Not only is she a tutorial icon, but she is the tutorial unit as well, a pegasus knight in one. Not only that, but she is the secret/special shopkeeper for every shop in every game (excluding Gaiden, which did not use shops). You also made a mistake, she is playable in Awakening as a side character comparable to Tharja or Owain or any of the others, without the use of DLC, though admittedly she lacks a child and a few support conversations. Speaking of which, she is the face and hostess of link systems in the GBA games, and likewise in every other connection mode. Her role is added unto through the DLC you pointed out, many of the episode's stories are heavily influenced by her, and she is also boss in one of them, actually the hardest boss, stats and skill wise, in all of Fire Emblem. You underestimate her worth severely, and I feel like I've actually said this to you before, last time you didn't respond. You don't have to support her, but you must acknowledge that the combination of all these roles, her mascothood in series, and her reoccurrence, make her a serious contender against the Lords.
Edit: I've said this sort of thing far too often for you to not have noticed by now, and if I was to presume, I'd say you're playing for your agenda in quite a slimy manner. Surely you have a response by now if I am wrong?