Shino's Love Curry
Sorry, I'll have a lot of side notes. It's bad enough I have to cut off the recipe for roux. D: Luckily! They sell curry roux in local Asian supermarkets like Ranch 99, Nijiya Market, and Pacific Super. Personally, get the Java brand curry roux.
Items (it's not banned in the kitchen mofos):
-Pot (not THAT pot -_-, but if you do...go ahead, the cops ain't coming to my house)
-Cutting Board
-Frying Pan
-Curry Roux (because if I put another recipe up for this, then it's gonna become a total wall of text, and I'm too lazy. Just Google it if anything.)
-2 pounds of meat of your choice (Usually I use ground beef)
**2 carrots, 1 potato, 1 onion (Just however much veggies you want, sometimes you don't need any :3)
-5 3/4 cups of Water
Start off with chopping up them washed up veggies if you're gonna have any. Stir fry your meat (and onions) in butter or oil for about 5 minutes or so. Then boil your water in the pot and put the meat in for 15 minutes. After put the roux in, and then the optional veggies. Stir until everything is all nice and melted and yummy looking. Eat it with rice or noodles.
To get the best outta this curry, receive some of Shino's Love <3 <3 <3.
Wanna have it Brawl-style? When stirring the curry, add a bunch of peppers to make it flaming hot. Is your tongue burning hot now because of that? Drink some cold milk. =]
Oh and a bonus with meat: Use pork feet. I can't really try this one since I get sick right after eating most pork products.
Next recipe: Katsuuuuuu. :3