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Renth Fest Saturday. March 1st


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
if anyone wants to do anything let me know, since i'm not going to g4s5 anymore. I'm going to be bored out of my mind.

Renth Fest


Smash Ace
May 7, 2007
Planet Earth
Cant you ride the bus or something....
It would probably be cheaper then what mooney was going to charge you ne way.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Cant you ride the bus or something....
It would probably be cheaper then what mooney was going to charge you ne way.
i'd rather not go through the hassle especially after he promised us a ride. He said that we weren't going after i said i was going back to PA this weekend which i obviously didn't. Later, he said he didn't want to go because everyone in the smash community is mean to him, then changed his story 5 other times. He had changed plans, what he neglected to say was that after i made those plans they were quickly shut down. There is in no way possible within a 2 hour span he couldn't made new plans to go to a "yugioh" tournament. Considering, he told Gerbil an hour later he had said that he was going to try to come in by plane then again changed his mind.

Regardless to everything.

I'd go to g4s5 but i'm not taking a bus this short of notice, the kid lies a hell of a lot old news. The only reason i'm slightly irritated he blamed the entire trip of us not going on me, whenever he had given us very little time to give him $65 + dollars per person saying we needed 140/160 total for a 5 hour trip both ways.

yeah, I'd like to see that calculation for gas money. $65 alone gets you 16+ gallons of gas if it costs 4 bucks a gallon (it doesn't around here). Assuming your car gets a crappy 20 miles per gallon (I'm sure it gets more), that's 320 miles. Check your math.


I could list other things like whenever we went to taco bell i said my friend jeremy is paying for me. He quickly stated man.. i should tell him i have no money so he pays for me too shortly after i said man i'm hungry he replied i'll get you something if you're hungry. (and yes jeremy knows this now btw) There was the time jeremy and johnny were behind you going up to slims and you slammed the door in their face too after they gave you a ride there in the first place.

Be more kind to the people that try to help you out, you wonder why everyones mean to you and why people don't like you i can list about a million more reasons. Generally, you are greedy, untrustworthy, and you lie way too much.

Wait what?

No. No you don't. You forget that I'm housing you here, and I am maxed. I was told it was:

Cash Mooney
Cash Mooney's Mom
Dude bringing Laijin to Mooney's

Coming from your car.

Now, if this list is wrong and someone has dropped out, I need to be informed. Otherwise, it's a no go because I do not have any room left in my house. >.> (You forget, I am also housing NFL)
My apologies Gerbil.

Also clearly neglecting and making things harder on people that were just trying to help you/us out. That and he was completely confused to what was going on in the first place. The plans were changed back and fourth so many times it was ridiculous. Gerbil kept with every change trying to find the best solution to make things easier on us and you just kept making things harder for him. back and fourth we are/aren't going then saying you were going to fly in. As soon as we said we had the gas money for the trip you decided to not go first because you don't like the smash community then shortly after that you said you had new plans for yugioh which you could've said in the first place. Changing your story every 5 minutes makes you look like an idiot and a liar.

Someone owes Gerbil an Apology

C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
Why would you quote that stuff in this thread?

Anyway, I changed my plans because you said you were leaving. So I said ok, nobody is coming now.

Shortly after you ask me if I can get you a ride from your place to jacksonville, which is a 3/4 hour drive, around 3/4 AM on a sunday.

Frankly, for someone who is concerned about how much my mom spoils me, asking me this contradicted what you've said in the past.

And you distort what I said. I told you I wasn't going to play anymore because I wasn't interested in smash much. I'll stick around for like two more things. The last gigs tourney and my MM with Brian.

Thats the last I have to say.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Why would you quote that stuff in this thread?

Anyway, I changed my plans because you said you were leaving. So I said ok, nobody is coming now.

Shortly after you ask me if I can get you a ride from your place to jacksonville, which is a 3/4 hour drive, around 3/4 AM on a sunday.

Frankly, for someone who is concerned about how much my mom spoils me, asking me this contradicted what you've said in the past.

And you distort what I said. I told you I wasn't going to play anymore because I wasn't interested in smash much. I'll stick around for like two more things. The last gigs tourney and my MM with Brian.

Thats the last I have to say.

lol, i asked you for a ride to the airport to jacksonville because i had no other way i had also asked a million other people i didn't expect you to douche. You treat your mom like **** it's old news, i was asking for a ride in the morning because i had NO other option lolol i didn't distort **** you're a lying douche IT wasn't even close to shortly after lie some more kid

edit: i quoted that stuff here because Soft was still asking me to find a way there and i was explaining why there's no point.

also, i didn't distort a single thing i can have plenty of people attest to each thing i've said and more. We called multiple times trying to work things out and you kept hanging up on us because you wanted to watch Harry Potter lol

Grow up.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
Meh I'm not looking for an apology. The only ones who deserves apologies is you guys who were supposed to come with him.

It's all good dude. We all tried lol, but Mooney was just a bit more interested in Harry Potter I think... lol.

EDIT: OK wait what? (Man that phrase is coming in handy when talking to you)

Mooney - Look here dude. Don't even go changing up bull**** on the thread. I called you LAST night, after everyone tried to get you on AIM so we can sort this out. You changed your **** story so many times within such a short time period it wasn't even funny.

And you know what? I kept up with every step. I did my utmost best to accomodate your every changing plan. I even ran by everything with my own mother each and every time, as we continued to work crap out just for you. And each time we solved the situation, you went and changed it. Hell at one point you were asking me for housing and a ride from one of the airports in GA.

And wtf kind of crap is that to say "Renth is going to PA so I changed plans..."? So you were able to change up your entire weekend agenda for 100% the other way, when you couldn't make up your own full choices about this tournament?

You promised these guys a ride, and they went through every effort to get themselves ready to roll. Hell, they even came up with the money that you were charging them (which is a ridiculous amount), and you immediately backed down?

I heard some weak excuses from you so far....

- No Money
- No extra people to come
- No ride from an airport
- No housing (which was BS and you know it, I offered already and said you had to find a way to my house because I have a full carload of NFL and can't leave them alone).
- Changed plans for a Yu Gi Oh tourny this weekend instead
- Your Mom changed plans
- You're watching HP so you can't sign on AIM and talk **** out

Get real dude.

****, I don't even know what else I gotta cover. *saves edit and finds more stuff to talk about*


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Bring set-ups and food - or money for food lol


oh yeah... you can come anytime XD...

(352) 495-6396


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Thanks for stopping out guys...
i'll get what little vids we got up in a little while i'm going to bed...
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