Um, bomber, I was just trying to make a point and using an example from samus’ own universe to do it. If you want to think along those lines, than brawl (and melee) make no sense. None of the characters would be able to breath in the space levels of the game, and speaking of samus herself, she isn’t from earth. So the different levels of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and so on would kill her immediately in the castle level in today’s update, as I would assume that is on earth. Also I stated that all of these ‘rules’ may go out the window. I have no idea what the developers are planning. Why not just wait and find out instead of speculating?
Although I have to admit that it is kind of strange that nintendo was showing us ‘zamus’ as a newcomer in all the trailers, as her own character. Does this mean that getting a final smash will be common and easy to do? That is the only explanation I can think of, since in all of the games they are supposedly showing clips of, samus would have had to get the smash and use it at least once. All the other characters were still alive in most screenshots as well. but looking at it from a marketing standpoint, I think nintendo just wanted to give us someone unexpected with a large fanbase right away to gawk at. And those screenshots are set up beforehand and scrutinized, for obvious reasons, before being made public. So zamus was a gimmick, a stunt to gain more attention for the game without releasing anything really huge yet (when they first announced it). Maybe another distraction to keep some people from not noticing that we have not even had an actual gameplay video yet. Why can’t we see the developers have at it in a controlled enviroment, even, to keep spoilers to a minimum. I just want to see them, play an entire game instead of snippets! For a future game dev like kirbykid, that would be a virtual goldmine at this point. And yes, I know the physics engine changes drastically before release.