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rate my future pearl team


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
My Plans:

Skarmory @ leftovers

Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Jolly (+ spd, - spatk)
EV's: 255 spd, 255 spdef

Drill Peck/Pluck
Roost/ Substitute

The moves are self explanatory (Spikes+Roar/Whirlwind). Since I can only have 1 egg move, if I go with Drill Peck, I'll get Roar. But...I hate sound proof pkm, so I might go with Pluck + Whirlwind. Pluck "can" do decent damage. There's Leftovers and Roost/Substitute to keep it alive :p

Smeargle @ leftovers

Ability: Own Tempo
Nature: Jolly (+ spd, - spatk)
EV's: 255 hp, 255 spd

Baton Pass
Leech Seed/Ingrain
Mean Look

What I try to do is this: Spore, then Mean Look
-If they don't switch after the Spore, I use Mean Look, Leech Seed, then Baton Pass to one of my stat boosting sweepers.
-If they switch right after Spore, I'll still Baton Pass to a stat boosting tank since Mean Look would be on.


Guard Swap
Power Swap
Baton Pass

-If the opponent has good atk/splatk, I'll Power Swap it + Baton Pass to one of my attackers.
-If it's a tank with good def/spldef, I'll Guard Swap it + Baton Pass it to one of my attackers so they'll have an easier time stat boosing. If the opponent doesn't switch after getting Smeargle's def/spldef...I'll just kill it :p

Spectile @ leftovers

Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Timid (- attack, +spd)
EV's: 128 def, 255 spd, 127 spdef

Leech Seed
HP Ice/Energy Ball

I think Spectile is pretty self explanatory, but I came across some people who think it's useless >.> Well, I always start with Leech Seed, then Substitute/Protect spam while the opponenent is losing their HP and I'm gaining it. Leech Seed + leftovers covers up for the loss of HP for Substitute. Giving it HP Ice confused alot of people on netbattle, especially when they tried to defend by using another grass pokemon to avoid Leech Seed or a dragon pokemon with a fire move.

Suicune @ chesto berry

Ability: Pressure
Nature: Timid (- atk, + spd)
EV's: 255 def, 255 spd

Calm Mind
Ice Beam

Don't need to explain the moveset I think. People have said my Suicine is too fast though.

Charizard @ leftovers/Persim Berry

Ability: Blaze
Nature: Careful (-spatk, +spef)
EV's: 140 hp, 15 atk, 45 def, 243 spd, sp def 67

Belly Drum

You're typical Bellyzard I guess. Sometimes I may Baton Pass to Charizard so it won't get ****ed after using Belly Drum. But if it's a pkm that can't do more that half health, I'll just drum right off the bat. Because of the poor HP afterwards, I gave 2 of the best physical sweeping moves and tried to make it pretty fast. This way, it won't need to worry about I quickly dieing since it would be sweeping pkm left and right. I'm thinking about giving it Outrage since it's now a physical move iwth 120 attack strength and Return doesn't always KO after Belly Drum + I need something for ghost pkm. If I do give it Outrage, then I'll maybe let it hold Persim Berry.

Snorlax @ chesto berry

Ability: Immunity
Nature: Relaxed (+ def, - spd)
EV's: 129 hp, 252 def, 129 spdef

Belly Drum
Return/Body Slam
Rock Slide/Crunch

Mirror's a Curselax, but I gave it Belly Drum since it has chesto berry+Rest. I gave it Rock Slide/Crunch since it needs a non-normal physical move in chase I go up against a ghost/rock pkm. Then again, I have nothing for steel (which I really don't care about).

Ok guys, there's obviously numberous flaws in my team, so please point them out for me >.>


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
My Plans:

Skarmory @ leftovers

Ability: Sturdy
Nature: impish
EV's: 252 hp/252 def/6 whatever
Drill Peck


Fearow gets both drill peck and whirlwind in dp. You should probably go with roost. I use subskarm because I rarely attack with it, but if you're running drill peck you should probably stick with roost. Don't lead with this.

Smeargle @ leftovers

Ability: Own Tempo
Nature: Jolly (+ spd, - spatk)
EV's: 255 hp, 255 spd

Baton Pass
Leech Seed/Ingrain
Mean Look

Chances are whatever they send in will be faster than smeargle, who maxes out at 302. That used to be fast enough, but the overall speed of things has increased in dp, and a lot of base 100s are running jolly and timid now. If you want to actually do something with this thing, you should run spore/sub/belly drum/bp @ salac berry. Note that you may have to BD before subbing, depending on what degree of spikes/stealth rock you switched into, and on if there is a sandstorm going on. Leave the MLing to umbreon.

Guard Swap
Power Swap
Baton Pass

Doesn't work even in the slightest. These moves do not swap the actual stats of the pokemon. Although I don't blame you for not realizing that. Over at smogon for several months it was believed that guard and power swap worked that way. In reality, it swaps the stat ups. Power Trick, however, does swap the user's actual stats.

Sceptile @ leftovers

Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Timid (- attack, +spd)
EV's: 252 spd, 252 satk, 6 whatever

Leech Seed
Energy Ball


You can use protect if you're not lucky enough to get a good hp:ice ingame (it can be a pain to breed for), but you don't want to overwrite your stab move with hp:ice.

Suicune @ leftovers

Ability: Pressure
Nature: bold
EV's: enough satk to hit 222 before cm (actual stat), enough for 401 HP, the rest in def

Calm Mind/Reflect
Ice Beam

Ok what happened to bold on cune? Reflect would provide some team support, although you could just as easily keep it as is. Stuff hits a lot harder in DP than it did in adv. This would probably be your best shot for a lead. Oh, and the 401 HP is NOT essential, so don't break your back trying to get a 28+ HP IV.

Charizard @ leftovers/Persim Berry

Ability: Blaze
Nature: Careful (-spatk, +spef)
EV's: 140 hp, 15 atk, 45 def, 243 spd, sp def 67

Belly Drum

Stealth Rock ***** this thing so badly. Just toss it. Use something like garchomp here. It should make a very nice recipient for smeargle, and if it needs to, it can sweep on its own, too. Adamant, 252 Atk/252 Spd/6 whatever, Dragon Claw/EQ/SD/Fire Fang @Life Orb. You could also run jolly.

Snorlax @ leftovers

Ability: thick fat

Nature: Relaxed (+ def, - spd)
EV's: enough for 480 HP, max sdef, and the rest in atk and def

sleep talk
Return/Body Slam

Dunno what your old EVs gave you, but those are the EVs I would use. This thing needs to be able to take special attacks as well as possible. Crunch would probably be a better choice over eq, since gar gives this team some problems otherwise.
Changes and comments in bold.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Wow, thanks for the reply man. I taking into account everything you said, expecially the comment on Garchomp. I just looked up it's base stats and EVERYTHING about it is better than Charizard lol
But yeah, that Smeargle thing really seemed awesome at first. I'll look more into this... Power Trick move.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
just letting you know, BP Smeargle teams never actually make it far. good luck with this, maybe the team as a whole will end up annoying, which is what smeargle teams are intended to be for anyway. :)


Smash Ace
Feb 10, 2006
I'm not entirely sure what the point is in putting both Sub and Protect on your Sceptile since they pretty much serve the same purpose. Toxic might work well in place of Protect (in case you don't get HP ice, or course), just for the sake of some extra damage.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Protect is there for the fact you can't use Sub at low damage and to reduce the about of PP I'll be wasting on using Sub over and over.

Also, leafgreen, some remarks:

I think Reflect on Suicine is pretty unnessarcy. Calm Mind alone makes Suicine a good attacker and a solid special wall. Isn't Suicine's defensive stat + EV + bold enough to allow it to take physical blows?

That Snorlax moveset....um it can make it a good special sponge and all, but it's pretty risky to use. Using Return on a Ghost or Rock type, using Earthquake on a flier, using rest over and over. There's only that 1/3 chance of getting what I want >_<

Question, did you get that Garchomp moveset from serebii? Lol, one of the first things I saw was "Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Swords Dance, FireFang".
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