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Razputin Aquato: A Proposal


Smash Rookie
Dec 19, 2018
I know he's obscure. I know his game is from 2005. But to me, Razputin Aquato of Psychonauts seems like a no-brainer for Smash.
Before you read on, you should know that this is my first post on these forums. If I'm breaking any rules, please don't hesitate to alert me to the problem and I will either fix it or take the thread on.

Psychonauts is a 2005 3-D platformer (with a sequel on the way in 2019 never mind, 2021 let's kick it) featuring psychic secret agents who use a variety of powers to combat the monsters of the mind. It is one of my personal favorite games of all time and I recommend it to anyone who's in for a fun and colorful adventure. The protagonist, 10-year-old Razputin "Raz" Aquato, is a particularly powerful young mind, and in the spirit of Smash predictions, I thought up (most of) a moveset if he were to find a spot in the Ultimate DLC lineup.
Disclaimer: I don't have anything on tilt attacks, but that's simply because I'm uncreative. Also, if any of these moves seem too much of anything (slow, fast, powerful, useless, etc.), please let me know. This is mostly to demonstrate how well the character would fit in the game.
I'll start with the specials.
Neutral Special: PSI Blast or Confusion Bomb
Most neutrals are projectile attacks, so it seems obvious that PSI Blast would take the spot. The move's properties in Psychonauts would actually translate quite well: slow start-up with relatively high power, and, as a cheeky little nod to the Point of No Return exploit, air stall. However, I find this to be rather important for higher level play, and air stall on a Neutral is less than convenient, which is why I think it could also work as a Side Special. In that case, the Confusion Bomb may work just as well for this spot. The bomb travels slowly in an upward arc, quite similarly to Simon's axe. On explosion, the bomb stuns a target for a very short period. It has little to no K.O. potential on its own, and would primarily be used for edge guarding since the move would also have a slow execution time, similarly to how it works in the original game.
Side Special: PSI Blast (IMO)
The PSI Blast's air stall could be useful when returning to stage, helping to secure the ledge while also slowing your descent and making recovery easier. This is why I think it's more fitting as the side special since having it as neutral would likely interrupt flow off-stage.
Down Special: Pyrokinesis
A stationary attack that first locks on to a target (Raz must be facing them in a 45o-degree cone with limited range), then starts a fire similar to Simon's Holy Water or Ness's PK Fire on the enemy's location. A gauge shows the progress on firestarting, telegraphing the attack more and allowing the enemy to react.
Up Special: Levitation
Raz bounces on a PSI energy ball, dealing contact damage on his ascent. During his descent, his ball can act identically to Peach's umbrella as long as the player holds up. The recovery potential is decent, bringing him about as high as Captain Falcon's up special.
I'm having trouble coming up with some of his other moves, but there are a few I think are obvious.
Jab: PSI-"Punch" Combo
This one was easy since Raz does it all the time in his game. A three-hit combo using a large hand made of PSI-energy. The third hit has substantially extended range.
Dash: Spike ball
When Raz reaches full speed, he'll automatically bring out his levitation ball, which he will use as a weapon for his dash attack. The ball will slow significantly while spikes extend to deal damage and launch foes in typical dash attack fashion.
Razputin comes from a family of skilled acrobats, and as such, it would make sense for his aerial game to be fast and flashy.
  • Neutral Air: Flip Kick - Fast spin kick in a full circle, standard neutral air.
  • Up Air: PSI Thrust - Raz thrusts a hand upward with launch power at start-up and a lingering hitbox.
  • Forward Air: Air Punch - Raz quickly throws a fist forward with the range of his third jab attack.
  • Down Air: Palm Bomb - Raz hits the ground fast and hard with a quaking blow, hitting opponents around him when he lands. Off stage this will kill him.
  • Back Air: Circle Throw - Raz performs a pseudo-command grab with his PSI-hand, grabbing an opponent behind and swinging them around in a full circle.
All of Raz's throws utilize his telekinetic powers, having extended range but low damage, with combos leading into his aerials.
A few cosmetic ideas:
  • His shield has the same look as the PSI shield from his game, but without the reflective properties.
  • As previously stated, dashing causes the levitation ball to appear. This does affect his hitbox.
  • Double jump shows the same colorful effect as in his own game.
  • Different skins change the color of his PSI energy. Also, at least one skin would feature his Psychonauts agent suit from the end of the game.
Hopefully some people were persuaded. Think he could get in? It might help to promote Psychonauts 2 at the very least.
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Smash Cadet
Nov 1, 2018
Wow, I forgot that Psychonauts 2 is coming out next year. As for Razputin, I never really thought about a Psychonauts character for Smash, but now that I think of it, it would be a great idea. I support him, but I don't know about his chances. It would be an odd choice for Nintendo, but anything's possible at this point really. Hopes and dreams are what makes us all human.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
As much as I loved Psychonauts, Raz definitely feels like a long shot. I support the idea nonetheless. There's no doubt he'd translate to Smash very well, it's just a matter of him being a pretty small/obscure western third party. The competition is tough as it is among well known Japanese franchises. He'd be a nice surprise if he got in though, emphasis on the surprise.


Smash Legend
Dec 5, 2018
I doubt he'll ever be in a big crossover game of any kind but man, I love Psychonauts.

Just imagining the kind of moveset he's have in a game like this would be sweet.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2018
Psychonauts is a fantastic game, and Raz would fit so well in Smash! Sign me up!

What do you think his taunts and win animations would be?


Smash Rookie
Dec 19, 2018
Psychonauts is a fantastic game, and Raz would fit so well in Smash! Sign me up!

What do you think his taunts and win animations would be?
I know that Bobby Zilch dance would be a taunt, for sure.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 1, 2018
So is Double Fine a subsidiary of Microsoft, thus making Raz essentially a Microsoft rep (similar to how Sega owns Atlus)?

If so, I think this actually improved Raz's chances compared to when he was just a Double Fine rep only.

Hopefully Psychonauts 2 does incredibly well and we see more fans considering Raz in Smash :)


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
So is Double Fine a subsidiary of Microsoft, thus making Raz essentially a Microsoft rep (similar to how Sega owns Atlus)?

If so, I think this actually improved Raz's chances compared to when he was just a Double Fine rep only.

Hopefully Psychonauts 2 does incredibly well and we see more fans considering Raz in Smash :)
Yeah, that seems fair. It'd be neat to see Raz put up his brand of psychokinetics against :ultness: , :ultmewtwo: and :ultlucas:, so you can add me as a supporter.

But yeah, I'm fairly sure it was stated as much during the Microsoft conference. And maybe they'll actually allow Double Fine enough time to finish a game this time.

Also, Krazy Bones on Twitter drew him some time ago:

There was a problem fetching the tweet

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Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
I've gotten into Psychonauts recently, and I'm planning to get the sequal whenever it comes out. Add me as a supporter.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 1, 2014
Switch FC
SW 1091 0071 7555
"I am the milkman, my Milk is Delicious"

Deleted member

Raz for Smash!

I bought Psychonauts awhile back but never got around to playing it up until recently. It has overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam, and when I gave it a try, I absolutely get why. It's a great game, though I do have a complaint about the cobweb duster being required to get through the rest of the story. I haven't finished it yet, but I will definitely get around to it cause I'm enjoying it so far.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Psychonauts 2 comes out on August 25th! I'm super excited; I've been waiting for this game for roughly fifteen years!


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
As much as I loved Psychonauts, Raz definitely feels like a long shot. I support the idea nonetheless. There's no doubt he'd translate to Smash very well, it's just a matter of him being a pretty small/obscure western third party. The competition is tough as it is among well known Japanese franchises. He'd be a nice surprise if he got in though, emphasis on the surprise.
Albeit one that is now owned by Microsoft.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Psychonauts 2 released a little early - I'm downloading it now.

THE 6r

Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2015
Fairfax,VA + Los Angeles, CA
Switch FC
It's been a hot sec since somebody posted here. Psychonauts 2 is REALLY good and it seems like they're setting things up to make more games in the series (which I'm more then down for). Perhaps Microsoft will try to promote the series with another character in Smash?
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