Yeah it has double Http's
, just delete one.
And By the way, if you didn't read my edit, my FS doesn't get more powerful with more damage, but it does get bigger.
Here's how it works:
1- I was amazed by leafbarrett's script, allowing Kari to have alternate wait animations when she gets more damage.. So I decided to take the script and hack it a little...
-Over 90002- I changed the two numbers which were 80 and 160 (I think) to 100 and 150, I also changed it to not to go to a new SubAction, but instead, into two SubRoutines, that have bigger star graphics (the ones on the wait animation and others).
3- Then it hit me "Why don't I make the FS work on the same
MUDKIP way?".
I went to Action 116 and edited the pre-existing script, to make and If command.
So with human English language, it would be like this:
If Damage % = 150, go to SubAction *The SubAction of the biggest one*
If Damage % = 100, go to SubAction *The SubAction of the smaller one*
[If nothing is there], Go to the smallest one.
And in Human Arabic langua.. Uhh it doesn't matter, no one here knows Arabic right?
Yeah.. *Lols* Want some more cool info?
-You know when you think you're gonna die, and you have Shining Sphere charged up, you shoot it at your opponent, and BREAK HIS SHIELD!!!
How'd I do this? Simple, really, marth has in his base knockback for his Neutral B 0022XXXX ( Idk the last four) The number 22 makes it break Shields instantly.
-Shining Dash sure is awesome, and serves as both a great killing move, and a recovery move, but why not use it's "Stun" ability?
Press the Shield button while moving in it, once your opponent is stunned, give him an Electrical Discharge! (FSmash).
-And lastly, some PSA facts about Super Electrical Discharge (Side B), did you know that action 113, the one for the side B attack, in my hack, it only has one event?
Change SubAction: 1D9
In the meantime why not check out my YT channel? Sure I havn't uploaded in a week, but check it out it's awesome!
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Uhh.. Does anyone here play Battlefeild Heroes? Or BFH for short?