Hey all, new playtester that got rolled in for the March playtest build, so apologies if what I say is just parroting what's been said a million times as I'm avoiding reading as many previous posts as possible to keep an unbiased opinion for my first impressions.
Just finished first big playtest of the game with about 4-5 human opponents (all 1v1, as we were using GC controllers).
Some initial thoughts:
1. Wrastor and Zetterburn are a ton of fun. Zetterburn feels rewarding to use, his burn absorb strong attacks feel very satisfying. Wrastor feels really, really dominant, and almost a little too dominant when it comes to stage control. It feels like it's incredibly difficult for anyone to properly contest me when I'm under the effect of my side-special, the puff-esque aerial control combined with an amazing combo game is fun, but it feels he's in an ultra-dominant state for too much of the match. Having basically 100% uptime on the side-special, especially when it's an effective combo-extender itself, seems a little too insane.
2. Kragg's boulder itself is an insanely strong projectile. They're insanely versatile, and are basically a guaranteed gimp against Zetterburn. Breaking it to shatter it feels almost like an afterthought for the player, something done if it happens to be convenient. The shatter isn't particularly threatening, and it seems hard enough for opponents to break it that there's not a lot of pressure to get rid of the boulder to avoid it being used against Kragg, thought that would probably be a bigger deal in Kragg dittos.
3. Forsburn feels smooth. I'm not a fan of the deception-type gameplay, but a friend of mine who's a non-smash fighting game guru was big into him.
4. Orcane was the only character that the whole group didn't take to. I feel like with a lot of time we'd like the character, but he's ill-suited to a pick-up-and-play environment. Launching ourselves backwards with the forward air was funny for everyone, though.
A few of bugs:
1. Wrastor has a bug (unless it's intentional) with his aerial strong attacks. When he does an uncharged strong attack, he lands with significant landing lag. However, if the move is charged, all of that lag is ignored and he lands as if he had performed a light attack. It seems like the auto-cancel window continues through the move, even while charging, extending it into the move's finishing animation. This is especially obvious on Merchant Port. If you sit there charging as a platform rises towards you, on completion you'll land and be able to immediately move.
2. Kragg seems to have a boulder duplication glitch that is NOT the one posted on the subreddit involving 2 Kraggs. This glitch involves only 1 Kragg and takes place on the Merchant Port stage.
Here's a gfy: -Woops guess I need a certain number of smashboards posts to be able to post links. I've put steps to reproduce below, and if someone would kindly tell me if this is an undiscovered bug I'll post the gfy on reddit.-
Steps to Reproduce:
- Choose Kragg and Merchant Port
- Pull a Boulder
- Place the boulder where the moving platform will pick it up.
- Attempt to pick up the boulder while on ground level just as the boulder gets out of reach.
- Result: A second boulder is picked up. This can be repeated (presumably) indefinitely.
3. A couple of times during play music would not start on the stages, despite the music setting being "on". Toggling the music did not help, but restarting the game did.
Apologies if these bugs have already been reported. I went through some of the recent pages (after typing up my first thoughts) and didn't see any mention of them, but I could easily have missed them.
EDIT: Went back through, saw a quick mention of bug 2 but it didn't have full reproduce steps or a video or anything, so I'm posting the gif on /r/RivalsOfAether if anyone wants to see.