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Resident Evil 4 Mafia - Game Over! Town Wins!!!


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Perchance the vote of one of us 6 doesn't count?

@Mod: Can you confirm or deny that

BeatStick [5] Red Ryu, Ranmaru, Nix2100, Sephiroths Masamune, BeatStick, Raziek

Is an accurate votecount? I'd hate to hear you've broken someone's heart with a meaningless vote. D:

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Woopsie made a mod error. Sorry I suck at counting when I am watching my shows.

Beatstick was originally lynched by Raziek and he did hammer him.

Posting the lynch scene when I stop being addicted to shows.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Wow, made it just in time to miss the deadline.

@Nix: I thought it would be bigger, but I can only post as much as there is content in the thread.

@Raz: Are you a guy or girl IRL? By chance are you wearing red?


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2009
Okay, back from V/LA

Make this clear, we cannot have beat live to lylo. Otherwise, it'll be FF6 all over again.
Nice that your back. Amazing post you have there. I mean wow, im just shocked....btw >_> You forgot to vote Beat...you know, the guy your saying we cant have alive at lylo.

@Raz: Are you a guy or girl IRL? By chance are you wearing red?
What in the world does this have to do with anything?

@Raz - You have a posting restriction don't you? >_>

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Nice that your back. Amazing post you have there. I mean wow, im just shocked....btw >_> You forgot to vote Beat...you know, the guy your saying we cant have alive at lylo.
WHy not get rid of scum before lynching beat? If he's scum, we win the game. If he's not, we probably have a lot of MLs.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2010
Uppsala, Sweden
I'm already lynched lol.

Wait a minute.

WHy not get rid of scum before lynching beat? If he's scum, we win the game.
Wtf is this supposed to mean? Pretty damn sure there's more than 2 scum.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
beat, that was ny thought process when I made the post that nix called out. I'm certain ran is scum, and, as such, if we lynch him, we can then lynch you under much safer conditions.


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2009
My mind hurts a little from Dark's post....We were trying to lynch Beat...it was a couple hours until deadline....but you don't vote Beat? That honestly doesn't make any sense to me at all.....considering you didn't want beat alive. You didn't make any comments about other scum, you just said Beat can't live to lylo.....

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Chapter 2 ends...

My little puppets are a dull bunch. I was pleased with the velocity of conversation and aggravation that happened not too long ago but then it seemed that no one cared about their lives anymore. No one was persuing anything, no one was actively trying to find out how to stay alive. I do not pity them at all. I have given them the tools to find who has done them wrong but if they choose to ignore, then it will make it easier for me to take control. I just like it to be a bit more eventful is all.

In the end they really just shrugged at who they wanted to kill after someone screaming and someone being what seemed to be a very non-intelligent person. The man they targetted was a man of gargantuan size and a very menacing presence. He towered over everyone and everyone was afraid of him but secretly they planned to make him their target to kill without him knowing somehow. Sneaky little devils.

So they learned the man to a warehouse down by lift they had and the bridge that led to a castle. He was in there alone wandering why he had been asked to survey this area by himself. As he was looking around he noticed that some things were set up pretty....precisely. As if someone had set a trap......

"****." He muttered as he turned around to see someone standing there with a gun pointed directly at him. The person who had the gun smiled than pulled the trigger shooting the man square in the temples causing him to fall.

With the man dead, the person who shot him went over to his body and took his eye that had fallen out. They were going to need this if they were going to go anywhere. The person then ran out of the building as fast as he could and closed the iron doors behind him. The other people who had decided to kill the man were waiting with Molotov cocktails and matches of the sort. On their mark they through the fiery objects into the building and hit the deck.


The building became engulfed in flames and the site was something of a cataclysm. That man was never making it out of there.

Bitores Mendez (Beatstick), Town Vote Manipulator, was shot dead and burned....

With the display of fire they caused themselves they all became worn out and decided it was time to go back and prepare for their next journey which was definitely going to be interesting to say the least. If they didn't pick up the heat themselves, they were gonna get burned like they had just done to their compadre.

Chapter 2 ends....

Night 3 befalls them...

Deadline for Night 3 is set at April 27th, 2011 at midnight. The sooner the night actions get in the sooner I post the next day.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Chapter 3 starts....

My my my. What a night I have just seen unfold. Very peculiar indeed for what had happened shocked even me. Now I had been playing this game from a little pawn of mine I had hired for this mission because of how she survived a certain dilemna and how she had helped me out in the past so I decided to make her work for me. She thinks I do not know of her little schemes but I let her enjoy herself in thinking that she can outsmart me.

Then there was the man who I was most curious in. He had started this "Las Plagas" virus and began to what seemed to be another Raccoon City incident but this time, more....sophisticated. The people were still heathens but they were more in control.

After Bitores had died, after all he was only a small time henchmen, the players decided they needed to rest. This is when two people decided they needed to check on things. One was my pawn who wanted to acquire what I had sent her there for and get the strand of Las Plagas and the other was the man who knew she was coming after what he had been safe-gaurding this entire time.

They both finally wound up on an island off of where they would soon be going to but in the end they were about to bump into each other. The woman sluethly traipsed through the lab on the island and saw what she needed. She snatched up the vial and began to make her way to the exit of the island but lo and behold that man was waiting for her.

"Well my dear, it seems you have made a foolish error and now it is time for you to die." said the man.

"Think so? I'm sorry but I do not plan on dieing in such a....boring fashion." the women smirked.

The woman in the red dress jumped and did a somersault as soon as the last words escaped her lips. Reason being there was a tentacle like arm chasing her from the man and she had to run fast to keep up. As she ran she began firing bullets from a pistol at the man who's form was beginning to change into something so heinous and so monstrous she stopped at a vantage point just to look at what he had become.

"Well there goes dieing in a boring fashion...." she giggled.

The battle began to heat up with a flail of tentacles and with smooth risky acrobatics to dodge the newly formed monster. The woman was huffing and puffing because she was reaching her limit. She couldn't think of a way to vanquish him due to the overwelming power he had.

"So this is the power you want Wesker?" she huffed.

She ran across metal girders to get to a case that she remembered seeing while she was running around on the ground. She finally got to it and opened the case to see a weapon that might actually kill him. She took it out of the case to reveal that it was an RPG (rocket-propelled-grenade launcher). From the balcony she planted it on the railings and took aim and waited for him to rear his ugly eye her way. In a split second the man turned around and as soon as he did....


"So long." she grinned.

The rocket took off straight on course for his eye and it was coming too fast for him to turn back around and even then he was going to die from the impact. He just roared with fury and then...


The rocket connected and the man was lost in the flames. There was no way, not even a monster like himself, could survive a direct impact to the weak spot like that. He was dead.

Osmund Saddler (Red Ryu), Los Illuminados (mafia) Tracker, has been killed by a rocket launcher.​

The woman, my pawn, collapsed onto the ground after firing that shot. She had actually killed the leader of the entire organization she had been fighting against to get that stupid sample. She could go home now and relax and find a way to her next mission. With that thought in mind she stood up and began to limp her way. The pickup point was where she was and all she had to do was get to the end of the balcony. She made it there and then looked into the moonlit night.

"Finally I can be done wit-....." she stopped abruptly as something hit her in the back. She felt the heat began to rise in her back and it became a searing pain. A knife had been thrown into her back and she was going to die. She had made it so close yet only to fail. The person who threw the knife came up behind the now kneeling woman and took the knife out of her back to help let the blood flow out and onto the metal. He then searched her for the sample and took it back.

Pity, I actually didn't despise this woman.

Ada Wong (Kataefi), Independant One-Shot Bullet-proof Serial Killer, was killed.​

What an eventful night. I lost a pawn and a play-thing that I was observing. Guess that's just the way this game was meant to be...hahaha. After all, I am the one controlling every minute detail.

Chapter 3, begins

1. Nabe[0]
2. Sephiroths Masamune [0]
3. Dark Horse [0]
4. Raziek [0]
5. Ranmaru [0]
6. vVv ChiboSempai [0]
7. Nix2100 [0]
8. Soupamario [0]

Not Voting: Nabe, Sephiroths Masamune, Dark Horse, Raziek, Ranmaru, vVv ChiboSempai, Nix2100, Soupamario

With 8 alive it takes 5 to shoot...

Deadline is set for 5/3/11 at 12:00midnight.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
And? How would I have known?

He had the exact stances I had...


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2009
Vote: Dark Horse

I want a explanation for the other night. It was hours until deadline, we were a few votes from lynching Beat, and you wanted us to switch to Ranmaru? Are you serious? I also fail to see how lynching a potential princess yesterday would be any safer then today....Although I will admit, with the SK dead, it WOULD be safer to lynch Ran now....hmm >_>

Regardless, you almost caused a No Lynch which would of left us wondering about BeatStick all of today most likely having us waste a day >_> Tunneling is rarely a good thing.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I like that direction.

Vote: Dark Horse

L-3 now.

Kat did well. Ada Wong is hard to use.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Regardless, you almost caused a No Lynch which would of left us wondering about BeatStick all of today most likely having us waste a day >_> Tunneling is rarely a good thing.
Why would I make a post saying that beat shouldn't live to lylo, and then want to cause an nl.

To be honest, it was because I just got back from vacation, and the deadlines never concerned me.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
I explained why. I had larger fish to fry, and I was unawware of the deadline.

TBH, the deadline stuff will probably just lead to this whole mess,with me having to explain why I think what I think, so i'd rather not go there.

Niz, before you attack me for redirecting, answer this: What do you think of ran's 1311, in which he puts me at L-3, who's been pushing him the hardest now, because "I like thi sdirection?"


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2009
Its bull, he just wants you lynched for that fake vig shot.

Your posts bug me, I just can't seem to wrap my head around your logic, but i'll let it go for now.

I want to hear the thoughts of the other people that are in this game >_> Be nice I think.
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