I hope this isn't out of line, or taken in any wrong light, or in the wrong section, but I have a request for the tournament listing forum, and oh what a request it is. I apologize if this has been brought up.
This sparks from browsing the Tourny Listings and how jumbled it is. I am not going to go cite threads right now, but I have, on numerous occasions, been confused as to what a thread is hosting based on the title. There are a few solutions, and in writing this sounds like a small problem but I think it would make things much easier and organization is always fun fun.
The two (narrow sighted, I know) solutions I've thought of are:
1) Designating some form of key for the beginning of threads.
i.e. a thread could look like:
M, MA, 7/27/08, Event Name Here.
Where M would stand for Melee, MA would stand for the state (Mass) and the numbers and dashes could represent a code, maybe something to convey when. The M is easilly substituted for the B for a mix up (B standing for Brawl, of course). Then we could go crazy and do M/B. Woah. Gnarly.
I was thinking about throwing another letter in (T for Tourny) but it seems unnecessary.
2) Basically having seperate(sp) forums for melee and brawl tournaments. NOT TO DIVI THE TWO GAMES!! Maybe we could have a third for bi-tournies. It just seems nice to be able to go a forum and only view the tournies that interests you.
None of this is necessary, but just imagine KNOWING how many tournaments interest you at a quick glance. I can't be the only one who views the disorganization as a problem (no matter how big nor small).
Discuss >.>
I see the second option being harder to implement then the first, the first being a simple change in the way people post their tournaments.
This sparks from browsing the Tourny Listings and how jumbled it is. I am not going to go cite threads right now, but I have, on numerous occasions, been confused as to what a thread is hosting based on the title. There are a few solutions, and in writing this sounds like a small problem but I think it would make things much easier and organization is always fun fun.
The two (narrow sighted, I know) solutions I've thought of are:
1) Designating some form of key for the beginning of threads.
i.e. a thread could look like:
M, MA, 7/27/08, Event Name Here.
Where M would stand for Melee, MA would stand for the state (Mass) and the numbers and dashes could represent a code, maybe something to convey when. The M is easilly substituted for the B for a mix up (B standing for Brawl, of course). Then we could go crazy and do M/B. Woah. Gnarly.
I was thinking about throwing another letter in (T for Tourny) but it seems unnecessary.
2) Basically having seperate(sp) forums for melee and brawl tournaments. NOT TO DIVI THE TWO GAMES!! Maybe we could have a third for bi-tournies. It just seems nice to be able to go a forum and only view the tournies that interests you.
None of this is necessary, but just imagine KNOWING how many tournaments interest you at a quick glance. I can't be the only one who views the disorganization as a problem (no matter how big nor small).
Discuss >.>
I see the second option being harder to implement then the first, the first being a simple change in the way people post their tournaments.