Here's why you're an idiot, I don't frequent 4chan or Reddit, but I can tell all you've ever gone to was /b/, and therefore you've only seen a tiny sliver of what 4chan is. You complain about Memes, yet it seems like everyone on reddit has to spam them on every board they go to and it infects other websites more so than 4chan ever did. I find memes pretty annoying, but look at the thread title it's pathetic. Reddit is filled with teenagers and 20 somethings who think they have the world figured out, look at the atheist board, they are absolute morons and this is coming from an athiest. No other site but reddit is responsible for idiots drawing Trollface on their dorm room doors and constantly shouting out trolls when someone is being sarcastic.
That whole site is filled with uninspired content that people find funny because they don't look elsewhere out of laziness (no 4chan is not where you need to go to find it).
You go on Reddit to look at funny pics (every picture I've seen on reddit that was funny was from somewhere else), weed (LOL IM SUCH A STONER ROFL WEED DEFINES ME SO I MUST LOOK AT MORE PICTURES OF IT SO I CAN RESPOND WITH HELL YEA THAT LOOKS SO DANK XD), and videos (why?), and you think 4chan contains only illegal content and idiots, you're a pretty silly person.
Both communities suck, and I think it would be ******** to try and advertise the game on either site.
Also, do you really think that millions of opinions support something? If some site aimed at gossip and movie star gossip is in the top 10 that doesn't stop me from believing it's awful. Everything is subjective, and to say that my opinion is somehow invalid because millions of people have bad taste is beyond idiotic. I don't praise 4chan for anything else than being more creative than Reddit.
you clearly can't tell, because i've been to all the sections, it's just nothing what i want, ive been over the concept of 4chan for years. i don't browse **** like athiest, i dont know if you understand this but you hide the content you don't care to see, and +frontpage the things of value..gaming, music types you listen to, shows, what the hell ever. you don't have to see ******** meme's or 'uninspired content'.
never said your opinion was invalid, you imply that my opinion is invalid with this entire post!
also, you clearly haven't been to trees if you think i'm sitting there commenting on pictures of weed, i have no interest in that LOL
your response to videos is why? i browse the internet for ****in' entertainment, reddit provides the entertainment i choose to see/want. i like watching videos i guess?
you're very judgemental [calling out so many false things based off like 2 of my posts LOL], yet hypocritical..
Reddit is filled with teenagers and 20 somethings who think they have the world figured out
and you think
4chan reddit contains only
illegal content and idiots teenagers and 20 somethings who think they have the world figured out, you're a pretty silly person.
oh and lastly, you think it's ******** to try and advertise the game on either site? we have 400+ members in the smashbros section, atleast half being melee'rs. There's people seeing the content not even knowing about the melee scene, or people not knowing tournaments are still happening.
I don't see why you're making this such a big deal. I see absolutely no loss to doing this.