What's the problem, Bill?
When you asked off work, the tournament was only having one event, and nothing's changed since then, including the drive-time, so why are you complaining?
If you're playing the game solely for money, then you're playing for the wrong reasons. I like to win, and money is cool, too, but whether or not I think I'm going to win doesn't factor into my attendance. If I can't afford to go, I can't afford to go.
It's a SC tournament, anyway, I'm sure you'll place fine—we have what?—five competitive Smashers in the state?
I apologize if you feel like I've called you out, but I was simply defending against your saying the brackets wouldn't be seeded properly—I don't need six people huddled around the computer to tell me where they'd like to be placed, because that completely eliminates the element of randomness that comes with the tournament scene.
I'm quite clear on how to run a tournament, but if any insults have been given, I don't feel like I'm in that boat alone, you're a passenger, too—against both myself and Omni. I believe it's too late for you to defend him against me, since you were one of the first to call him out based on his most recent performance as TO.
But, what's done is done, and what works for you, works for you—manual seeding, running doubles and singles at the same time, whatever—it's your tournament. You know your state better than I do.
How did this turn into a flame war? Just come and have fun, if you win you win.