As the townies once again circled the halls, they felt a cold chill run up their spines, then as if in slow motion, Stephen Harper leapt up. "HOLY BEAVER PELTS EH ? Look what i found " dragged in a small corner behind some drapes, they found a fur holster with a fur knife still saddled inside it. The provinces slowly turned to the back of the pack, towards Tina, the territory of Nunuvut. She began to break into a cold sweat (which was terribly ironic because she was never cold), her eyes darted back and forth.
Then it happened, she flew at Stephen Harper like a liberal out of a budget meeting, as she screamed she yelled: "Eef imma going imma take your scrawny pelt with me Harpurrrr ".
But the rest of the provinces were faster, they unitedly pulled their fists back and socked Tina in the mouth, and she was sent flying through the parliament upper windows. She fell and hit the ground, still barely breathing, when a flock of Canadian geese, travelling overhead smelt her blood and saw their dead brethren being worn by her. What happened next could only to described as a "The Honking"
(Badwulf) Tina, the Shiesty White North, (Territory of Nunavut) Mafia Goon, had been goosed!!!******-pie.jpg
Night 2 begins now, and end April 1st at midnight.
As per request, all future deadlines will be weekends, and I will update the thread title with deadlines.