OT's Rules to Improving in Smash (And as a Person); Rubyiris Edition:
1.) Improve your life outside of melee. Don't have a job or steady source of income? Get one. Drink/do drugs? Quit. Eat unhealthily/overweight? Change it, etc etc. Get your life on track, stop making melee a priority. That alone will make you better.
2.) Play less, stop studying and over-analying your game so much (especially in your free time), and try to have fun. Why are you putting so much pressure on yourself? We as a community have turned something that is supposed to be fun, into this huge overcomplicated political system that really nets you nothing besides feeling like a douche when you "underperform". Stop putting pressure on yourself, and treat this game as it is,
A game.
3.) I can't stress this enough, play this game as little as possible. I really believe (and I think mango said this a LONG time ago) that if people aren't completely comfortable with the essentials and basic (aka necessary) tech skill within 5 years, they should probably just quit. It seems to me that you have a lot of the important tech skill and muscle memory down. What do you ACTUALLY gain from playing all the time? Melee becomes a habit for people, which is once again destructive to you as an individual; do something more productive with your time. Only play once a week or at tournies.
You should also consider travelling more and leaving your region cause... on top of AZ being a pretty smallish scene, having a lot of exposure to different people/regions/playstyles will give you essential experience and will make you more well rounded.
4.) This goes along with stop putting pressure on yourself, but stop caring what the community thinks about you. Smashboards is full of so many freaking *******, most of which who have never gone to a tourney, or live in a relevant region, or have ever done ANYTHING relevant ever, so who cares what they think? Once again, play smash for fun and for yourself, not for recognition, not for glory. Recognition and glory are by products of successful and happy people, not the goal.
5.) Stop being so stubborn. I'm sure you're going to respond to this post and say something like "well I am doing so and so, and I'm not seeing results." I heard you talking in the THC stream about your strides to lose weight, that's great. Well, time to take it to the next level. From the sounds of it, most of your problems are mental roadblocks you've created, and until you deal with your life and yourself as an individual you will never overcome them.
Oh and P.S.: You main Falco, and since he's pretty much the best character in this game and you're losing I can only assuming you're overcomplicating things with him. You should probably retreating Bair more, and don't forget to platform camp. You know you have some of the best stats in the game right?
For anyone else who is feeling like they aren't improving or have hit a wall, feel free to hit me up, and I'll spit some real talk at you.