Smash Lord
This was awesome to stumble onto after a long hiatus...
Waluigi V2 (this is just one video of many on marioking64DS's channel)
Shadow (again, more videos exist on the same channel)
If you guys end up getting a good PSAer on your team, I request adding a good Ridley, and if someone's skilled enough, Mega Man. Balanced, competitive versions of them would be awesome, but it's not worth it if they're done halfheartedly.
Great work, though. I'll be keeping an eye out.
I've hardly read through any of this thread, so excuse me if I'm missing information, but here are my suggestions. Neither of these mods are available for download yet, but they're fantastic in my opinion:so any char requests
that fit with project m
test first before u request them
Waluigi V2 (this is just one video of many on marioking64DS's channel)
Shadow (again, more videos exist on the same channel)
If you guys end up getting a good PSAer on your team, I request adding a good Ridley, and if someone's skilled enough, Mega Man. Balanced, competitive versions of them would be awesome, but it's not worth it if they're done halfheartedly.
Great work, though. I'll be keeping an eye out.