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Question for good Link players


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Do you guys think Links game is finished (how people play him)? Or do you think he is still undeveloped or, have we found out all there is to know about him and we just have to work on perfecting it. I think Links game has advanced quite nicely from the begining of when brawl first came out to now. But I feel as though were missing something idk?


Smash Ace
May 23, 2008
Do you guys think Link's game is finished (how people play him)?
No, now go away.

Or do you think he is still undeveloped or, have we found out all there is to know about him and we just have to work on perfecting it?
For how poorly designed this game is I'd expect more discoveries.

I think Link's game has advanced quite nicely from the beginning of when Brawl first came out to now. But I feel as though we're missing something idk.
Translation: Your own game isn't advancing so you wonder if there's something new to practice.
Answer: Get better at what is known and you won't feel like you're missing something. The only thing Link is missing is good recovery, but that's because Sakurai drinks in the mornings. Or at least he did while designing Brawl.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Link lost some offensive power during the jump from Melee to Brawl too, but all the ATs that only he can use easily makes up for it.

Other than that, I feel Link is just fine (besides the ****ty recovery of course).


Heaven Piercer
May 4, 2008
Westwood, NJ
I wish they hadn't nerfed Link's recovery so **** much. :( Anyway, no, his game has yet to develop farther so hopefully we'll have an advancement in his game. And you can't decide that a char's game is done 6 months after it's release. :p And we're missing the Hookshot. If Link was still able to Hookshot onto the stage's walls and such, we'd be in business with recovery XD.

Also, Sakurai hates Link, that is an inter-Link main fact. He's low-bottom tier in all the games thus far. WTF. But yeah, Link sucks, I use him anyway. :p

Deleted member

No, now go away.

For how poorly designed this game is I'd expect more discoveries.

Translation: Your own game isn't advancing so you wonder if there's something new to practice.
Answer: Get better at what is known and you won't feel like you're missing something. The only thing Link is missing is good recovery, but that's because Sakurai drinks in the mornings. Or at least he did while designing Brawl.
you better bite your tongue, if you link ditto'd this kid he'd three stock your **** easy. he's easily the best link player ive ever played

on topic:

links game is nowhere near completed, brawls metagame hasnt even begun and people are already giving up on it.

nobody is even close to perfection with link


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
you better bite your tongue, if you link ditto'd this kid he'd three stock your **** easy. he's easily the best link player ive ever played

on topic:

links game is nowhere near completed, brawls metagame hasnt even begun and people are already giving up on it.

nobody is even close to perfection with link
Finns7 is perfect with Link! :laugh: But seriously, not even close.... Brawl's still in it's early stages. Who knows? Someone could discover the next "wavedash" tommorow and change the game completely.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Lets just make sure that next discovery is exclusive to Link. There are not as many Link mainers as there are metas or snakes in the smash scene and there are not as many Link mainers on this board contributing as there are on the meta or snake boards. The Link section is very good for its size, and I think if more people actualy took the time to practice with him and contribute then maybe Link would have a doulbe upb recovery without codes...well not that crazy but who knows?

Also Bouse Im no noobsauce with Link I know the AT and use them regularly. Its just lately Ive been thinking about how we can get better as a group. I dont give a **** about tier placings or rankings because even if Link had a secret AT giving him the power to fly and shoot fireballs out of his sword he would still get placed low because of inter -smash tier ***** bias, this is a smash fact that the book of Dolphins22 clearly states in verse 4:13. From looking at the Link vids I can tell that most of you guys have clearly reached saiyan levels, but I want us go beyond that.


Smash Ace
May 23, 2008
you better bite your tongue, if you link ditto'd this kid he'd three stock your **** easy. he's easily the best link player ive ever played
I'm sorry I insulted your friend. I was drinking, and didn't know what I was doing. I hope the world doesn't end.

on topic:
There was a topic?

links game is nowhere near completed, brawls metagame hasnt even begun and people are already giving up on it.
And I'll form... the head!

nobody is even close to perfection with link
I heard that "perfection" and "Aurashade" are pretty much synonymous in 14 languages. In Swahili I believe they just replaced their word for perfection with Aurashade.

Deleted member

your jokes and sarcasm fail

crawl back to the zamus boards


Smash Ace
May 23, 2008
I'm an equal opportunity harassment distributor. I wouldn't feel right just harassing the Zamus boards, as it is I need to start harassing the Falco, Wario, and Snake boards. If I don't God only knows what could happen. I mean... they might get things done. We can't have that now can we?
Jul 30, 2008
Do you guys think Links game is finished (how people play him)? Or do you think he is still undeveloped or, have we found out all there is to know about him and we just have to work on perfecting it. I think Links game has advanced quite nicely from the begining of when brawl first came out to now. But I feel as though were missing something idk?
I think you need to write a better title on this thread. Melee was never finished(or is maybe i should say)...

Im going to edit this post if I want something else said...


Heaven Piercer
May 4, 2008
Westwood, NJ
I'm an equal opportunity harassment distributor. I wouldn't feel right just harassing the Zamus boards, as it is I need to start harassing the Falco, Wario, and Snake boards. If I don't God only knows what could happen. I mean... they might get things done. We can't have that now can we?
There are several posts you've made that I want to sig, but I've got a good one already lol

On topic:
Um.... wait I already posted something useful. K bai. :p

Soldner Kei

Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2008
well, who knows... Link is full of surprises, since I play brawl I never thought he could have such nice and useful ATs... and some of those could lead us to others new ATs... or something like that <_<... duh... just me imagining things.... whatever, I hope that Link's game is not done yet


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2006
Spokane, Wa
Of course there's gonna be more to Link's development and metagame, but overall, I dont see him making any significant jumps anytime soon. It's not even Link. It's the game itself. Brawl is just too shalow of a fighting game. The best way I can describe it is through the comparison of melee and Chess. Melee is one of the fastest fighting games of all time. It focused on fast gameplay, combos, and mindgames. Now chess, is an extremely slow paced game. It focuses entirely on the mindgames. That's what the game is, one giant mindgame. Then you have brawl. It isnt fast paced, extremely lacking in combos, except for a few extremely broken exceptions >_>, and does focus heavily on the mindgames. So that's just the thing, for how basic of a fighting game it is, even if some great tactics with Link were discovered, it still comes down to the basics of Brawl. If you can out mindgame your oppoenent, you win. Even though Link sucks comparitively to the rest of the Brawl cast, as long as you have the patience and stamina, he can win any matchup. It's not any great development in his playstyle or metagame, it's your level of understanding of the character and the game he resides in.

Deleted member

Of course there's gonna be more to Link's development and metagame, but overall, I dont see him making any significant jumps anytime soon. It's not even Link. It's the game itself. Brawl is just too shalow of a fighting game. The best way I can describe it is through the comparison of melee and Chess. Melee is one of the fastest fighting games of all time. It focused on fast gameplay, combos, and mindgames. Now chess, is an extremely slow paced game. It focuses entirely on the mindgames. That's what the game is, one giant mindgame. Then you have brawl. It isnt fast paced, extremely lacking in combos, except for a few extremely broken exceptions >_>, and does focus heavily on the mindgames. So that's just the thing, for how basic of a fighting game it is, even if some great tactics with Link were discovered, it still comes down to the basics of Brawl. If you can out mindgame your oppoenent, you win. Even though Link sucks comparitively to the rest of the Brawl cast, as long as you have the patience and stamina, he can win any matchup. It's not any great development in his playstyle or metagame, it's your level of understanding of the character and the game he resides in.
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