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question for Link users


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Akorn(Akron) OH
link is neck and neck with wolf to having the worst recovery in the game...


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Learn how to DI so you dont get sent flying horizontaly. Links recovery is bad but imo it depends on the user and how he uses Link and how the user times his recovery.
Jul 30, 2008
Im still working on it, but I have found out how to DI links fsmash. Control stick upp and towards stage. c- stick up.

Im still sure that wavebounce could be used to recover, since it reverse your momentum, I dont care what you say...

learn how to use zair recovery, use dair together with midair jump or pull out bomb when using your midair jump, try to get your opponents off stage using rang.

you could have used a better title on the thread.

@twoskilld4u: Could you please stop telling lies everywhere over the link boards. If you want to post anything, post some spam or something. If I see you posting something more stupid im going to sig: "DONT LISTEN TO TWOSKILLED4U".


Smash Rookie
Jun 21, 2008
Having a bomb pulled at all times helps your recovery game. the reasons why should be pretty obvious


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
Columbus, OH
There's not much you can do to lengthen your recovery.. just make sure you're going at full horizontal speed before you input up-B. Also, when trying to maximize your range, don't do up-B until the last moment before an up-B would no longer reach the height necessary to grab the ledge.

If you're off the stage but fairly close, you have a more options. Here are a few:

1. Clawshot the edge. As long as they are not currently edgehogging, this will get you safely to the edge instantly.

2. Sweetspot the edge. If your opponent is a short distance into the stage and obviously waiting to hit Link as he overshoots his up-B since it doesn't autosweetspot, then you should respond by manually sweetspotting; i.e.

3. Deliberately don't sweetspot the edge with your up-B. If your opponent is too close to the edge of the stage or if he is trying to edgehog, you can show them that even though Link's midair up-B has sucky damage and range and only hits in front of him, it DOES have good priority; much more than most people expect. Eventually they'll learn that they have to protect themselves from this option, but punish them every time they forget.

4. Air dodge - if they try to hit you in midair, this should be your first instinct anyway.

5. Fair, Nair, Zair - if your opponent is jumping out to spike you / hit you further away, you can hit them first or cancel the projectile in some cases, though an air dodge will usually be safer. Trouble is you have to do this while still pretty high in the air or else you'll fall too low...

6. Bomb throw - obviously you'll need to have a bomb in hand first, but throwing a projectile makes it that much harder for your opponent to gimp you properly.

7. Hold a bomb - if you plan on being out on a limb for a long time for some reason, holding a bomb will eventually cause the bomb to explode, thus knocking you up and theoretically close enough to the stage to recover more safely. This begs the question of why you PLAN on being in trouble for so long, but it's better than nothing.

Whatever you do, DON'T up-B so early that you reach the edge in your "used recovery" state; you'll get either edgehogged or smashed for sure.


Smash Rookie
Jun 21, 2008
never thought about that
Link is relatively heavy so you shouldn't go flying far off screen very often. With me the biggest key is protecting the edge while trying to get back. Whether its with the 'rang or a bomb forcing them to do something other than stand on the ledge helps a lot with that at least you can attempt to trade an up b with whatever move they do gain some height and have another up b at your disposal.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 16, 2008
Santa Barbara
Yeah, if you don't DI properly and you do end up far away, one of the best things you can do if you're not at too high a percent is get hit after doing an up B so you have another one and you're hopefull closer to the stage.
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