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Robin Community AMA Thread.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
@ Chapter Serf Chapter Serf

What are some other Nintendo games (either individual titles or series) that you favor?
What are some non-Nintendo (not necessarily console either, it can be PC) games (again, individual titles or series) you favor?
A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, both or neither?
If the answer to the above question is not neither, who do you think and hope (can be two separate people) will end up on the Iron Throne when all is said and done?
If the answer to the question above the previous question is not neither, R+L=J. True or False? (In your opinion)
If you had the power to add one character to Super Smash Bros who would it be and why?
If you had the power to add one Nintendo character to Super Smash Bros who would it be and why?
If you were given the option to live in any fictional universe, and be able to choose how you lived in that universe, where would you end up? (For Example: being an adventurer in your favorite MMO, or being the Dovahkiin in Skyrim) (Doesn't have to be video games)
What is your favorite color?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Do you like Warhammer 40,000? If so, what are some of your thoughts and opinions on it?
Callie or Marie?
Bread or Rice?
Cats or Dogs?
Pop or Rock?
Roller Coasters or Water Slides?
If you were to go out on a date with one video game character of your choice who would it be and why?
What are your general thoughts on Splatoon (if you have any)?
If you were to wake up as a video game character, who would you want to wake up as?
If you were to wake up as a video game character of the opposite gender, who would you want to wake up as?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2015
Do you have any T.V shows or movies you like
Do you have any hobbies?
What was your first game console?
How did you get into smash bros at first?

Chapter Serf

Ace Skell Pilot
Feb 2, 2015
Did you seriously just whip out my own questions against me?!
I like your style!:4pacman:
@ Chapter Serf Chapter Serf

What are some other Nintendo games (either individual titles or series) that you favor?
Robin managed to get back into Fire Emblem, and I am patiently waiting for Fates next year. Splatoon, ZELDA (There's only a couple of Zelda game I never played), I do want to find time for Xenoblade, the 3D Marios have been a blast and I was immediately hooked on Golden Sun from the moment I first tried it. The only other game to rope me in as fast as Golden Sun did was Mass Effect. But we don't talk about Mass Effect anymore.

What are some non-Nintendo (not necessarily console either, it can be PC) games (again, individual titles or series) you favor?
Well, let's start off with the one that occupies the vast majority of my time: Final Fantasy XIV and go from there. Following that, I've begun to sink my teeth into The Witcher series with The Witcher and with the other two games sitting in the backlog. I'd be omitting something major if I didn't mention the 900 hours I've sunk into Skyrim and could easily sink more several hundred more hours if the correct mod(s) were released. XCOM of course, and I still play Command and Conquer 3. Bastion was another fun one as well, though I haven't played it in some time. And I do periodically go and play Age of Mythology.

A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones, both or neither?
It's complicated. I really only WATCH the show (Game of Thrones) on Blu-Ray as it comes out but I do follow it, and I'll admit, I don't really like what went down this season. The changes from the books were far too drastic.
And no, I'm not just referring to **** storm that went down in regards to Sansa. That's merely an affect of the cause. Sansa should never have left the Vale in the first place. Furthermore, nothing that went down in Dorne sat well with me, nor the complete removal of threads involving the Iron Islands.
Personally, I prefer the books and I can't wait for the sixth one to come out.

If the answer to the above question is not neither, who do you think and hope (can be two separate people) will end up on the Iron Throne when all is said and done?
It's complicated. Honestly I think it could be some combination of Daenarys, Jon and Aegon VI. The dragon has three heads, and Aegon conquered Westeros with his three dragons and two sisterwives. I think Daenarys will do the same with her three dragons and her two cousienhusbands. Aegon VI has already gotten it started, but I think when Daenarys shows her dragons, he might bow. Then again, he has shown signs of the Targaryen Madness so perhaps not? I think it also depends on who sits on the Iron Throne at the end of the Sixth Book: I don't think whoever is sitting on the Iron Throne at the end of the Sixth Book will be there at the end of the Seventh. If Tommen is still sitting on the Iron Throne at the end of The Winds of Winter, then it's anybody's game. If it's Aegon VI, then Daenarys is going to take it. Side note: Jon may be dead in the show, but I don't think he's dead in the books. See, he hasn't done anything and major characters don't kick it unless they've accomplished something in the overall meta plot and advanced the plot in some meaningful and major way. Addendum: Stannis Baratheon has no chance. He's going to die in the Sixth Book, but not before he conquers Winterfell and returns it to the Starks by making Davos Seaworth Regent of Winterfell until Rickon Stark (yeah, you forgot about him, admit it) comes of age.

If the answer to the question above the previous question is not neither, R+L=J. True or False? (In your opinion)

If you had the power to add one character to Super Smash Bros who would it be and why?
See below. But if we're strictly going outside the bounds of Nintendo, Sephiroth. A good villain helps make a good story. Sephiroth was a good villain. Kefka was just a bat**** insane lunatic. Sephiroth had far more depth.

If you had the power to add one Nintendo character to Super Smash Bros who would it be and why?
Isaac. Golden Sun is a kick ass game and Isaac isn't just another JRPG Swordsmen. With the vast Array of Psyenergy at his disposal, he has the makings for a truly unique character.

If you were given the option to live in any fictional universe, and be able to choose how you lived in that universe, where would you end up? (For Example: being an adventurer in your favorite MMO, or being the Dovahkiin in Skyrim) (Doesn't have to be video games)
Holy hell... Let's see... Well, there's always a Chapter Serf of the Space Wolves chapter in Warhammer 40,000. Chapter Serfs are hereditary servants of a Space Marine Chapter. Space Marines in Warhammer 40,000 may be post-human genetically engineered bad asses, but they are few in number. They can't be expected to fight the enemies of Man and man their ships and maintain their wargear and keep their fortress monastery in working order and cook their food and well, just countless other mundane things that must be done. These tasks, with the exception of fighting the uncountable Enemies of Man, falls to the Chapter Serfs who are recruited from the local populace of the Chapter's world and are from the ranks of initiates who ultimately failed to become a full fledged Space Marine for whatever reason. These individuals live lives that are matched or surpassed by only the most fortunate and elite of the elite individuals in the Imperium of Man, namely the idiot nobility. Furthermore, they're trained and educated far beyond the standards of the Imperial norm (which is here's a gun, this is the trigger, this is the barrel, you point the barrel away from yourself and at the enemy and pull the trigger. If it doesn't shoot, you pull out the magazine and replace it with a new one.) and they live under the protection of their Space Marine masters. In turn, these individuals are well treated (for the most part, it depends on the Chapter, but generally they are treated well) by their Space Marine masters. The Space Wolves chapter is an exception in that they are noted for treating their Chapter Serfs extremely well, among the best in the Imperium. And while the world of Warhammer 40,000 is probably one of the most crapsack imaginable (For those who are uninitiated try this for starters and then move onto to here.
Barring that? Dovahkiin from Skryim (with my control, and not what "canon" (whatever that may be) dictates).
Barring that? INKLING! Turn 14, leave school, get the ability to buy enough guns to equip a small army and engage in the national pastime of shooting your fellow inklings and not worrying about dying. Sounds like fun! Also, take on the ENTIRE ARMY of your enemies and win? The single player might not have been the greatest, but damn. That little Agent 3 Inkling sure knows how to kick ass and take names.
Barring that? Adept in Golden Sun. Mercury please.

What is your favorite color?

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
African or European?

Do you like Warhammer 40,000? If so, what are some of your thoughts and opinions on it?
It's awesome. I'll admit, I don't play the tabletop ($$$) but I do follow the lore and I have played several of the computer games and they've all kicked ass.

Callie or Marie?

Bread or Rice?

Cats or Dogs?
Team Cat forever.

Pop or Rock?

Roller Coasters or Water Slides?
Team Roller Coaster forever. (Also, Breaking of trends! Only team to have lost the popularity contest but still win the Splatfest! Go Team Roller Coaster!)

If you were to go out on a date with one video game character of your choice who would it be and why?
Holy hell... I would have to say Lightning from FFXIII. Her desire to tell "DES-TIN-EE" and "FATE" to go and screw themselves sits will with me. I've always believed such things to be bull**** and that if we must fulfill such things, then we go about doing it without strings attached (like, do this task and then die by getting stuffed into crystal stasis for an eternity) and we're able to go about doing it however the hell we want. There's nothing wrong with sticking it to the powers that be. And she does that. (Note this knowledge only pertains to the first XIII. I haven't, and probably won't play the other two.)

What are your general thoughts on Splatoon (if you have any)?
August update on August 5th. A kick ass game gets even more kick ass.

If you were to wake up as a video game character, who would you want to wake up as?
Shulk or Geralt.

If you were to wake up as a video game character of the opposite gender, who would you want to wake up as?
Hmmm... Lucina, FemKamui or FemRobin.

Do you have any T.V shows or movies you like?
As in currently running TV? That's pretty much limited to NCIS. As for old stuff? Well, I like Star Trek. Movies: LotRs, Hobbits.

Do you have any hobbies?
Writing. Hopefully one day will be something more than a hobby.

What was your first game console?
By the time I was sentient enough, I remember both an old Atari system and an NES in the house. The first system that I ever owned personally was a Wii. This doesn't include handhelds. If it did, that would be a Game Boy Brick.

How did you get into smash bros at first?
Tried out Smash 64 at a friends house. Had a good time.
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Chapter Serf

Ace Skell Pilot
Feb 2, 2015
Least favorite FE character of all time?
Gangrel. The guy is a cockroach and no mistake. I came within millimeters of just atomizing him with one of my Goddesses in mortal form Manaketes in his recruitment mission.
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There's no such thing as a nornal person
Feb 28, 2011
What would you say is the game that had the biggest emotional impact on you?

What weapon do you find yourself using the most in Splatoon?

Do you have a favorite map in Splatoon?

What is your preferred special to use in Splatoon?

Chapter Serf

Ace Skell Pilot
Feb 2, 2015
What would you say is the game that had the biggest emotional impact on you?
I was actually sad when certain events went down in Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward. I was almost in tears. later, when given a chat option in regards to one of those events, I actually chose the more bloodthirsty and personal option. Usually I don't. I tend towards the more selfless/greater good option.
If we pretend that the ending never happened, there was also Mass Effect 3: the greatest 30 hours of my video game life preceding the worst 10 minutes. The fact that I was able to have such an impact and bring hated factions together in brotherhood was actually quite something for me. To see Turians and Krogans fighting side-by-side and for each other... It was like "I did that. I had that effect. I made that happen." Too bad about that ending.

What weapon do you find yourself using the most in Splatoon?

Do you have a favorite map in Splatoon?

What is your preferred special to use in Splatoon?
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Chapter Serf

Ace Skell Pilot
Feb 2, 2015
Just a friendly reminder to everyone...
As you all know, I am probably the biggest post editor out there...
You may want to check my answers to your questions from time to time to make sure I didn't edit and if I did edit, you see what I no doubt added.
If I do do that, I will try and color the text differently.
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
What's the worst game you've ever played and why?

You enjoy puns?
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Chapter Serf

Ace Skell Pilot
Feb 2, 2015
What's the worst game you've ever played and why?
Command and Conquer 4 was quite a bit of a let down. I actually regretted spending money on that game.
There is of course the ever infamous Mass Effect 3: the ending of which ruined not only Mass Effect 3 for me but Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 as well.

You enjoy puns?
Sometimes. Sometimes I play the instigator, spamming the puns for all to see and sometimes I play the annoyed and boo the people posting the puns. It depends.

Milo AKA Papa

Activating Combat Mode
Oct 26, 2014
United States, VA
Switch FC
How do you feel about the voice acting in this game?

Besides XIV, have you played and enjoyed any of the other Final Fantasy games? If so, which one would you say is your favorite?

Chapter Serf

Ace Skell Pilot
Feb 2, 2015
How do you feel about the voice acting in this game?
WOW. That's bad. That one chick sounds like some elementary school kid getting asked to read from the book and just reading from the book. It doesn't remotely match the facial expressions of the character.

Besides XIV, have you played and enjoyed any of the other Final Fantasy games? If so, which one would you say is your favorite?
I've played I, II, III and XIII. I've enjoyed I and XIII the most of those. I've also played Tactics Advance (which was fun as all get out). Story was a bit lacking, but the game was just addicting fun. I never did play the sequel to that and I've been told that I should. Since Square has put a ton of the main sequence FFs on Steam (to date, III, IV, IV After Years, VII, VIII, XI, XIII, XIII-2, with XIII-3 coming, and XIV, as well as I just saw Type-0) I'm holding out that the VII Remake, and the X/X-2 HD remake will come out as well and perhaps XII. Though I doubt XII since XII was only ever released on the PS2 and I've heard that they've had issues with porting from the PS2 to the PC, so unless they do a remake of XII on more recent systems, I doubt we'll see XII on Steam.
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코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
@ Chapter Serf Chapter Serf

Do you ship? And if you do which one is your OTP and "Kill it with fire"

What's your fav and least fav food and animal

And this may be a bit more personal but what's your love story?

What got you into Smash?

Which char do you love and hate facing?

Chapter Serf

Ace Skell Pilot
Feb 2, 2015
@ Chapter Serf Chapter Serf
Do you ship? And if you do which one is your OTP and "Kill it with fire"
I don't ship all that much, but if I had to, I'd ship Fem Kamui with Male Robin or Male Kamui with Female Robin. One or the other. Or both! I think some Fanart of this "AvatarShipping" is in order... Sadly people here are too much into Fem Kamui with Xander and Fem Robin with Male Robin. Very sad... Maybe FemKamui can S Support Robin in Fates...
Kill it fire? That would be, right now at any rate, Marth with Ike. There are A LOT of ships I've seen that are like "DIE! DIE! DIE! YOU FOUL SHIP!"

What's your fav and least fav food and animal?
Favorite Animal: Oh hell... Bears, Cats, Racoons, Chipmunks, Koalas...
Least Favorite Animal: Never was a fan of Sharks, Lamprey, Snakes, Mosquitoes...
Favorite Food: Nachos, Tacos, Steaks, Hamburgers
Least Favorite Food: I'm starting to learn to like Fish, I used to not be all that into Fish, aside from Tuna, but it still isn't a favorite. Black Bean Burgers, Soy "Chicken" Nuggets...

And this may be a bit more personal but what's your love story?
I have never dated a woman in my life unfortunately. And I'm not into men. I'm as straight as they come.

What got you into Smash?
Playing Smash 64.

Which char do you love and hate facing?
Really can't answer that... I don't play enough to be perfectly honest.
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The Merc

Hyrule's "Light"
Nov 10, 2014
@ Chapter Serf Chapter Serf

What if he has a pointed stick?

If you could remove one character or change one character in Smash Bros, who and why?

Deadpool movie hype?

What game has you most excited?

Any Hobbies?


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2014
Ontario Canada
It's hard to come up with questions people haven't already asked.
Do you have any hobbies you enjoy doing?
What's the last thing you've read/watched that made you question life?
Do you have any guilty pleasure games/shows/stories (I won't judge)?


True Blood
Feb 19, 2014
Greetings, fellow @ Chapter Serf Chapter Serf !
1) If you could have only one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
2) What is your greatest strength and weakness? (making people analyse themselves is always fun:halfsheep:)
3) Do you have any bad habits? (could be both in Smash or in real life)
4) What is your idea of a perfect pizza?

Chapter Serf

Ace Skell Pilot
Feb 2, 2015
@ Chapter Serf Chapter Serf

What if he has a pointed stick?

If you could remove one character or change one character in Smash Bros, who and why?
Change? I really don't know. Maybe tone Shiek down a bit. As for remove, I will keep that to myself. I don't want to piss anyone off.

Deadpool movie hype?
Can't say I have any.

What game has you most excited?
XCOM2 and Master of Orion. Though XCOM2 more since I know that will be solid. The Master of Orion remake may well be good, but I'm cautious.

Any Hobbies?

It's hard to come up with questions people haven't already asked.
Do you have any hobbies you enjoy doing?

What's the last thing you've read/watched that made you question life?
I usually don't look that deep into things.

Do you have any guilty pleasure games/shows/stories (I won't judge)?
Not really.

Greetings, fellow @ Chapter Serf Chapter Serf !
1) If you could have only one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Probably my Mom's flank steak recipe with her french onion rice.
2) What is your greatest strength and weakness? (making people analyse themselves is always fun:halfsheep:)
Self confidence I suppose. And my near inability to be optimistic about most things.

3) Do you have any bad habits? (could be both in Smash or in real life)
A few.
4) What is your idea of a perfect pizza?
Meat lovers pizza.
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Space Pheasant Dragon Tactician
Mar 18, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
Alright @ Chapter Serf Chapter Serf here's my questions and I ask damn near everyone these so don't worry.

Who do you like fighting and hate fighting in smash 4?

You pay attention to the competitive scene at all and if you do whose your favorite players to watch?

How is your local smash scene in your area if you have one at all?

Any buffs and nerfs you would give to characters?

What attracted you to play Robin or any other character you play in this game?

PM smash yay, nah or meh?

What is your favorite FE game?

Your favorite classes in FE?

Favorite weapon in FE (Version of a weapon like FE7 Brave Sword for example can use used)?

Favorite characters in the FE universe?

Favorite movie?

Favorite comic series if you have any/ read comics?

Immortality or Time Travel ?

That's all I have to give ya unless I think of another question

Chapter Serf

Ace Skell Pilot
Feb 2, 2015
Alright @ Chapter Serf Chapter Serf here's my questions and I ask damn near everyone these so don't worry.

Who do you like fighting and hate fighting in smash 4?
Really haven't played enough to have any solid answer.

You pay attention to the competitive scene at all and if you do whose your favorite players to watch?
I don't pay attention as much as I should.

How is your local smash scene in your area if you have one at all?
It's actually pretty good. What I'm hoping for is that Splatoon will be able to springboard off of it.

Any buffs and nerfs you would give to characters?
I'd nerf Shiek a bit.

What attracted you to play Robin or any other character you play in this game?
I dunno. Robin popped up as a random one time while I was just playing AIs and he looked intriguing so I tried him out.

PM smash yay, nah or meh?
Meh. Haven't played, it probably won't.

What is your favorite FE game?
Between 7 and Awakening (theonly2I'veplayed), it goes to Awakening.

Your favorite classes in FE?
I'll admit, the MU class, the Tactician in Awakening wasn't bad.

Favorite weapon in FE (Version of a weapon like FE7 Brave Sword for example can use used)?
Favorite characters in the FE universe?
Hmm... Lyn, Hector, Erk, Nah, Tiki, Robin, Cynthia, Destroyer of GodsDonnel, Lucias. I'm sure there's a few that I'm missing.

Favorite movie?
Hmm... I don't watch a lot of movies but from the ones that I've watched... Apollo 13, Dragonheart, Braveheart, LoTR, Hobbit

Favorite comic series if you have any/ read comics?
Does Calvin and Hobbes count?

Immortality or Time Travel ?
Depends. If it's Immortality with eternal youth, Immortality. If it doesn't come with eternal youth, I'll take Time Travel.

That's all I have to give ya unless I think of another question

Chapter Serf

Ace Skell Pilot
Feb 2, 2015
So how are you reacting to Robin's onslaught of buffs?
I was already pretty thrilled about the inkoming August 5th Splatoon update. These Robin buffs are like having your cake with extra frosting and eating it too and no GLaDOS to get in the way. And the fact that Isaac survived this Mii Costume massacre? Even better.
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Olay, late update again. Chapter Serf's week is over, a bit slower than the other ones but fine overall.

Please begin voting for the next candidate. Due to particular circumstances for me tomorrow, the voting ends tonight at 9 PM CST to make sure I'm not preoccupied with updating this.

- @ AustarusIV AustarusIV : 2
- @ Gamegenie222 Gamegenie222 : 2
- @
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
So sorry for the late update.

INTERVIEW PERIOD #8: @ AustarusIV AustarusIV - Robizard shipper. As it was a tie, this was decided via random picker online. Sorry Gamegenie.

Ask questions to Austarus. This interview period shall end Wednesday, August 12th.
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Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
Huh. I wasn't expecting this to be honest. Well, I'll be here all week to answer any and all questions tonight and until August 13th.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
is it just me, or are these interview "weeks" actually lasting closer to eight days each

@ AustarusIV AustarusIV
- Favourite FE lord character?
- Favourite FE non-lord character?
- Favourite video game series outside of FE, Pokémon, and Smash (assuming those would be among your favourites anyway)?


Wyvern Lord
Sep 6, 2014
Kingdom of Nohr
All righty, let's see here....

What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite food(s)?
Nohr or Hoshido?
What is your favorite Eeveelution?
Who is your most desired Smash 4 DLC character?

Milo AKA Papa

Activating Combat Mode
Oct 26, 2014
United States, VA
Switch FC
Favorite quote?
Least favorite movie?
Would you still play any of your current mains if they suddenly became insanely broken?
How big of a captain falcon fan are you? (Hint: the correct answer is "Show me ya moves")
How does it feel to be in the current limelight of the thread?


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
is it just me, or are these interview "weeks" actually lasting closer to eight days each


@ AustarusIV AustarusIV

- Favourite FE lord character?
I think it'd have to be Ike. Bias could be playing a part in this choice considering that Path of Radiance was my first Fire Emblem game, but I did get it during a time when I was just entering into high school. As an adolescent who was coming into adulthood, seeing this seventeen-year old kid burden the hardships of leading a mercenary group against a militant nation after his father’s untimely passing really moved me back then, and made me want to continue playing it despite my previous misgivings about the strategy genre.

- Favourite FE non-lord character?
Hard to say. I tend to like a lot of characters in the series, and it’s hard for me to pin down which one is my absolute favorite. So I’ll just list the ones from each game that I’ve played that come to mind:

FE7: Canas. The “Dark is not evil” trope is one of my favorites to see in fiction, so obviously I was immediately drawn to Canas for his bookish personality and his pleasantness towards others in his supports. Nino is a runnerup for my favorite, though. She’s just so cute (and tragic, poor thing).

FE8: Cormag. The man just exudes badass from his sheer presence alone, and yet he’s another perfectly nice guy who happens to ride a giant flying lizard of death. Probably my favorite male “Wyvern Rider” in the series.

FE9 and FE10: Jill. I didn’t think much of her at first when I first got her, but she soon changed my mind when I found out how much of a beast she was in battle. I also enjoyed seeing her overcome her racism of the Laguz in her supports with Mist and Lethe, and how she comes to realize the tragedies this war Ashnard brought upon Tellius.

FE13: There isn’t any particular playable unit that I happen to like above all others, now that I think about it (aside from Robin, if we’re counting them). But there was one NPC that I ended up having as my favorite in the game: Mustafa. I never imagined that I would be giving so much praise to a (relatively) early-game chapter boss, but Mustafa’s presence showed me that you can instill a significant amount of depth in the characterization of a boss who’s only purpose is to be quickly killed off (considering that the chapter’s goal was to kill him), and still call it great writing. To me, he was one of the highlights of a game I considered to be overall mediocre.

- Favourite video game series outside of FE, Pokémon, and Smash (assuming those would be among your favourites anyway)?

I love the Final Fantasy series, as that was also one of my most cherished video game franchises from adolescence. I’m also a big fan of Metroid, Mario, Zelda, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Quest, Bioshock, Ghosts n’ Goblins, and EarthBound.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
All righty, let's see here....

What is your favorite color?
Greeeeen. Yeah, seems weird, considering my favorite Pokemon is anything but that, but I love the color green because to me it represents the color of nature, and life in general.

What is your favorite food(s)?
Nothing beats a hot bowl of noodles for me on a cold day. I also really like having pumpkin pie and bowls of salad mixed with carrots and other vegetables. Yeah, I'm pretty typical in what I like to eat.

Nohr or Hoshido?
Nohr, obvs. No one says no to Gaston Arthur!

What is your favorite Eeveelution?
Vaporeon. I really like the design for it, far more than the other two initial Eeveelutions, and considering that it was the first Eeveelution that I made, I guess that's another obvious reason.

Who is your most desired Smash 4 DLC character?
Wolf. Arrrrooooooo! :wolf:

Favorite quote?
‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.’ - Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings

Least favorite movie?
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. It makes my stomache churn every time I think about it. I also equally despise Chicken Little.

Would you still play any of your current mains if they suddenly became insanely broken?
Well, I usually play just for fun, so it depends on how hard my friends take it. If they, say, start treating Charizard and/or Yoshi as the next Diddy Kong, then I would be hurt by it and and decide to stop using them if they're that frustrated by it.

How big of a captain falcon fan are you? (Hint: the correct answer is "Show me ya moves")
Soviet moose.

How does it feel to be in the current limelight of the thread?
Pretty good, actually. Gives me a chance to breathe and stop thinking about the current crap that I'm dealing with in real life right now.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
Thoughts on Smaug's design from the Hobbit movies?
I think it fits him quite nicely. Though I would have preferred it if they stuck with the original four limbs with wings design that was used in the first Hobbit movie, because when I picture Smaug, I picture him as the classical western dragon, not the more "realistic" wyvern dragon that's been popularized by media such as Skyrim.
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