Smash Ace
I had to restart my whole game because of the difficulty spike in chapter 9 and had no money to buy new skells(and they become mandatory after that chapter) and the main reason I was broke, was because I didn't understand the frontier nav function and it was honestly more optimal to restart from scratch and build frontier nav from the beginning, then wait 1-2 weeks to get frontier nav up and running on that file.I loved both XC and XCX. I think the music in XCX suited it's world and feel. I actually really liked it, though in some cases because I thought it was funny. I wasn't stunned or upset when XC2 went a new direction. I think sometimes people just get "complainy" over little things. XC2 has great music too. Maybe it's just missing a bit of what you might call "contemporary sounding grittier music" like XCX had, but XC2's setting is more "traditional" anyways.
You mentioned difficulty though.. was XCX considered easy or hard? I hadn't heard this opinion. Honestly, felt like there was a bit more of a depth to optimization and mechanics but I didn't notice it being more difficult otherwise. I grinded my way way through it more though cuz I was less motivated to see story things like I was in XC. I'm assuming the argument is that it's harder I guess. I'm even more confused if people consider it easier. I never beat Pharsis and a couple other post game super bosses like that, but was grinding for builds that would let me last I played it, so I'd consider it hard with post game stuff like that.
I think the biggest thing in XCX for me was the world. I only rank it a little below XC because the world was so good and fun for me, even though it fell off in terms of story in characters relative to XC. It was still a decent story. Certainly good enough for me to really enjoy the game. But yeah, what kept me coming back was the world and just all the things to do... and I did like the music. In terms of music, only complaint is that I wish the Skell flying theme would come on at a certain elevation cuz sometimes I wanted to hear the continent themes while flying, heh. I loved the Skell flying theme, but the continent themes were so good I'd have liked to hear them more often while I was actually doing stuff.
X is also to grindy for its own good, like you basically need a phoenix and a g-buster2 to make chapter 10-12 easier, and getting the best equipment is an insane grind. In the original and in 2 you will basically swim in the best gear, when you just kill high level enemies