Deleted member
I think he meant more like they can inflict curses that make it so they take more damage from attacks, deal less damage; **** with gravity so they fall faster and jump less high; they move slower; all while doing indirect damage from curses and poison abilitis and even turn them into toast. All while keeping away like Rachel from BB but on a broomstick.You mean like how Olimar's Pikmin can latch on to people and deal small bits of damage over time?
I was thinking about that too. Especially for the Pokemon.
Ivysaur's B move should be Razor Leaf, and his Side B move should be replaced with Poison Sting (that can be angled 40 degrees up and down and fire off in small bursts). The poison sting can deal small poison damage over time.
Charzard's Flamethrower can also have the burn damage addition and it can temporarily weaken the opponents attacks like it does in the games.