to her death. This air arc would reflect mostly how the faith plates function in their home games.

Not a lot to say here, it's pretty simple. I do have an alternate idea for the Up-B, though...

Excursion Funnel (Idea 2)

This would also be Chell's recovery move, but it is much different than the faith plate. See, when she uses this, the funnel will appear below her and send her drifting upwards, like they would in the Portal games. This funnel last until Chell moves out of it, and it moves players upwards at roughly the speed of Snake's Cypher drone.

The thing that makes this an interesting recovery move is that it is a whole beam that stretches vertically from the point it was summoned to the top of the stage. So, if Chell was using this to recover, it could also be used to disrupt other players by stopping them in their tracks and forcing them upwards. Of course, they could move out of it, but it would still be good for throwing them off.


Cube Toss

Upon using the left or right B move, a portal would quickly open behind Chell and an Aperture Science Weighted Storage Cube would fly out, travelling a short distance before falling on the ground. The cube could also be occasionally substituted by various other Aperture Science items, like Edgeless Safety Cubes, Frankenturrets, or Aperture Science Bombs.

These cubes have similar properties to Piranha Plant's Neutral-B spikeball. They have a short travel distance, but are fast and hit hard. They would deal similar damage to these spikeballs as well.

Very rarely, when using this attack, a Companion Cube would appear in place of a standard cube. This Companion Cube is an insta-KO to any player hit by it, similar to a 9 on Mr. Game & Watch's Judgement attack. This Companion Cube would also disappear in a small fiery explosion upon staying on the ground for a few moments, rather than simply vanishing like the other objects. This explosion does minimal damage to players.



You probably expected this.

Upon using her Down-B, a portal quickly appears below Chell and she uses her Portal Gun to take a Turret out of it and place it on the ground in front of her. After being placed, the Turret will remain until it is destroyed by any player.

How it works is this: the Turret's range of vision is an invisible triangle that stretches out from its eye to... well, I'm not sure exactly how large it'd be, but it would be sizable. The Turret has a red targeting laser, and it will aim this at whoever it is firing at. Upon seeing a potential target, the Turret will take roughly a second to lock-on to it, while uttering one of its iconic targeting lines ("I see you!" and all that) and then proceeds to fire. The Turret fires VERY fast, and each bullet does roughly .5% damage, as well as small knockback. This would likely be extremely dangerous for whoever is being fired at, and could potentially kill them if they aren't fast enough. The Turret has unlimited ammo, and will continue firing until its target dies, moves out of range, or another target comes closer, at which point it will lock onto that target.

These Turrets would likely be very powerful tools, but they aren't perfect. They can be tipped over with almost any projectile or collision in general. Once they have been tipped over, they will begin their "panic protocol," as they do in their home games. The Turret begins firing wildly in front of itself for several seconds, then shuts down, with a typical guilt-inducing line such as "I don't hate you." They disappear shortly afterwards.

Chell can only have one Turret active at once. If she attempts to summon another Turret when one is already active, the second Turret will be a Defective Turret. It will say one of its lines ("Locked and loaded! ...Uh-oh. This is trouble.") and then detonate in a harmless explosion.

Each player who is Chell can have one Turret at a time. Turrets will not fire at each other, they will only fire at players and Sandbags.

3. The Grabs

I don't have much to say here. Chell grabs using her Portal Gun, and she tosses with her up, left and right grabs. Her down grab uses the Portal Gun to smack the grabbed player into the ground. Not terribly exciting, and it could probably be more interesting, but I usually consider the grabs the least important part of a moveset, so I'll just leave this to you guys.



Upon using a Smash Orb, a cinematic plays where Chell looks up towards the sky and sees the moon. (If the stage is roofed, a hole breaks open to reveal the moon) She shoots a portal on the ground and then one at the moon... then, for roughly a second, silence, until it is broken by a ding! like you hear in Portal 2. All fighters alive get sucked into the portal and are seen flying out on the moon and into space. Chell herself also gets sucked up, but is held back from drifting away by GLaDOS' claw that is used in the original game.

This move is an insta-KO for all fighters over 100%, and for ones not over 100%, it still sends them flying when they return to the stage.

5. Chell's General Characteristics

Chell is agile and and weighs about as much as Zero Suit Samus. Her running speed and walking speed are similar, to reflect how she doesn't really have a distinction between the two in her home games.

A special property of Chell is her Long-Fall Boots. These enable Chell to literally hit the ground running upon landing, no matter what moves she used in the air, or what moves were used on her. She simply lands upright and is able to move instantly. Watch out!

Chell's alternate costumes would change the color of her jumpsuit. There would be four costumes for each color total (orange being default, with blue, red and green being the alts) This is to say Chell would have two orange outfits, two blue, two red and two green. The difference between the colors is her Portal 1 & 2 appearances. So, she has one orange where the jumpsuit covers her whole body, and one where it just covers her legs, and she wears a tanktop.

That should fill in most blanks about Chell's moveset. Let me know if I missed anything, and feel free to add on to this, or talk about your own ideas.

What's Portal's general representation in Smash going to be like? (Stage, music, spirits, etc.)

Portal has a rich lore, a lots to draw on for its potential representation in Smash.

1. The Stage

Aperture Science

Chell's homestage would obviously be Aperture Science, as there's really no other locations from the entire Portal franchise. There is a lot that could be done here, and it could easily be a fantastic stage.

So, I'll just describe my idea outright: The Apeture Science stage would function very similarly to the Mario Maker stage. Every time is a different procedurally generated stage with various stage hazards and platform layouts. In Aperture, there would be multitudes of objects that could appear, such as (but not limited to) crushers, toxic goo, Pneumatic Diversity Vents, Hard Light Bridges, Thermal Discouragement Beams, Gels, and tons of other things. The possibilities are almost endless here.

Now, one notable feature of the Mario Maker stage is that it changes its aesthetic periodically through the player's battle. The Aperture Science stage could replicate this, switching mid-match from the various states of Aperture. I imagine there would be:

Destroyed Aperture (overgrown and malfunctioning, from the beginning of Portal 2)
Regular Aperture (standard and sleek, from GLaDOS' period of control during Portal 2)
Old Aperture (vintage and dilapidated, from the underground sections during Portal 2)
Wheatley Aperture (pictured above; on the verge of meltdown and unstable, from the ending chapters during Portal 2)

There could also possibly be Aperture from Portal 1, which looks innocent and plain, but the four versions I described above are probably enough.

Now, while these changes in look likely wouldn't affect the stage hazards, they would affect a background element - the vocal overseer of the match.

Of course, you can't have a Portal stage without one of the characters participating, could you? The various looks of the stage could accommodate various commentators, such as GLaDOS, Wheatley, Cave Johnson, and the Announcer. Basically, when the stage is in Destroyed form, the Announcer comments on the events of the battle, when it's Regular, GLaDOS comments, when it's Old, Cave Johnson comments, and when it's Wheatley, well, Wheatley comments.

The commentary from these characters would likely be colorful and humorous, seeing as how the dialogue in the original games was so expertly crafted. There is much potential in GLaDOS in particular, and I am sure many of you would love to hear her iconic voice in Smash. She could offer condescending dialogue during the fight, such as scolding the player for getting hit, telling them they have poor skills, insulting their intelligence, and so on. Perhaps she could even give character specific commentary for each member of the roster! I'm sure we'd all love to hear that.

Seeing as how all the voice actors of Portal enjoyed their roles, it is not inconceivable they would be willing to return to voice them in Smash. Ellen McLain in particular has a commitment to voicing GLaDOS wherever possible, so she'd almost certainly be willing to do it. Stephen Merchant has also stated how he would be willing to reprise his role as Wheatley, so him coming for Smash is also likely. J.K. Simmons may be a bit harder to book, but oh man, it would be worth it. Who wouldn't want J. Jonah Jameson in Smash?!

Anyway though, back to the stage. On second though, if all the voice actors were to return, it may be a bit jarring to hear them switch mid-round, so maybe the look of the stage would be randomly determined before the match starts, then it would stay consistent until the end. This would also mean they wouldn't have to create models for things that didn't exist in certain situations, i.e. crushers in Old Aperture. Feel free to share your opinions on this in the comments, though.

I'll provide some pictures of the various states of Aperture for you to mentally construct into a Smash stage:

Old Aperture

Destroyed Aperture

Wheatley Aperture

And so on and so forth. By the way, I HIGHLY recommend looking up some of Portal 2's concept art. It is seriously beautiful! Be warned, though, there are some spoilers.

2. The Music

The Portal franchise has some amazing music. I mean, just fantastic songs. Portal 2 in particular has an exceedingly impressive soundtrack. Here are all the songs I think should be included in Smash. I'll be sure to provide links, so you can hear them yourself.

Science Is Fun (Portal 2)
Concentration Enhancing Menu Initialiser (Portal 2)
Ghost of Rattman (Portal 2)
You Know Her? (Portal 2)
The Friendly Faith Plate (Portal 2)
I Saw A Deer Today (Portal 2)
You Will Be Perfect (Portal 2)
An Accent Beyond (Portal 2)
Almost At Fifty Percent (Portal 2)
I AM NOT A MORON! (Portal 2)
PotatOS Lament (Portal 2)
The Reunion (Portal 2)
Reconstructing More Science (Portal 2)
Wheatley Science (Portal 2)
Machiavellian Bach (Portal 2)
The Part Where He Kills You (Portal 2)
OMG, What Has He Done? (Portal 2)
Bombs For Throwing At You (Portal 2)
Your Precious Moon (Portal 2)
Cara Mia Addio (Portal 2)
Want You Gone (Portal 2)
Some Assembly Required (Portal 2)
Robots FTW (Portal 2)
4000 Degrees Kelvin (Portal 1)
You're Not A Good Person (Portal 1)
You Can't Escape, You Know (Portal 1)
Still Alive (Portal 1)

Whew! That's the whole thing. What can I say? Portal just has really good music! I think all of these would fit right in Smash. I'd be interested in hearing how the music team handles some remixes of them, too!

3. The Spirits

OK, I've been typing this off-and-on again for several days and I'm getting pretty tired, so I'm just going to list who I think could be a Portal spirit:

Cave Johnson
Companion Cube
Morality Core
Curiosity Core
Intelligence Core
Anger Core
The Space Sphere
Rick, The Adventure Sphere
The Fact Sphere
Doug Rattman
The Cake

Yeah, that's pretty much the whole list. Portal doesn't have a lot of characters. You guys can discuss what exactly they'd all do.

That's all I have to say!

Wow, I've spent several days on this, and it's 1 AM, so I am exhausted! I'm going to take a rest. Please tell me what you guys think! I hope you guys love this idea as much as I do.

Here is the list of supporters. I think our name will be "Test Subjects."

ryuu seika

Here's to hoping Chell gets in Smash one day!
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Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2018
Switch FC
How odd, 2 Chell threads in one day. This one seems more official though.


Smash Rookie
Jan 22, 2019
Switch FC
How odd, 2 Chell threads in one day. This one seems more official though.
Oh man... The other guy beat me by three hours! I've been working on this for close to a week now (not constantly though) so I had no idea that was going to happen. Crazy!

I guess I'm glad that means there's more support in general though.


Smash Rookie
Dec 27, 2018
Oh man... The other guy beat me by three hours! I've been working on this for close to a week now (not constantly though) so I had no idea that was going to happen. Crazy!

I guess I'm glad that means there's more support in general though.
It’s crazy how similarly we expect this character to function too. Synchronicity


Smash Rookie
Jan 22, 2019
Switch FC
It’s crazy how similarly we expect this character to function too. Synchronicity
Yeah. I think I remember seeing a proposed moveset for Chell on GameFAQs a few years back also, and I'm pretty sure it had similar ideas, at least about the Neutral-B. Can't remember much more, though.

I guess that means her moveset is a bit obvious in some parts. Personally I consider that a good thing - it probably wouldn't bode well for a character if people struggled to come up with ideas for the moves.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
+PLUS+'s moveset included the suggestion that she have a Falco-like jump height and I think that that would be good to carry over. Combine that with not being a fastfaller and Chell would have a hard time abusing her aerials, which absolutely need that balancing factor if they have zero end lag.

A suggestion for her Final Smash was also included in that thread but I, personally, rather disagree with it. GLaDOS has very little reason to exist as part of Chell's moveset besides fan pandering and would be far better represented as a stage hazard, speaking via a monitor and occassionally dealing poison damage (the flower status) to players by gassing a segment of the stage.

Chell's Final Smash should, in my opinion, be a recreation of that one moment in Portal 2, where an extra large portal is created. I won't spoil it here, you know the one. It involves Wheatley.


Smash Rookie
Jan 22, 2019
Switch FC
+PLUS+'s moveset included the suggestion that she have a Falco-like jump height and I think that that would be good to carry over. Combine that with not being a fastfaller and Chell would have a hard time abusing her aerials, which absolutely need that balancing factor if they have zero end lag.

A suggestion for her Final Smash was also included in that thread but I, personally, rather disagree with it. GLaDOS has very little reason to exist as part of Chell's moveset besides fan pandering and would be far better represented as a stage hazard, speaking via a monitor and occassionally dealing poison damage (the flower status) to players by gassing a segment of the stage.

Chell's Final Smash should, in my opinion, be a recreation of that one moment in Portal 2, where an extra large portal is created. I won't spoil it here, you know the one. It involves Wheatley.
Oh yeah! I forgot to include a final smash... that's actually a really good idea! I'll add that under moveset with a spoiler tag.


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2018
Switch FC
Now we need a stock icon for her...


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2018
Switch FC
Yeah I did mean those types of stock icons :p

Anyway, why not have the series logo just be the person on the cover? Simple and good. Maybe I'm biased because I've never liked the way the Aperture logo looked, but still.
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Smash Rookie
Jan 22, 2019
Switch FC
Yeah I did mean those types of stock icons :p

Anyway, why not have the series logo just be the person on the cover? Simple and good. Maybe I'm biased because I've never liked the way the Aperture logo looked, but still.
Eh. I myself personally like the Aperture logo, but even if I didn't, it's the most logical choice for the universe logo. Most people who don't work with cameras will instantly associate it with Portal. It appears constantly throughout the games and... well, I think most people would be surprised if it wasn't the universe logo.

That said, I respect your opinion on the matter. The Portal stick figure is cool too.


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2018
Switch FC
Eh. I myself personally like the Aperture logo, but even if I didn't, it's the most logical choice for the universe logo. Most people who don't work with cameras will instantly associate it with Portal. It appears constantly throughout the games and... well, I think most people would be surprised if it wasn't the universe logo.

That said, I respect your opinion on the matter. The Portal stick figure is cool too.
I know the Aperture logo makes sense, I just hate the way it looks lol.


Smash Rookie
Jan 22, 2019
Switch FC

I tried making a Smash x Portal screen for a hypothetical reveal. It's not spectacular, but I'd imagine it looking something a bit like this. I feel like orange suits Portal really well.


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2018
Switch FC
GrantVsZombies GrantVsZombies I think orange (and that shade no less) would better suit Half Life; I was thinking more along the lines of dark blue or a mechanical background.

Great job on that nonetheless, it looks great!


Smash Rookie
Jan 22, 2019
Switch FC
GrantVsZombies GrantVsZombies I think orange (and that shade no less) would better suit Half Life; I was thinking more along the lines of dark blue or a mechanical background.

Great job on that nonetheless, it looks great!
Yeah, on second thought actually, let me rephrase. I think orange suits Aperture Science very well. Portal itself is probably indeed better represented by blue. I'll look for a different background whenever I make another one


Smash Rookie
Jan 22, 2019
Switch FC
So, a bit earlier today I was curious to see if I could find any support for Chell in several other online Smash communities. I am happy to say I did, and here's some of what I found:

/r/smashbros Submission 1

/r/smashbros Submission 2

/r/smashbros Submission 3

GameFAQs Submission 1

GameFAQs Submission 2

Random Twitter Post I found (that got pretty popular)

I also found this image in that Twitter thread. It doesn't fully conform to my own ideas, of course, but I appreciate seeing it nonetheless. One thing to note about these sources of support is that many of them are very recent, as in, within the last 9 months. I'm not sure exactly what sparked it, but people seem to be more aware of this idea than before.

In fact, as I look at some of the comments on these threads, I notice that many people are talking about how they never considered Chell for Smash, but now that they are thinking about it, they love the idea. I think this is Chell's main hurdle to overcome - when people think "new Smash character," their minds just go other places first. If enough people could hear about this, I think it could be turned into a pretty sizable support movement. Maybe not as big as some first party characters, or people that been asked for forever, but I think the following has big potential.

Fan requests for characters do work, as shown with Ridley, K. Rool, and the return of Snake, among many others. I think at some point, even if it is a considerable while from now, that if enough people asked for Chell, it could happen.

I dunno. I just wanted to say this. I wish there was something I could do to unify the people supporting this idea and bring new people in - but I'm not really in that sort of position. Still, looking at all this gives me hope for the future, and that's all I really need.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014
Please add me to the support list!


People who have been clamoring for a Female rep could get one!


Smash Rookie
Aug 7, 2018
Add me as a supporter!
We’ve been sleeping on this character.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Well a bunch of crazy stuff has happened in the leaker scene and between all the characters and companies cut out, Chell is one of the ones left standing.

She fits the color theory
She fits the Daisy Theory
The portal Gun has crazy mad moveset potential fitting in with what Sakurai said

This could be it.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Definitely my preferred Valve rep.

This is crazy, but she might actually have a semblance of a shot. Definitely support.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2018
Throw me on the support list too

Since OP had trouble coming up with Grabs, I came up with some: Chel has a tether grab like Young Link, shooting energy tendrils out of the Portal gun to grab her opponent
Pummel: She kicks them with her foot, those long fall boots certainly hurt

Down throw: A portal opens below and she throws her opponent into it, a second portal opens just in front of her aiming downwards and the opponent slams the floor and bounces up a bit. If this is done at a ledge, it has serious spike potential, but only at high percents
Up throw: A reversal of Down Throw, she throws them up into a portal and another opens on the floor and they're launched upwards.
Back Throw: A simple backwards swing and throw
Forward Throw: Now here's the interesting part; she has a Cargo Throw just like DK where she lifts the opponent up and carries them out in front of her. All the same rules to DK's applies here.


Smash Lord
Nov 22, 2019
United States
Switch FC
Why would people ever stop talking in this when Chell would be great in Smash
Add me to the support list, if this thing is still active

Deleted member

I think Chell would be a awesome addition to Smash. I support her.:drflip:


Smash Cadet
May 14, 2020
The stage should just be a test chamber with GLADOS in back, mocking the fighters the whole time. Have her then change the layout to include turrets, bounce gel, etc..


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Ladies, Gentlemen and distinguished Gender Neutrals, I'd like to present to you the latest in crackpot theories from the mind of yours truly.


Of all the game characters who've been added to Smash, we've had three of the 6 game series (discounting Lego's own efforts like Rock Raiders and Lego Island) who have had physical Lego sets. Super Mario, Sonic and Minecraft. That leaves three more series: Prince of Persia, Spy Hunter (via the Midway Arcade pack) and... Portal.

If nothing else, if does mean it's a big enough series to have Lego made of it and in turn, big enough for Smash?
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Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2020
It’s been awhile since this thread was active. I support Chell in Smash! It’s really sad that Chell isn’t talked about that much.


Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2020
I also think a Core Mii Fighter hat would be a good idea. It could change eye colors, depending on the Mii Fighter’s color. I would love to have a Wheatley and Space Core hat.


Smash Cadet
Sep 15, 2019
Chell would be such a fun character! Add me to the supporters list please :)


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oct 29, 2006
Sydney, Australia
It upsets me that this isn’t a more popular idea.
Easily the most interesting and unique move set that I’ve heard plus it’s a super iconic game/character.
This needs to happen!!

Can whoever made the thread change the title so that “Portal” is in the title?
I’m sure a lot of people don’t realise that the main characters name is Chell since she never gets referred to as that.
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