Smash Lord
1. MEWTWO (25 votes)
- Zhadgon
- BluePikmin11
- KingofPhantoms47
- SchAlternate
- xlblisx
- Hotfeet444
- TumblrFamous
- Espio264
- GoldenYuiitusin
- Xenoblaze
- Starphoenix
- Venus of the Desert Bloom
- Mega Bidoof
- Frostwraith
- Louie G.
- Hank Hill
- Ridley_Prime
- 3Bismyname
- Brawler610
- Scoliosis Jones
- FinalStarmen
- GmanSir
- shinpichu
- ThatWasPeachy
- PerhapsMan
2. LUCARIO (9 votes)
- SaturnGamer64
- Zero2570
- Gune
- Pacack
- Arcanir
- Johnknight1
- Onyx Oblivian
- legendofrob1
- CrusherMania1592
3. JIGGLYPUFF (13 votes)
- MorbidAltruism
- Bajef8
- YoshiandToad
- Gohan
- MargnetMan23
- EddyBearr
- Kapus
- Brad-Rock
- SuperBrawler
- NickerBocker
- Rasumii
- Rosalina suporter
- HarryTheChin
4. POKEMON TRAINER (15 votes)
- TumblrFamous
- Gormanbros
- Kikwi-Kiwi
- shinhed-echi
- FalKoopa
- Ariand/AEM
- BKupa666
- Kikaru
- lonekonwolf
- Reznor
- ScatmansWorld25
- Swampasaur
- Opossum
- Bowserlick
- ErictheLone
5. PICHU (1 vote)
- Chandelure
6. OTHER (2 votes)
- OcarinaofDoom - Goomy
- DaUsername - Magikarp
7. NONE (1 vote)
- Mitsuo
#. UNDECIDED (2 people)
- Rebellious Treecko - For everyone.
- 8-peacock-8 - For Red using Mewtwo, Lucario and Charizard.
Special Thanks:
To Johnknight1 for creating the idea.
To MorbidAltruism for supporting and getting the list right.
To Onyx Oblivian for the image and title of this game.
1. MEWTWO (25 votes)
- Zhadgon
- BluePikmin11
- KingofPhantoms47
- SchAlternate
- xlblisx
- Hotfeet444
- TumblrFamous
- Espio264
- GoldenYuiitusin
- Xenoblaze
- Starphoenix
- Venus of the Desert Bloom
- Mega Bidoof
- Frostwraith
- Louie G.
- Hank Hill
- Ridley_Prime
- 3Bismyname
- Brawler610
- Scoliosis Jones
- FinalStarmen
- GmanSir
- shinpichu
- ThatWasPeachy
- PerhapsMan
2. LUCARIO (9 votes)
- SaturnGamer64
- Zero2570
- Gune
- Pacack
- Arcanir
- Johnknight1
- Onyx Oblivian
- legendofrob1
- CrusherMania1592
3. JIGGLYPUFF (13 votes)
- MorbidAltruism
- Bajef8
- YoshiandToad
- Gohan
- MargnetMan23
- EddyBearr
- Kapus
- Brad-Rock
- SuperBrawler
- NickerBocker
- Rasumii
- Rosalina suporter
- HarryTheChin
4. POKEMON TRAINER (15 votes)
- TumblrFamous
- Gormanbros
- Kikwi-Kiwi
- shinhed-echi
- FalKoopa
- Ariand/AEM
- BKupa666
- Kikaru
- lonekonwolf
- Reznor
- ScatmansWorld25
- Swampasaur
- Opossum
- Bowserlick
- ErictheLone
5. PICHU (1 vote)
- Chandelure
6. OTHER (2 votes)
- OcarinaofDoom - Goomy
- DaUsername - Magikarp
7. NONE (1 vote)
- Mitsuo
#. UNDECIDED (2 people)
- Rebellious Treecko - For everyone.
- 8-peacock-8 - For Red using Mewtwo, Lucario and Charizard.
Who will win ladies and gentlemen, put your bid for which Pokemon will be reveled this week.
Special Thanks:
To Johnknight1 for creating the idea.
To MorbidAltruism for supporting and getting the list right.
To Onyx Oblivian for the image and title of this game.